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  • Tags: RAF Tholthorpe

Reg Miles's memoir in three parts. Part one Reg describes his childhood in St Peter’s on the Isle of Thanet, his family, school, lack of money, and holiday jobs. Reg joined the Royal Air Force as an apprentice, known as a ‘Brat’, in January…

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for R M Curnock, covering the period from 28 July 1943 to 25 February 1944 and from 18 September 1946 to 26 October 1946. He was shot down on 25 February 1944 and became a prisoner of…

A single track road curving towards low buildings. It is captioned 'Road leading to our billets, Tholthorpe'.

Flying log book for Ronald Bailey, flight engineer, covering the period from 5 May 1944 to 26 October 1946. Detailing his flying training operations flown and post war flying. He was stationed at RAF Wombelton, RAF Tholthorpe, RAF Lissett, RAF…

Top left - memorial stone on village green with wreaths laid at bottom.
Top middle - RAF colour parties in uniform gathered round a memorial stone on village green with spectators front and in the background.
Top left - note 'Dedication of a…

Seven airmen in flying kit, arranged in a line under their aircraft.
On the reverse
'Tholthorpe 44/45
L to R
Bourke (N)
Self (E) Lalond (MU. G)
Alarle (Rear G)
Brassard (P)
Bernatchez (R)
Tieven (WOP)
Photo Reg [indecipherable]'

Seven airmen in flying kit standing at the starboard/front of a Halifax.
On the reverse '425 Sq Halifax III Tholthorpe'.

Seven airmen grouped in front of their aircraft with three ground crew sitting on the wing. A refuelling truck is present.
Information supplied with the collection states 'The crew in the Autumn of 1943, at Tholthorpe; Standing left to right Bomb…

Four photographs of St. Leau d'Esserent.
Photo 1 is a target aerial photograph with areas to be bombed. Tunnel entrances, constructions, excavations, railway and a landing quay are marked.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the…

A vertical aerial photograph of St Leu d'Esserent V-1 site during an operation.
The caption reads '1962 TLP 5-8-44 // 8" 15000 --> 117° 1315:30 St Leu d'Esserent A(9x1000)(4x500)f30sec P/O Johnston "A" 420'
The second image is identical.

Three airmen at work in the tower, identified in the accompanying data as Tholthorpe.

Three Halifaxes on the ground taken from under a fourth. It is annotated 'PL40185'.
On the reverse -
Nov 44
MZ454 KW-S in background
LL596 KW-U in foreground
425 Sqn'.

Three Halifaxes at Tholthorpe. The front two have their engines running. A bicycle is in the foreground.
On the reverse 'Dispersal at Tholthorpe 1944'. and 'Photo Reg [indecipherable]'.

The front two Halifaxes have their engines running. The most distant one is static.
In front are two bicycles and some equipment.
Additional information supplied with the collection identifies the location as RAF Tholthorpe.
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