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  • Tags: missing in action

Telegram, marked as priority, informing Bob Butler's sister that her brother was reported missing as result of operations the night of '23/24 Sept 1942'.

The letter advises Doreen that her husband's effects are being sent to the Central Depository.

The letter advises Doreen of more personal effects belonging to her husband have been forwarded to the Central Depository. However his wallet, pencil and fountain pen have not been located.

The first letter refers to the return of Roy's bicycle.
The second letter refers to a parcel of clothing belonging to Doreen's husband.

The letter expresses sympathy for the loss of her husband.

Offers sympathy for his loss and was enclosing some small personal effects.

From D E Bailey expressing sympathy on hearing that Hedley had gone missing.

Expresses sympathy over news of Sergeant Henry Simpson who was flight engineer of an aircraft that failed to return from an operation to Versailles.

The letter refers to Mr Joseph's son, Flight Sergeant David Joseph who is reported as missing in action. A list of his crew is included. The list does not include Sergeant Louis Makens who joined the crew as mid under gunner and became a prisoner of…

From Borothy Mitchell. Offers sympathy on hearing news of Hedley missing.

Letter of sympathy over bad news of Ian.

Writes that her son who is in RAF Red Cross Hospital in Northallerton is still seriously ill and unlikely to recover. Hopes that she will hear good news of Hedley soon.

From Dorothy Richings writing she is sad over lack of news. Encourages them to not give up hope.

From casualty branch expressing regret that his son was missing as result of air operations on night 25/26 February 1943 when his Lancaster failed to return. Enquiries would be made via the Red Cross.

From mother of the mid upper gunner on Hedley's aircraft offering sympathy over anxiety for news that they are both suffering. Notes she had met Hedley on a few occasions at Kings Cross and how crew cheered when he arrived as Pilot Officer. Hopes…

Thanks them for letter and explains how she found their name and wrote on the off chance. Commiserates over Hedley's 21st birthday. Thanks them for passing on her sons name to Red Cross. She lost her own husband recently and has little time to do…

Reports she has had no further news. She is frustrated as many others have had news their relatives are safe. Continues with news of her family. Encloses part of letter from a girl friend of her son and that a gentleman had given her an address to…

Writes asking if they have had any further information. Writes that a friend whose son was posted missing on the same operation had been notified as prisoner. Notes change of address as 'I was unfortunate to have a direct hit with a flying bomb on my…

Writes that a reply to her letter to Adastral House noted that a PO Lewis was in the crew and as a result she fears for safety of the rest of the crew and that they must have come down in the sea. Hopes that some of them might have been picked up.

Letter from Wing Commander D W M Smith: she would have heard her son was missing from air operations and the details he gives her should be treated as confidential. Raises possibility that he might be prisoner of war. Tom's belongings have been sent…

A hand written letter sent to Mrs Hastings from a Sergeant named D.G Southwell. Sergeant Southwell is sending his condolences to Mrs Hastings for the loss of her brother nicknamed "Bob" by members of the Squadron.

List killed in action, died while prisoner and missing. Underlined is missing: Wing Commander William Mitchell Penman DFC. (Officer Commanding 61 Squadron).

Reported missing from recent operations, Hedley Robert Madgett DFM.

WoolgarR (Pesaro).jpg
Reg Woolgar was born in Hove. He volunteered for the Royal Air Force in December 1939 and trained as a wireless operator/air gunner. He flew Hampdens with 49 Squadron. His aircraft was damaged by anti-aircraft fire on a mine laying operation to Oslo…

Writes of his last operation in a Halifax when his aircraft was shot down and exploded killing all the other members of the crew. Describes journey to camp and being in Frankfurt while it is under bombing attack. Continues with description of life as…
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