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On the left page is a handwritten summary of an operation to the marshalling yards in Bologna, Italy.
On the righthand page is a target photograph taken on that operation. The central part is obscured by smoke and light but around this some roads…

Target photograph showing coast running bottom left to top right with sea to the right. In the centre a bomb explosion in the sea.

A vertical aerial photograph of a daylight bombing operation. Six Lancasters can be seen at lower levels. Below them are lots of explosions and smoke. Open countryside, with few buildings but several minor roads, can be seen around the bombing area.

Five photographs from an album page. From top left to bottom right:
1. A target photograph showing open countryside. On the left is a line of bomb craters in fields. Roads are also visible here as is a railway line. On the right, the ground is…

Top left - target photograph showing open countryside with many bomb craters.
Top right - Arthur Pearce in uniform holding hand of young child on the left. Another child is partly visible to the left of the photography. In the background a tree…

Photograph 1 is an air-to-air photograph of a Boston in flight, taken from above and to the front.
Photograph 2 is a vertical photograph of docks and coastline with Cherbourg behind. Captioned 'D.E.107 15-9-42.F8➝'
Photograph 3 and 4 are aerial…

Target photograph shows extensive smoke from explosions obscuring the main part of the photograph. The surrounding view is of a rural area with fields and several converging minor roads. A Lancaster is visible top centre going from left to right.…

A vertical aerial photograph showing multiple bombs being dropped. The ground is mostly obscured by cloud and explosions. A the bottom of the image are fields and buildings.

Target photograph of bomb explosion on a coastline running across image. On the reverse '192 Squadron, Attack on Walcheren, Oct 1944'.

A collection of photographs in an album. From top left to bottom right:
1. Target photograph showing three bombs falling towards cloud and fields. There is no caption to identify the target.
2. Target photograph. The ground is mostly obscured by…

A vertical aerial photograph of Bonn during an operation. The river Rhine is seen through the centre of the image. There are bomb explosions along the river with some cloud and shadow nearby. The majority is very clear, detailing the Kennedy bridge…

Photo 1, 2 and 3 are vertical aerial photographs of an attack on Bonn. No detail is visible on the ground. Searchlights and incendiary tracks are visible.
Photo 3 is slightly later and shows large fires gaining control. Cologne is at the top left of…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Bonn during an attack. Street patterns are clearly visible as are fires.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of Duisburg. The river is visible but much detail is obscured by cloud and smoke.

Target photograph of Bordeaux showing both banks of the River Garonne with submarine pens in docks. Northern districts are visible. Target area clear with no clouds. No bomb bursts seen. Captioned ‘3° F’, ‘5B’, ‘1918 SKELL. 11.8.44 // 8”…

Target photograph of Bordeaux. River Garonne running across bottom of photograph. Basins, docks, submarine pens, and industrial buildings clearly visible. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '1951 SKELL.11.8.44//8" 18000 [arrow] 010° 1635 BORDEAUX RD.D. 6X2000.…

Target photograph of Bordeaux. River Garonne from left to right in photograph, both banks clearly visible. Upper bank largely rural with some buildings following the roads. Lower bank more industrialised, piers visible. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '1991…

Target photograph of Bordeaux. Both banks of river Garonne with basins, docks submarine pens, and moored ships clearly visible. Industrial area with roads and railways visible. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '1918 SKELL.11.8.44//8" 17000 [arrow] 005° 1632…

Top - target photograph showing Bordeaux with Garonne river top right. Captioned '2005 METH 11.8.44//8". 18,000" 010 degrees, `16.33, BORDEAUX E. 6x2000. C. 36 sec. F/O MEREDITH E/106'. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Bordeaux on 11th Aug…

Vertical aerial photograph of the Borovnica railway viaduct. Some fields are visible but the majority of the image is obscured by bright lights, tracer and smoke. Captioned 'A4 2042.40/8 26 Sept. 44.F8".//.NT. 7600' [arrow] 039° 2042 Borovnica Viad.…

A vertical aerial photograph of Bottrop. The street pattern is clear.
It is captioned '2762 TLP 27.9.44 8" 6000 -->265° 0934.7 Bottrop E (16x500) c 33 F/S Tease E 420'.

Target photograph of Boulogne. Rural area, smoke and dust obscures much of the photograph, many craters visible. Captioned '8° F', '5B', 2897 SKELL 17.9.44 // 7000' [arrow] 160° 0946 BOULOGNE RD. Z. 11x1000, 4x500. C24secs. F/O FIRMIN G. …

Target photograph of Boulogne. Left side of photograph obscured by smoke and dust, visible area is rural. Many bomb craters. Captioned '8°F', '5B', '2820 SKELL 17.9.44 // 8" 8000' [arrow] 150° 0942. BOULOGNE RD. U. 11X1000. 4X500. C24secs. F/O…

Target photograph of Boulogne. Top right half of photograph obscured by smoke, visible area rural, many craters. Captioned '8°F', '6B', '2805 SKELL 17.9.44 // 8" 8000' [arrow] 142° 0943 BOULOGNE RD. E. 11X1000, 4X500. C24secs. F/O. DYKINS …

Target photograph of Boulogne. Rural area, top right obscured by smoke and dust from bomb explosions, roads and many bomb craters visible. Captioned '8°F', '5B', '2814 Skell 17.9.44 // 8" 7000' [arrow] 150° 0944 BOULOGNE…
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