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  • Tags: 35 Squadron

Top left - air to ground view of Scott Field.
Top right - eight Lancasters in light paint scheme parked in pairs on an airfield with runway behind and buildings on far side.
Middle left - a line of Lancasters in light paint scheme parked on…

Top left - eight Lancasters parked in pairs on airfield with runway behind them. In the foreground a hangar. To the left three B-17s. Top right - newspaper cutting 'Chosen for U.S. Goodwill tour'. Two local men chosen to take part names as W.O Arthur…

Air-to-air view of five Lancasters in light paint scheme in formation with towns below.

Top right - newspaper cutting titled 'Gen Spaatz welcomes RAF' with three photographs. Top left photograph of General Spaatz at microphone welcoming RAF to Andrews Field. Also in background Lord Inverchapel, British Ambassador, Col Curtis D Sluman…

Top - newspaper cutting with photograph of air-to-air view of formation of 12 Lancasters from 35 Squadron over New York. Caption states that photograph shows them over East River and that they will fly on to St Louis.

Middle right - photograph of…

Newspaper cutting with photograph showing 12 Lancasters over New York City. 'High, Wide, and Handsome. Here on goodwill mission, dozen four-engined Lancaster bombers fly over New York giving inkling of the might that was blended with U.S. warbirds to…

Left top - photograph of B-29, Lancaster and Avro York lined up parked on airfield. Spectators are walking in front.
Middle left - air-to-air view showing formation of Lancasters over open countryside.
Third row left - photograph of group of men…

Top - newspaper cutting with two photographs - left air-to-air view showing three Lancasters and on the right an air-to air view of three Lancasters in echelon starboard. Text states that this page has several pictures of Lancasters from famed 35…

Top - newspaper cutting with photograph, air-to-air view of two Lancaster behind in trail in formation. Notes that Lancasters of 35 Squadron will represent RAFs heavy bombers in London's Victory Day fly-past. Picture taken during test flight from…

Top - ground to air view of formation of twelve Lancasters over Nelson's Column. Church steeple on bottom left.
Middle left - air-to-air view of five Lancasters in formation over city of London. River Thames runs left to right through middle. Tail…

Newspaper cutting with three air-to-air view photographs of Lancasters.

Article states that 16 Lancasters of 35 Pathfinder Squadron will arrive 27 July 1946 on three day visit to Denver area. They arrived in the United States at Mitchel Field New…

Top - air-to-air view of five Lancasters in light paint scheme in formation.
Bottom left - air-to-air view of two Lancasters in formation over water.
Bottom middle - side view of Lancaster squadron letters TL in front of a hangar.
Bottom right…

Top- newspaper cutting with photograph of three Lancasters in light paint scheme.
Middle left - line of Lancasters in light paint scheme lined up on airfield.
Middle right - air-to-air view head on of a Lancaster in light paint scheme taken from…

Top right - air-to-ground view of a city with square grid roads taken from rear turret.
Bottom left - oblique aerial photograph Lake Tappan, New Jersey.
Centre - newspaper cutting with photograph of 16 Lancasters lined up on hard-standing. There…

Left- newspaper cutting showing photograph of an RAF officer in uniform next to a women in wedding dress carrying bouquet.
Right - inverted air-to-air view of six Lancasters in echelon formation with clouds in background.

Top - air-to-air view of six Lancasters in echelon formation with clouds in the background. All have light paint scheme.
Bottom left - ground to air view of formation of 12 Spitfires followed by one six Mosquito aircraft . Building bottom right.…

Top left - Arthur Pearce in the rear turret of a Lancaster.

Bottom right - Arthur Pearce leaning out of the rear door of a Lancaster rear turret which is rotated fully to port.

Bottom left - newspaper cutting title 'Southwark "Pathfinder" on…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Tours. The city is visible but there are incendiary tracks blotting out much of the detail.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Tours. Explosions can be seen and a…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of the coast with bomb craters. A 1000lb bomb cab be seen falling in the right of the image.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of the Calais area. The operation is to destroy a rocket launch site. Many…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of an industrial area at Osnabruck at the start of the attack.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing, seven minutes later. Much of the target is obscured by smoke and explosions.

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Bochum. Most of the image is obscured by incendiary explosions.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photography of Gelsenkirchen. Two bombs can be seen falling.

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photo of Duren as the attack is underway. Two Lancasters can be seen on the right of the image. Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photo of the operation, one minute after the previous image. Two bombs are visible. Photo 3 is a…

Each photograph views the port side of a Halifax, TL-P, in flight.

A flying log book created for Kluva, temporary sergeant and assistant wireless operator, flight engineer and navigator, covering the period from 8 December 1942 to 20 June 1944. He was stationed at RAF Middleton St George and RAF Graveley. Aircraft…
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