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  • Tags: animal

He has been horse riding again in the mountains.

He expresses surprise that he is married. He has been on leave but snow stopped his progress. He went horse riding in the National Park.

He has been horse riding and flying. He enjoys bombing and evasive action. He has four weeks of the course left.

Reports arrival of Valentines day cable and his reply as well as other letters received, some via Germany, probably included in German prisoner of war mail. Catches up with home news and reminisces. Reports arrival of letters from other people. Glad…

Catches up with latest mail received and comments on content. Notes news from home of missing and killed friends is a succession of tragedies. Discusses a garbled cable. Says he is enclosing two photographs including one of a barbecue they held for…

Memoirs of Jim Cahir who served with 466 Squadron RAAF. He writes about being shot down near Frankfurt on Main on the night of 20/21 December 1943 and subsequently being captured and imprisoned in Stalag IVB in Muhleberg. He stayed there until the…

Writes he is in a happy frame of mind having been reassured about her. Continues with daily activities and reports on hunt for accommodation for her and mentions problem with pets. Discusses cost of accommodation. Mentions cold weather cancelled…

Starts with apology for not writing but has been constantly flying to France to repatriate allied prisoners of war. Mentions typhoid injection to prevent crews catching it from ex-prisoners. Writes that he believes they will stay in UK but rumours of…

Writes about return journey back to camp. Says they are going to France the next day to fly up to 24 prisoners of war back home. Mentioned that last time they did this they were stuck for two days in bad weather. Speculates that squadron will stay in…

A pencil drawing of a donkey with blinkers in a harness. In a corner is an anatomical sketch of a donkey. Annotated '13/20 v.g. J Saunders VS'.


Patricia’s family lived in a 500 year old thatched cottage in Waddington. There was a bakery in the grounds, which had been started by her grandparents. Patricia’s father joined the Royal Flying Corp and one of her earliest memories was of him…

Derrick Allen was the mid-upper gunner on a Lancaster that crashed near Spa in Belgium. He had been making his way to bale out when the pilot asked him to help the rear gunner who was trapped in his turret. He managed to do this but the plane broke…

George’s family lived on a farm at Bassingham Fen. His earliest memory of the war was when he was about two and a half, his father pointing out a Lancaster flying over. On 5 November 1944, EH977 Stirling crash-landed nearby and he saw the massive…

Warrant Officer Robert Royston Clarke joined the Royal Air Force in 1940 and flew in Lancasters.
He joined Bomber Command after seeing the bombing of Coventry.
Robert tells about bailing out and being manhandled by the local inhabitants before…

Arthur joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 19 when war started in 1939, and completed a navigation course, which lasted six weeks. When the School of Navigation in Cheshire was expanded, Arthur became staff pilot, flying from mid Cheshire across…

Head and shoulders portraits of three airmen and a spaniel. Photos are captioned Mieczysław Stachiewicz (11 photos), Roman Lipczyński and Jan Chmiel.

The person in the photograph captioned ‘Jan Chmiel' was identified as Antony Chmiel by his…

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Photo 1 is a woman sitting with a long haired dog.
Photo 2 is a woman on a bicycle, her left hand on a wall.
Photo 3 is a man and a woman at the entrance to a house.
Photo 4 is the same man and a different woman at the same entrance to a…

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Photo 1 is Poulton Hall, from the gardens.
Photo 2 is a Polish airman standing at the corner of a building.
Photo 3 is two Polish airmen leaning on each other in a garden.
Photo 4 is a woman sitting outside on a chair with two small dogs on her…

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Photo 1 is a half length portrait of Bogdan Krahelski and Mieczysław Stachiewicz.
Photo 2 is a full length portrait of Bogdan Krahelski and Mieczysław Stachiewicz standing at the entrance to a brick building.
Photo 3 is a head and shoulders…

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Written at sea. Starts with some humorous banter. Mentions that the first thing he will get when they settle and but a house is a dog. Writes story of obtaining a snakeskin in Brisbane and that he will be up all night going through the strait where…


Written from Singapore. Noted that he missed ship Scalaria by few hours and laments difficulty in finding a 'homeship'. Mentions that another captain thinks every homeship coming through is his but Dennis's father is senior. Talks about Dennis's new…


Writes about stories of damage to Hull in bombing related by him and other acquaintances. Enquires about other people and relates some family news. Mentions that things are not comfy at her location due to bombing but she wished to stay with her…

Addressed to 'Willy' and mentions fed up with letters and about a borrowing a horse and going for a jog around.

John Smith grew up near Corby, surrounded by aerodromes, so was used to the sight of aircraft. He observed Lancaster aircraft practising for the Dambusters raid over Eye Brook Reservoir. He also witnessed glider practice and was impressed by the…

Writes of last letters received and latest cable. Asks about dogs he mentioned in camps and catches up with news of family and friends. Mentions other correspondence and passes on news. Writes of father going out on night duty and comments on the…
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