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  • Tags: evading

Three head and shoulders portraits of Keith Thompson in civilian clothes captioned 'Photos to be used for forged by escape helpers.'
Photograph of aircrew in flying gear captioned 'Gunners dressed for cold at 25,000 ft (-25 [degrees]C)'.…

Five photographs, three head and shoulders portraits of Kenneth Pope, one right side, one from front one looking half right, in jacket, shirt and tie captioned 'Sgt Pope',
Kenneth Pope and an airman in flying clothing with a trolley accumulator and…

Article about Jack Newton, their Wellington's landing on fire in Antwerp and his subsequent escape with help from Belgian citizens.

Navigator’s air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for L E S Manning, air gunner, covering the period from 14 October 1943 to 18 July 1944 when he was shot down and evaded capture until 7 September 1944 when he rejoined allied forces but…

Les' record of his time as a prisoner of war. Lots of sport and camp plays and musicals. He escaped in September when Italy made peace with the Allies. He describes his journey to British lines then back home.

Prisoner of war diary of Les Rutherford, captured the 20 December 1943 and then detained at Stalag Luft 3 (Belaria). It consists mostly of sketches and cartoons but also information on camp life, photographs and German newspaper cuttings. The diary…

Letter to Jack Newton's pilot from a member of the Belgian escape line He says he still does not know why Jack Newton was the only one of the crew to get successfully back to England. He goes on to describe in details his research into the trail of…

Letter to Jack Newton's pilot providing more information about the Belgian people who had been involved in the escape line to help his crew. Includes places they stayed and show linkage of the organisation. Includes information on Belgian resistance…

Writes of his investigation into Belgian people involved in trying to help his crew escape after they had crashed in Belgium. He gives names and locations of those involved and notes that many had been arrested by the Germans. Gives detailed…

Thanks him for his letter and says that he had not been helped in his enquiries by the Belgian escape service. Writes of a member of his group that was shot by the Germans and that he had now traced the escape line from the beginning. List names and…

Writes that he had not found out how Langlois was arrested but it seem that the Belgian he was with had been betrayed. Asks about his activates after the war and tells a little of his own. Says he is enclosing report. Report covers the crash landing…

Expresses happiness that Herbert had made it back to England, and informing him that the man he had been sharing a room with was an agent of the Gestapo who had managed to compromise their resistance network, leading to Jean and his wife having to…

He has escaped from the camp and is now with the British Army.

States he had recently returned from Gibraltar and would be available for RAF duties after he had been debriefed by M.I.9(b). Directs his further actions and handling.


A letter referring to the night of the crash and George's subsequent escape via Switzerland. He was caught while trying to get to Spain and sent to Paris. After the war he worked for the post office in Calgary.

Thanks him for letter and congratulates him on his escape. Encloses a letter of recommendation for Jack's commission. Mentions that he is very busy in the Middle East.

Was glad to receive his letter and reminisces about time he spent with her as well as mentioning other people. Asks him and his wife to come and stay if he ever gets to Belgium.

Letter looking forward to Jack's visit. Remembers him and other members of his crew. Makes various arrangements to meet when Jack comes to Antwerp.


Confirms information in their previous telegram that her husband is now reported interned from air attaché Madrid. He had arrived in Madrid.

Reports her husband previously reported as interned had arrived safely in Gibraltar


The letter advises that they are setting up the RAF Escaping Society.

The letter explains the Society's activities, accounts, objects, committee members, awards, donations, financial statement, correspondence and creation of sub-branches.

The letter advises that Jack has arrived in a neutral country.

Describes events during an operation to support the Normandy troops when Robert Wareing's aircraft was attached by fighters and set on fire. Four crew members were killed and four baled out. Author and one other evaded with help of French resistance,…

Asks if Cheshire has vacancy for wireless operator on his squadron. Served under him at RAF Linton-on-Ouse and recent returned after evading on the continent.
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