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  • Tags: arts and crafts

Top left: model sailing boat on a stand on table. Captioned 'A 11 NCO's Arts and Crafts Exhib. Stalag Luft 3. Aug 42'. Top right: model monoplane with matchbox alongside resting on a table. Captioned 'A 8 NCO's Arts and Crafts Exhib. Stalag Luft 3.…

Top left: Two posters; titled 'Keep your mind occupied' and ' Speed Sport'. Two paintings, one landscape and one of men decorating a room' all pinned on a wall. Top right: a model Lysander and a four wheeled carriage on the ground.. Captioned 'A 17…

Artwork of aircrew in flying clothes gathered round a planning table with maps and pigeons in their baskets. They are being briefed by a wing commander wearing tunic with pilot's brevet, another flight lieutenant pilot stands behind him. RAF badge at…

Twelve cartoon figures standing in two rows. All are girls of varying height, some in school type uniforms and some with hats. Captioned 'Assorted Evacs by Aki'.

An enormous explosion is occurring above a built-up area. Buildings are destroyed and lattice structures have been thrown into the air.

Inscriptions read “311”; signed by the author; Caption reads “HJROSHIMA E NAGASAKI 5-9 Agosto 1945.…

An enormous fireball is expanding above a built-up area, surrounded by rings of smoke. Building are destroyed and lattice structures have been thrown up in the air.

Inscriptions read “311”; signed by the author; Caption reads “(2)… alla…

While fire is engulfing the town, a mushroom-shaped fire-ball and smoke rise into the sky.

Inscriptions read “312”; signed by the author; caption reads “(3)… Poi sopra la palla di fuoco, apparve una colonna incandescente di colore rosso…

Buildings and people (visible as stick figures at the bottom of the image) are engulfed in flames as a column of fire and smoke rises into the sky.

Inscriptions read “313” signed by the author; caption reads “(4)… Alla fine quella sorta di…

Buildings are engulfed in flames and a mushroom-shaped cloud of smoke and fire starts to expand over the town. Mass devastation is visible.

Inscriptions read “314” signed by the author; caption reads “(5)…E finalmente la sommità si aprì…

A mushroom cloud is prominent in the top of the painting with a smaller cloud lower down on a pillar of flame. Below that is a scene of mass devastation.

Inscriptions read “315” signed by the author; caption reads “(6)… Poi la testa del…

Cover for postcard booklet with drawing of man and a camel standing in front of palm trees.

A detailed account of Reg Payne's service in the RAF. He starts with a list of 18 RAF bases where he served in his 5 years of service. He was 16 when war was declared but volunteered for the RAF at 17. After tests he was selected for training as a…

A certificate awarding Sergeant Bird and crew the best night photographs for July 1944. The artwork comprises the outline of a Wellington, Flak bursts, searchlights and bomb explosions. It is signed by a Squadron Leader.

A certificate awarding Sergeant Bird and crew the best night photographs for June. The artwork comprises a large bomb with the citation written in it, and the outline of a Wellington, stars, searchlights and a port. On the opposite page is a…

Sergeant Bird's crew award for the best photographs for August 1944. The artwork comprises a drawing of a Wellington with Bird and his crew, Boulton, Bentley, Dean and Beckett named below, set against a circular ribbon with the words: 'THE BEST…

A poem written about B Flight and set out in the form of a scroll.

Two aircraft attack an industrial complex surrounded by a canal. An explosion has occurred behind one of the two main buildings. Flames and smoke can be seen whilst the bombing aircraft ascends into the sky. The second aircraft is flying towards the…

Magazine of 48 Air School, South Africa. Contains articles on local news, letters of thanks, entertainment, keeping fit, sports reports and results, poems, personal experiences in the RAF, sketches showing life at RAF Woodbrook, South African…

Magazine of 48 Air School, South Africa. On the front cover is written: '1801494 LAC ROYALL G.L. 27/6/43'. The magazine contains articles of local and war news, a description of what life is currently like in Britain, photographs of key personnel at…

Five model aircraft. A twin-engine bomber on a stand, a seaplane, a Hurricane and two other aircraft.

Large model car with three aircraft on stands. One is a Wellington and one is a Hampden.

A mass execution of Jews is taking place whilst fierce fires are burning in the background. To the front of the crowd, many have been killed and are lying on the ground. Others are being herded into the mass of people being killed, some holding up…

Six actors waiting back stage. Three men are dressed as women. Part of a show's musical running order is written on the wall behind them.

Part of a scale drawing of a model aircraft, 'Bambi'. There is some text with basic measurements.

Four vehicles or artillery pieces can be seen on the horizon with black smoke rising to the sky. Buildings have been bombed. Flames, smoke and rubble are shooting into the sky. In the foreground, nine German soldiers are firing rifles and an…
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