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  • Tags: pilot

Two photographs of seven airmen standing underneath the damaged wing of a Lancaster. 'EA-D'.
On the reverse of the first photograph the annotation reads 'Uncle Tom on left'.
In the second photograph one of the men is pointing out some damage.

Thomas Thomson on the right of a group of six more airmen. They are standing in front of the nose of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Uncle Tom on the right'.

Six airmen on the ground and one airman at the damaged mid-upper turret of Lancaster 'EA-D'. On the reverse 'Uncle Tom on the left'.

Pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 7 July 1943 to 9 September 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Cambridge (22 EFTS), RCAF Assiniboin (34 EFTS), RCAF Swift Current (39 SFTS),…

Pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 21 October 1940 to 7 June 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAAF Mascot (4 EFTS), RAAF Amberley (3 SFTS), RAF Bassingbourn/Steeple Morden (11…

Pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 7 July 1943 to 18 September 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Lichfield (27 OTU) RAF Babdown Farm (3 FIS), USAAF (Smyrna AB), RAAF Ferry…

Squadron Leader Bill Williams's crew with 106 Squadron May 1944 to 3 September 1944 and with 9 Squadron September 1944 to March 1945.
'Vic' Prettejohns replaced original Flight engineer. Underneath is annotated the crew's names and positions.…

A very short memoir of N G Prescott, a wireless operator with 12 Squadron. He completed eight operations but on his ninth he was reported missing at Munich.

Seven men wearing battledress with brevet and six with side caps, one with peaked cap. Standing in line underneath a bomber.

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Seven airmen in flying kit, standing by the rear of their Lancaster.
Arthur Tindall is second left.
On the reverse is a photographer's mark '9741'.

Scrapbook prepared by Bernard Clark for his son containing contributions from the crew of William Warburton's Lancaster. First page has sketch of Lancaster with crew positions noted. Other page includes signatures and other material from: Alan…

Report of last flight of DV400; lost 27th Jan 1944,” findings of Michael Warburton’s research into the crash of ‘DV400’. Concludes that DV400 was hit by another Lancaster that had been shot down by a German night fighter and subsequently…

An account by Mike Warburton (nephew of William Warburton) of how he made contact with the relatives of the other crew members of Lancaster DV400.

Transcript of the Diary of Sgt. Bernard Clark RAFVR 30 November – 20 December 1943 with notes by M Warburton. Includes head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing greatcoat and side cap. Includes crew list of his aircraft. Entries contain…

Transcript of diary entry for 20 December 1943. Includes crew list. Account of their first operation to Berlin on. He was wireless operator. Mentions anti-aircraft fire over coast, problems with Monica system, problems with oxygen, problems with rear…

Tells of engagement by enemy Me-110s in area of Stendal when the flight engineer, mid upper gunner, navigator and wireless operator were wounded. The aircraft suffered damaged and suffered further attacks but one enemy fighter was probably destroyed.…

Account of operation to Leipzig when aircraft was engaged by enemy fighters. Four of the crew were injured, two severely. Describes action of subsequent attacks. Sergeant Wright, although wounded and fainting three time continues to perform his…

On the left an officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons. On the right a bride wearing white wedding dress and holding bouquet.

Letter from the pilot of Barry's aircraft relating events during operation to Leipzig on 19 February 1944. Describes attacks by Me 110, Barry wright being wounded and refusing to leave his post. Urges them not to worry about his wounds. Mentions that…

Pilot Officer J H Catlin for Distinguished Flying Cross. Sergeant Barry Collin Wright for Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Sergeant William Birch for Distinguished Flying Medal. Gives account of action for operation to Leipzig in February 1944. Describes…

Photo 1 is George Warren in uniform sitting down.
Photo 2 is a pilot and is wearing his flying kit.

Pilots flying log book (partial) for John Cox, covering the period from 28 July 1944 to 16 March 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Peplow and RAF Wickenby. Aircraft flow in were Wellington and…

On the left of the drawing the rear of a bomber with gunner in rear turret is saying 'Captain! There's an aircraft right behind us!'. On the right the undercarriage wheels of another aircraft.

Drawing shows the front end of a bomber with the pilot reaching out of cockpit window with a polo mallet toward the pitot head which has a gas mask and a side cap caught on it.

A large group of airmen sitting and standing in five rows. In the background three Lancaster in line. It is believed that I A Wynn is in the photograph as it was taken before 25/26 May 1943. Additional information about this item was kindly provided…
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