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  • Tags: service vehicle

Frank Allnutt and crew around a bomb inscribed 'Whacko Bluey!' beneath the nose of their Lancaster 'Wee Wally Wallaby with 31 operations recorded on it. From left to right: 'Billy Edwards flight engineer, Ralph Williams, nav, bomb aimer who replaced…

Front quarter view of a Halifax parked on an airfield. A petrol bowser is parked in front of the port wing and there is a step ladder by the starboard inner engine.

Geoffrey Green and crew in front of their Wellington. Geoffrey Green is standing second from the right. Nose art and bomb trolley are partly visible.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies…

Top left - a large pile of destroyed German aircraft in a field in front of a destroyed hangar.
Top right - entranceway of a large columned building with 'RAF' inscribed above with pedestrian and cyclist in the foreground. Captioned 'Landestheatre…

Article by Carl Olssen from 'Illustrated' magazine 19 February 1944. Comments on the operations to Berlin, on the poor living conditions on all the newly built airfields, outlines the preparations for an operation throughout the station. Numerous…

Photograph 1 is of armourers with a bomb under the nose of a Lancaster X.
Photograph 2 is of an aircrew under the nose of a Lancaster. The nose displays a number of operation symbols.

A cookie bomb on a trolley with a ground crew airman behind.

Top is photograph of 13 ground crew and aircrew in two rows. Front row has five non commissioned officers and one officer in the centre sitting on a trolley. All apart from right hand man are aircrew. All are wearing tunic or battledress. At the…

Small groups of ground personnel at the side of the runway, waving off departing Lancasters. Alongside the control caravan is an assortment service vehicles; bikes, cars and trucks. It is annotated 'PL22525'.

A group of ground personnel, some kneeling, most standing, some dressed in fatigues but most in full uniform. Two are standing on a tractor. Behind is a Nissen hut. On the reverse '61 Sqdn Crew Don is in there Somewhere. 1944'

Four personnel on a RAF Norton Big4 motorcycle combination (with driven sidecar wheel). A leading aircraftsman in the sidecar is holding a reconnaissance camera. Two men are in uniform, the others are in shirt and tie; the rider is wearing a crash…

In the foreground a 4000 MC bomb on trolley. Behind, four airmen wearing battledress and side caps standing in line. In the background a Lancaster with two men on scaffolding working on starboard inner engine. Submitted with description 'Ground crew…

A large group of airmen mostly wearing battledress with side or peaked caps, some with brevet standing by or on a tractor with the port wing of a Halifax behind. On the reverse 'Air and ground crew of S-Sugar, "C" Flight No 78 Squadron'. Two versions…

A large group of aircrew standing around various items of equipment on the ground, including two pigeon boxes, parachutes and a navigator's bag. A bus and a truck in the background.

Top left - 11 men in swimming gear. They are up to their knees in water. Behind are rocks. Captioned ‘Amongst the rocks Hadera’. Top centre - five airmen in desert uniform with long trousers. In the background a building and vehicles. Captioned…

Front quarter view of a Halifax parked on dispersal. Two airmen converse in the foreground and a tractor is parked on the right, There are step ladders under both port and starboard wings of the aircraft.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

A Halifax 'R' on the ground, seen from the rear and port side. The photographer has framed the image with a bush and a tree.
A trolley accumulator and a lorry carrying oxygen cylinders are in front of the aircraft.

A Halifax and a tractor. In the foreground is a bomb trolley.

Side view of Halifax MZ540 PT-H parked on dispersal. Part of another aircraft in the background right. A bomb trolley and bicycles underneath the fuselage.

Front quarter view of a Halifax parked on snow covered dispersal with canvas covers over cockpit and engines. A bomb trolley in front. Other aircraft in the distance behind. Submitted with caption 'L Love'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

A port side view of Halifax 'KW-S'. Trolley accumulators in the foreground and a fuel bowser in the background.
On the reverse 'MZ454 KW-S of 425 Sqn Tholthorpe Taken Nov 44.
This aircraft crashed after take off on ops 5/3/44 [sic incorrect date,…

Top left - front quarter view of a Halifax parked on snow covered dispersal with bomb trolley in front. Captioned 'Our old "Love" in dispersal - Foulsham, Jan 1945'. Included is enlarged view of this photograph.
Top right - rock formation. Captioned…

Front quarter view of a Halifax parked with main undercarriage wheel covers on and several ground crew. Aircraft is being refuelled by bowser in front. Submitted with caption 'Halifax refuel'. Two versions of the same image, the second on the reverse…

A front view of a Halifax being loaded with bombs. Two ground crew are working on the starboard inner engine.

A port side view of a Halifax departing at dusk, watched by nine men.
On the reverse '10 Squadron Halifax 1942 Taking off on operation. Property of Ivan Ure [redacted].
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