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  • Tags: bomb trolley

Top left - front quarter view of a Halifax parked on snow covered dispersal with bomb trolley in front. Captioned 'Our old "Love" in dispersal - Foulsham, Jan 1945'. Included is enlarged view of this photograph.
Top right - rock formation. Captioned…

A Halifax and a tractor. In the foreground is a bomb trolley.

Side view of Halifax MZ540 PT-H parked on dispersal. Part of another aircraft in the background right. A bomb trolley and bicycles underneath the fuselage.

Front quarter view of a Halifax parked on snow covered dispersal with canvas covers over cockpit and engines. A bomb trolley in front. Other aircraft in the distance behind. Submitted with caption 'L Love'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

In the foreground a 4000 MC bomb on trolley. Behind, four airmen wearing battledress and side caps standing in line. In the background a Lancaster with two men on scaffolding working on starboard inner engine. Submitted with description 'Ground crew…

Top is photograph of 13 ground crew and aircrew in two rows. Front row has five non commissioned officers and one officer in the centre sitting on a trolley. All apart from right hand man are aircrew. All are wearing tunic or battledress. At the…

A cookie bomb on a trolley with a ground crew airman behind.

Photograph 1 is of armourers with a bomb under the nose of a Lancaster X.
Photograph 2 is of an aircrew under the nose of a Lancaster. The nose displays a number of operation symbols.

Article by Carl Olssen from 'Illustrated' magazine 19 February 1944. Comments on the operations to Berlin, on the poor living conditions on all the newly built airfields, outlines the preparations for an operation throughout the station. Numerous…

Geoffrey Green and crew in front of their Wellington. Geoffrey Green is standing second from the right. Nose art and bomb trolley are partly visible.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies…

Frank Allnutt and crew around a bomb inscribed 'Whacko Bluey!' beneath the nose of their Lancaster 'Wee Wally Wallaby with 31 operations recorded on it. From left to right: 'Billy Edwards flight engineer, Ralph Williams, nav, bomb aimer who replaced…

Four airmen one standing and the others sitting on a bomb trolley underneath a Lancaster.

Eleven RAF personnel, some in flight gear, in front of a Lancaster with some of them sitting on bombs on a bomb trolley. John Cuthbert is second from right.

Photo 1 is Flight Lieutenant Maxted with arms crossed at the rear gun turret of a Lancaster, annotated 'Fl/Lt Maxted Gunnery Leader 227'. On the turret is painted 'Phil the Fluter'.
Photo 2 is three airmen sitting on a 400 lb bomb on a trailer,…

Eight airmen and ground crew posing on and behind a laden bomb trolley. Painted on the bombs is 'Hitler's Haunters Ghost Sqdn 2000 Sortie'.
Behind is a Lancaster 'P', identified in the Inventory as 'KB760 NA-P'.

Lancaster in background, seven aircrew in flying clothing standing behind a large bomb on a trolley. On the reverse 'Crew of Lancaster P (Peter) DV229 463 Squadron RAAF Waddington Lincs 1943. Lancaster P (Peter) DV229 lost over Orleans night 10th…

A corporal wearing tunic and side cap on the right with another airman behind on a tractor. They are looking at a 12,000 lb and a 1000 lb bomb on trolleys in the centre of the image. There are other parts of bombs on the left and an earth bank behind…

In the front a 1000 lb bomb on a trolley. Behind a 12000 lb bomb on a trolley. In the background left trees. Taken in 1944. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

In the front a number of 1000 lb bombs without tails piled three deep. Behind a 12,000 lb bomb on a trolley with an airman sitting on the right end. In the background trees and open fields. On the reverse '51:68'. Additional information about this…

Two airmen stand either side of a general purpose bomb being hoisted from a trolley into the main bomb bay of a Halifax. To the left and airman pulls a bomb trolley and another stands with his back to the bomb. Two airman are at the bottom of a…

Photograph of two airmen fitting bomb carrier below Lancaster bomb bay. on the reverse captioned 'Loading bombs England 1943'. '132 elsders'.

Side view of Lancaster R5868, being bombed up. In the foreground three trolleys full of bombs. Aircraft is under maintenance with two airmen on the wings and one in the pilot’s seat. Symbols indicating numerous operations on nose of aircraft. Four…

Photo 1 is a tractor with a line of bombs heading to a Wellington.
Photo 2 is a close up of the bombs being loaded into the Wellington. Two armourers are steadying the bomb and a third is winding a winch to load the bomb.

Photograph 1 Loading a bomb into a Lancaster 'X'.
Photograph 2 Sergeant Syd Marshall at his flight engineer's position in a Lancaster.
Photograph 3 Sergeant Syd Marshall in uniform, standing with a woman.
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