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Episode 1: story of bomb aimer with hypoxia on operation to Hamburg on 30 January 1943. Episode 2: account of operations to Friedrichshafen on 20 June 1943 and Spezia on 23 June 1943. On first operation, Pathfinders from 97 Squadron suffered in…

H. W. Bennett’s RCAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book, from 7/8/43 to 14/10/48, detailing training and instructional duties as a pilot.
Based at RAF Brough (No. 4 Elementary Flying Training School), RCAF Station Neepawa (No. 35 Elementary Flying Training…

Three airmen including HW Bennett and two women in long dresses. They are arranged beside a table with glasses. On the reverse is a photographic agency stamp.

Two half length colour portraits of HW Bennett. On the reverse of each is a processing stamp.

Two cloth badges, one from the USAAF and one from the RAF.

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A certificate awarded to Maurice for completing his pilot training course.

A certificate awarded to Maurice for passing his instrument flying course.

Three half length portraits of Maurice Stimpson.
In the first he is a sergeant and is wearing his pilot's wings.
In the second he is a trainee with a volunteer reserve badge.
In the third he is wearing a flying suit with a fur collar.

Recounts this New Zealand pilots superb handling of his aircraft after it struck high tension cable after take off. Despite damage to main navigation aid he continues with his 1700 mile operation which was completed successfully. After landing damage…

Five airmen all wearing tunics with brevet and side caps. Man second from left is a pilot, the others have half brevet. Submitted with caption 'The Wellington crew - from the left - Ron; Bob Dibben, Pilot; Ian L Ure, WOP; Roy Parsonson, Navigator;…

Ten airmen and three airwomen, nine standing and four crouching in front, all in front of a four engined bomber. Six airmen have visible brevet, the man front right a pilot, the other five have half brevet. Two of the women wear battledress and the…

Five airmen wearing tunics with brevet and side caps. Two sitting and three standing behind. Front left man has pilot's brevet and all others half brevet. Submitted with information 'Hebert Tinning’s crew in uniform, the pilot (Flight Sergeant…

A half length portrait of Maurice in uniform.

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Maurice and crew arranged in two rows. On the reverse
'From L back, Harold, Robinson, Maurice, Johny
front Bill, Roy, Joe.'

Maurice and eight crew members, including ground crew. They are sat on a tractor in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse '2 Groundcrew from L Harold, Johny, Joe, Robinson, Roy, Bill, Maurice.'

Maurice and six crew members standing under the port side of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'From L Robinson, Harold, Maurice, Johny, ?, Joe, ?.'

Maurice and five crew members standing under the port wing of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'From Left Bill, Roy, ?, Joe, Maurice, Johny'.

Maurice standing with his arm round his father. On the reverse 'Home from America Maurice & Harry'.

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Some information about 467 Squadron's history and about Lancaster R5863 'S Sugar' which is currently in the RAF museum at Hendon. Mentions operations on 6 June 1944. Includes colour photograph showing front quarter of a Lancaster inside a museum. In…

Comments on target (Frankfurt) and odds on being shot down. It was their 19th operation and out of 124 aircrew shot down that night only 10 survived, five from their crew. Mentions evading, capture, initial treatment and journey to camp (Stalag Luft…

Crew brought crippled bomber home from operation to Cologne. Brief description of damage to aircraft and recovery to base. Three members of crew received awards including DFC for pilot Thomas Mahaddie DSO AFC who was awarded his fourth decoration the…

Describes a very near collision at night between an Halifax and a German Fw 190. Lists crew of Halifax. Notes it was their 31st operation of 34 total.

A diary kept by Maurice. It records his operations. (Note the squadron was visited by the King & Queen on 10th February 1944 and he had lunch with them in the mess. He was killed on 15th February 1944 on an operation to Berlin)

An intermittent record of Maurice's year. It starts with some time in the UK then he travels to Perth then the US for pilot training.
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