Letter from Jean Roulon to Herbert O’Hara



Letter from Jean Roulon to Herbert O’Hara


Expresses happiness that Herbert had made it back to England, and informing him that the man he had been sharing a room with was an agent of the Gestapo who had managed to compromise their resistance network, leading to Jean and his wife having to leave their home and several of their friends being arrested. Jean also discusses how the village he was staying in was burnt down by the retreating German forces, with more than 60 people killed (including much of his wife’s family). He also expresses the hope that the war will soon be over and that they will meet again afterwards.




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Three page handwritten letter


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the 15th of April 45.
My dear Freddy,
Thank you very much for your nice card. I am very glad to know that you are at last safe and sound in England after so much trouble by the way - can you imagine that the - one who was sharing your room in my place here was a german[sic], - and even a Gestapo. agent. I say was because - as soon as we have discovered who he was he has been quickly sent to the other world, as we say in France! He had [inserted and underlined] denounced [/inserted and underlined] given two “Maquis FFi” – as for me I had to leave the farm
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with my wife the 26th of May 3 days after – our marriage as our parachuting team had been indicated to the germans, - and four of us have been arrested 3 times we had to start the manoeuvre all over again!
I do hope you are still in very good health as well as Albert and that you have rejoined the R.A.F – have you reserved your maintenon’s affair?
Here, in the village, the liberation has been terrible – the germans have nearly destroyed the all[sic] village (burned down) and killed 67 persons – among them, my wife’s mother, her three little sisters – and her grand:father [sic], really it is the limit – anyway I think this awful war will soon be over and then
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I will have the great pleasure to see you again.
I have not seen Jean since the liberation I don’t know what he is doing just now but I do hope that now you have heard of him.
Don’t think I have learnt how to write English since you have left! No, it is – a friend who kindly translate[sic] this letter.
Hoping to hear from you very soon I send you my dear Freddy all my best wishes – and kind regards.
Very sincerely yours.
Jean Roulon
Ferme de la Creuse
Isle. Aumont
[underlined]Aube[/underlined] – [underlined]France[/underlined]
[inserted and underlined] Jean [/inserted and underlined]



Jean Roulon, “Letter from Jean Roulon to Herbert O’Hara,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 6, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/3579.

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