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  • Tags: Lancaster

The loss of Colin Farrant and the award of a Distinguished Flying Medal to Donald Cochrane are reported in a newspaper article. They were friends who joined up together at the age of 15. Colin Farrant went missing on an operation to Essen. Donald…

Damage to the rear gun turret being checked over by five airmen. The guns and perspex are gone and there are holes in the airframe. On the reverse:

Jock Hendry

Flight Lieutenant Mercer and crew and ground personnel in front of their Lancaster. On the reverse:
'March 1944 X for Xray
Dunholme Lodge
Bomber Command
Left to right
Isot Pratt. (mid upper) F/lt Mercer D.F.C. (pilot) Sgt Fallan (fit.…

First page records three flights 8/14/19 August 1945 in Lancaster as duty rear gunner. Page two records operation to Duisburg 21 February 1945 'missing' and repatriation flights in C-47 and Lancaster on 8 May 1945. Page three records flight to Berlin…

Seven aircrew standing in line wearing various clothes in front of a Lancaster with bomb doors open. Geoffrey North is second from left. The ground has a light covering of snow. There is a man standing on the port outboard engines and another walking…

Brief notes on history of 35 aircraft (Manchester, Lancaster and Lincoln) including those lost, crashed (one that at Bardney), or scrapped. Includes prototype Lincoln as well as Lancaster aircraft sent to Canada, India and for Tiger Force.

Two pictures of Wellington 'HA-A', parked on grass. Left image from rear quarter with two wheeled equipment in foreground and two men under the starboard wing. Right image from the front quarter with a man crouching by boarding ladder under the…

A group of six aircrew under the nose of a Lancaster with nose art, the name 'Zola' and bomb symbols. Article relates that crew had requested that the creator of the cartoon in the Daily Mirror to draw them Zola as a mascot. Notes the targets that…

Commemorative picture of Lancaster for attack on Turin. In a circle at the top a Lancaster on the ground with engines running. Underneath a box with caption 'Turin, 9 Squadron, 18/19 November 1942'. At the bottom a box with crew names 'S/Ldr…

Six aircrew wearing tunic or battledress all with aircrew brevet standing in line in front of the nose of a Lancaster. The Lancaster has nose art of a lady swirling her dress, the name Zola and twelve bomb symbols. The bomb bay doors are open. At…

Describes in detail air raid shelters, rationing, shopping,the absence of traffic and school life. There is a description of the Gorton extended family complete with a family tree. Harold Gorton met Lilian Carmen Mary Morgan, at Oxford university.…

Royal Air Force warrant officers cloth badge, photograph of Lancaster PO-Y, newspaper clipping summarising why Bomber Command crews should be remembered.

Technical certificate authorising Flight Sergeant Kenneth Pope to refuel and carry out daily inspections on Lancasters, their airframes and their Merlin engines.

Air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster in flight showing crew positions, annotated with the names of Kenneth Pope's crew. Pilot Jim Cross, navigator Darce Edwards, flight engineer Ken Pope, radio operator Bill Maurer, mid-upper gunner Bill Perry, rear…

Aircrew selection board proforma completed giving details of Kenneth Pope's flying experience.

Lancaster over runway just after take off, airfield scene in background, another aircraft in circuit.

Seven airmen standing in front of a Lancaster. In the background a lorry and engine trestles.

14 airmen standing and kneeling in front of a Lancaster with nose art indicating 29 operations completed.

On the reverse: '115 Squadron, RAF Witchford, Sid Bunce' and 'Sid X'.

Charles Henry Clarke (standing second from left) with his crew in flying gear in front of a Lancaster.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Seven aircrew in uniform in front of Lancaster rear turret. Page captioned 'Crew of Y for Yoke'. Handwritten note gives nationality, crew position and given names.

Three photographs, two of Lancaster PO-Y, with caption 'Veteran of 33 operations', one showing left side of forward fuselage with operation tally marks, other showing left side of aircraft. Third captioned 'Wedding group', shows thirteen…

Air-to-air view of a Spitfire taken from a Lancaster cockpit, captioned 'On a training flight with Spitfires'.
Head and shoulders photograph of Kenneth Pope wearing flying helmet, Mae West and parachute harness in a Lancaster cockpit captioned 'Ken…

Five photographs, three head and shoulders portraits of Kenneth Pope, one right side, one from front one looking half right, in jacket, shirt and tie captioned 'Sgt Pope',
Kenneth Pope and an airman in flying clothing with a trolley accumulator and…

Three photographs, one group of eight airmen, some aircrew in uniform in front of left hand main wheel of large aircraft.
Second, of a sergeant in an overcoat with garden background, captioned 'In pensive mood at Lochlomand [sic] 'Bill…

Kenneth Pope's crew in uniform standing in front of Lancaster PO-Y. Captioned 'The Crew', and 'Darcy, Ken, Tom, Vic, Bill, Bill, Jack'.
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