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  • Tags: pilot

Certificate that Warrant Officer Rosser L V had passed written exam on the Hurricane aircraft and carried out satisfactory practical test on cockpit drills. Covered in handwritten hours calculations front and rear.

A note stating that Johnnie has the required educational standard for remustering as Pilot.

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Fulfilled necessary conditions while in Air Training Corps and qualified in the pilot/observer syllabus of training.

Photo 1 is an airman standing on the starboard wing beside the cockpit of a Cessna Bobcat.
Photo 2 is a half length portrait of an RAF pilot.

Photograph shows the remains of the aircraft in a large field, captioned 'Ted Easthorpe killed Dauphin Man'. Photograph itself captioned 'DN1193, No 10 SFTS, Damaged Crane no 7893, July29/43'.

Lists of Ceylonese in three batches and miscellaneous arrivals who volunteered for and joined the RAF with some details of their service. Includes b/w photograph of Sergeant Rex De Silva in 1943.

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing battledress with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons (including Distinguished Flying Cross). Captioned 'Charles Cuthill, c 1950's'. On the reverse 'Photos of Charles Cuthill'.

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing battledress with pilot's brevet and Distinguished Flying Cross ribbon. Signature underneath. captioned 'Charles Cuthill c. post WW2 before war medals but with DFC awarded in 1945'.

List all aircraft flown and hours. Includes United States navy training aircraft as well as Hastings post war.

Pilots flying log book for C R Cuthill, covering the period from 11 June 1942 to 30 April 1948. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Perth, US NAS Gross ile, US NAS Pensacola, RCAF Charlotte…

Eight aircrew sitting on chairs in front of a wall. All are wearing battledress and side caps. Charles Godfrey is fourth from the right.

Charles Henry Clarke (standing second from left) with his crew in flying gear in front of a Lancaster.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

A chart of central England used for navigation. It is annotated with navigational fixes. The position of a dinghy is marked with the date 23/6/42.
In the top corner is a photograph of an airman in the cockpit of his aircraft.
There is a yellow post…

A navigational chart of North West France with planned routes marked.
There is also a photograph of a pilot in a Wellington cockpit.

Front quarter view of a Lancaster engines running while an airman pulls on rope to remove chock. Another airman on right gives thumbs up. Other Lancasters line up behind.

Top left shows coastline with rocky headlands and individuals seated on the grass looking at the view, captioned 'Steve Hughes', ' Christmas Day 1944', 'Newgale Solva'.
top right shows RAF officer in uniform walking down hill side path, captioned…

Three quarter length portrait of an officer and his bride standing in a church doorway. The flight lieutenant on the left is wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbon.The brides on the right is holding his hand and is wearing wedding dress…

Left page: top Winston Churchill's coffin under guard; bottom, funeral possession with the coffin being pulled by Royal Navy sailors through people lined streets, annotated, 'Winston Churchill's funeral 1965'. Right page, top four men in white tie…

Sergeant J K Henson, Flight Sergeant A H D Batty and Sergeant L S Coleman all of 226 Squadron were awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal for the action around a daylight attack on Merville airfield.

The citation was published in the London Gazette.

Recounts this New Zealand pilots superb handling of his aircraft after it struck high tension cable after take off. Despite damage to main navigation aid he continues with his 1700 mile operation which was completed successfully. After landing damage…

Left page: top two girls, annotated 'Hilly (6) Fiona (7)'.
Bottom; six children sat in a cart.
Right page: top, a group of seven men standing alongside an aircraft with a man standing in its open doorway, annotated 'Bob was engaged in charter…

Three-quarter length portrait of a man wearing civil pilots tunic with pilots brevet and three rings.

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