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  • Tags: missing in action

Informs him that his son who has been missing since night 15/16 March 1944 had been appointed to a commission in the RAF in the rank of pilot officer.

The letter expresses shock that Ron is missing. She feels he is safe and will come back.

The author expresses sympathy over the disappearance of their son.

Letter from the father of Jim Ferrier, the Canadian bomb aimer in the crew to Mrs Wilson, the wife of the captain. He thanks her for contacting him as he was not informed of addresses of next of kin of other crew. He holds out hope of news and says…

Writes expressing deep sorrow that Mr Wareing has been reported missing, from himself and other members of the community.

The father of the pilot writes to help sharing news with the other crew members' families.

Wishes David the best for 1945. Catches up with family news and a relation who has been posted to England. Enquires as to whether Ken has started his fourth tour yet and comments that he is stretching his luck. Mentions he was very kind and helpful…

Letter from mother of flight engineer, written to the captains wife expressing sympathy, thanks and hope that the crew are safe somewhere.

Writes he read news in Telegraph and offers sympathy. Notes that there had been similar examples of such news at the office but then they had good news. Relates other news and hopes for the best.

Writes to ask if she has had news of her husband and hopes it is good. Mentions members of her family and asks Mrs Wynn to write.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations 6/7 December 1944. One member of each crew is underlined. Includes, duty, reserve crews and duty personnel as well as timings. On the reverse title 'Next of Kin for crew of Lancaster Mk1 DB.751.G. missing on…

Lists names and addresses for seven named crew who went missing night 4/5 October 1944

List movement in and movements out as well as discharges of airmen of 44 Squadron. Includes aircrew reported missing.

Lists next of kin for crew of Lancaster from 44 Squadron lost on night of 25/26 July 1944. Page is scribbled over with blue line.

Lists next of kin for crew missing 7/8 July 1944. Captain was Rhodesian. Page is scribbled over in blue pencil.

From Elsie Richardson offering sympathy over report of Hedley missing and hopes they may hear good news soon. Writes that they would not know her but several years ago he was kind to her husband who often spoke of young Hedley. She continues with…

Expresses sympathy in anxious time. Writes she was brave to attend meeting.

Letter to Mrs Wilson from Ellen Stevens, mother of navigator Sergeant J Stevens. She writes that her son had mentioned her husband's skill and experience and the crew had the utmost confidence in him. Hoping they will hear good news and asking her to…

Informs her that her son is missing, his aircraft failed to return on night 8/9 April 1943. States that he will write once they have any further information,

Jack's wife recollecting meeting Jack, their marriage and her later life. She describes meeting with Jack's surviving crew members, pilot Tom Dykins, Sergeant Bert Price, Sergeant Doug Looms and Stan Jones, who had been held as prisoners of war after…

Letter from Sergeant Edward Milling to his wife to be sent in the event of his death. Edward urges his wife to remain strong in the face of adversity, remembers the happy time they had together, and expresses his love and devotion for her and their…

Thanking her for her letter of sympathy regarding his son Paul and hoping he and the rest of the crew are safe.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

He writes that Johnnie is missing but hopes that he may be safe, likely as a prisoner of war.
A handwritten annotation states 'Died in crash'.

Top left - shy but tough V.C. air ace picked for hardest jobs. Gives account of his 110th bombing operation leading a formation of Lancasters on daylight operation to Cologne from which he failed to return and actions resulted in award of VC. Top…
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