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  • Tags: Lancaster

LH page, target photograph rural area with road running left to right and several buildings in top left. Many bomb explosions visible, captioned '429.EWS.30.7.44.//8" 2500 200(degrees) 0832.CAHAGNES MTT/TGT. U. 20 X 500.C.23 secs. F/Lt Josey. U.103'.…

LH page target photograph, rural area, some explosions visible, captioned '4B. 3637? EWS 6/7.6.44 ? 5000 ? 130 degrees. ? Vire(Eastern? 18x500. Disco. F/O Josey. 103' Handwritten caption '"Bombs Gone" photograph - taken on D night by means of a…

LH page has a Lancaster airborne over the end of a runway captioned 'The Lancaster Mike Squared gets airborne again'.
RH page more tourist photographs of Cape Town page captioned 'Cape Town March 43'

The photograph shows Group Captain Sheen painting the DSO after the aircraft completed 125 operations. Captioned 'Old Mike Squared - believed to have done more ops than any other aircraft in Bomber Command with 139 operational flights to its credit. …

On the LH page, two aircrew sitting in the entrance hatch of a Lancaster, in flying equipment. Captioned 'Two representatives of the Nav Union 103 Squadron. F/O Kev CURTIN on the left and F/Sgt later F/O Pat CURTIN.
Australian twin brothers and…

Nine photographs, LH page first one is of Lancaster nose, someone leaning out of cockpit window, squadron letter U visible. Second is of starboard engines of a Lancaster in flight, captioned 'Taken from Uncle in flight - over ten tenths cloud'. Third…

Geoff with four aircrew that he flew with. On the reverse captioned 'L to R Geoff Blamires - Nav, Doug Maycroft - Bomb Aimer, Den Barton - Flight Engineer, Frank Farnham - Mid upper gunner, Dennis 'Danny' Josey - Pilot. The last two are bracketed…

Side view of an airborne Avro Lancaster.


A man wearing a side cap sits in the cockpit of a Lancaster holding a hose which trails down from the open window. Under the cockpit is a cartoon of a woman reclining on a bomb under the citation 'Just Jane'. Above the cartoon is a bomb tally of 64,…

A group of seven uniformed men, David second right, standing under the port wing of a Lancaster which has engine trestles by the wings. Three of the group are wearing officer's hats and the other side caps. Six show brevets above their left breast…

A cartoon of a bare breasted woman laying prone painted on the nose of Lancaster. There is also a bomb tally painted alongside.

A cartoon woman holding a fencing sword painted on the nose of a Lancaster with the citation Gee !'. Alongside is a bomb tally of 48. On the reverse 'Aircraft 'G' 61 Squadron'.

A group of five men in uniform, David standing far right and a sergeant standing far left. They are standing under the port wing of a Lancaster which has an engine trestle by the wings.

A cartoon character wearing Arab style dress holding playing cards labelled 'Ali Oop!' with the citation 'I Go - I come Back' painted under the cockpit of a Lancaster, the bomb doors of which are open.. Alongside is a bomb tally of 36 including 3…

Ten uniformed men sitting on the nose and cockpit of a Lancaster with one in the pilot's seat. David is second left, he and two others are wearing officer's hats, four wear side caps and four are bare headed. The Lancaster is decorated with a cartoon…

First, David, in uniform and officer's hat, sat on the bonnet of an Austin car with the registration number CMP 502. There is a second man sat in the driving seat, looking out of the car window. The vehicle is parked on grass land with Nissen huts in…

Nose art on a Lancaster depicting Mickey Mouse pulling a bomb on a trolley towards '3rd Reich' and 'Berlin' as depicted on a signpost. There is a bomb tally of 93 painted below the cockpit of which 12 indicate daylight operations. On the reverse…

Sketch of a Lancaster dropping bombs, amidst searchlights, cloud and smoke. Each bomb is labelled with the crew member's names 'F/Sgt Turner, F/Sgt Anderson, Sgt Davies, Sgt Hunter, Sgt Coombes, Sgt Cass and Sgt Osterloh'. Below the sketch is a…

First, a group of 12 men in uniform and flying suits standing under the starboard wing of a Lancaster with David is standing sixth right. Five of the men are wearing side caps and five are wearing flying suits and parachute harnesses. Parachute bags…

First, four uniformed men sitting on the damaged port wing of a Lancaster. David, bareheaded, is sat far left with his colleagues all wearing side caps. The wing has torn metal creating a hole in the upper surface of the wing.
Second, a man in…

First, a head and shoulders portrait of David in uniform with his sergeants stripes and his bomb aimer brevet.
Second, David dressed in his flying suit, boots and gauntlets holding his flying helmet and breathing apparatus. He is standing alongside…

Firstly, a man in uniform with sergeant's stripes and a brevet, wearing gloves, sat on a Cookie. The bomb is on a bomb trolley in an open field alongside an aircraft with buildings and hedgerow in the distance.
Second, David, second right, is sat…

Cartoon of the aftermath of an operation with a Lancaster flying overhead. It shows Hitler and Goering holding a candle in a holder lighting up a ruined building on which has been inscribed 'This stone was unlaid at Dusseldorf by 61 sqn F/sgt Turner,…
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