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  • Tags: pilot

A pilot leaning out of a Stirling cockpit. An elephant is painted on its nose.

Two pilots in the cockpit of a Stirling. They have half-turned to face the camera.

A half-length portrait of a pilot.

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A newspaper cutting of George's wedding.

A head and shoulders portrait of Jozef. The reverse is blank.

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Two colour photograph of Jozef in uniform with his medals.

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Both sides of two pilot's wings.

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A wooden box containing Josef's military badges.

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Contains photographs of prisoners of war, notes, four pages of addresses, the contents of a parcels, postcards with cartoons of camp life and images of Father Christmas, as well as Jozef Nogal's bank balance.

The extract relates to Jozef's service in the Polish Air Force. The reverse is blank.

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Jozef's autobiography. He flew with the Polish Air Force and escaped to Romania after the German's invaded. He further escaped to France and flew there against the Germans until he was instructed to head for the UK. He was shot down and taken…

Frank was born in Australia in 1923 and joined the RAAF in 1942. After initial training as a pilot in Australia and Canada on Tiger Moth and Anson aircraft he arrived in England. Over the next 12 months he progressed from Oxford to Wellington to…

Paul's story about his grandfather Ron, being shot down and evading capture.

Seven airmen wearing tunics with brevet and side caps. Four sitting and three standing behind. Captioned 'Seated left to right, P/O F McLelland, F/O G Russell, F/L T.S. Blyth, P/O P Galan, Standing left to right, Sgt N Chappell, F/Sgt J Littlejohns,…

View from below looking up and an airman wearing side cap sitting in the left hand seat in cockpit.

Full face portrait of a man wearing civilian jacket and ties with pipe. Captioned 'Sq/Ldr Thomas Sidley Blyth, 51 Squadron pilot, 1961'.

Account of actions of acting Flight Lieutenant Thomas Blyth during attack on Frankfurt resulting in award of Distinguished Flying Cross. Includes b/w full face photograph and some biographical details.

Headline - Stuttgart badly hit, factories ablaze. Internal headlines - hard-pressed Germans, feeling the strain including some pilot accounts. Bombs in centre - fires joined into one, pilots account of fires. Eluded fighter, another would not fire,…

Seven photographs from an album.
#1 is the Algiers Grand Post Office with palm trees and a pool in front.
#2 is a sunken ship with a man leaning on it.
#3 is Ron in flying kit at his station on his aircraft.
#4 is a statue on a plinth, in a…

Eight photographs from an album.
#1 is an airman in the cockpit of a Baltimore with the cockpit open.
#2 is four airmen beside their tent.
#3 is Ron at the controls of an aircraft.
#4 is a port side view of a Baltimore.
#5 is an airman standing…

31 men arranged in three rows. A post-it with 'grandad' marks Ron, bottom row, 5th from left.

37 men arranged in five rows in front of a hangar. A post-it states that Ron is in the second row from top, 5th in row.

Four photographs from an album.
#1 is a pilot at the controls of his aircraft.
#2 is a navigator plotting a course.
#3 is two airmen standing on steps.
#4 is an airman standing outside a wooden building with a sign for 'White River'.
They are…

Four aerial photographs from an album.
#1 is a view across forests and a town.
#2 is a city, islands and bridges.
#3 is a pilot at the controls of an aircraft.
#4 is a grid street with a river under the wing of an aircraft.
Captioned 'MAR 1942'…

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and side cap. Submitted with caption 'March 1942-1'.

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