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  • Tags: Red Cross

A label for a parcel sent to John Taplin by his father.

States parcel sent on 28 December 1943 did not arrive until 12 April 1944. Routed through Portugal and many never arrived.

He complains about food and the shortage of it. He describes exercising and how they spent some of their day. Finally he mentions that he sent three cards but received none.

Due to conditions in Germany no longer allow transport and delivery of next of kin parcels, those still in hands of GPO would be handed back to Red Cross and returned to sender.

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Certifies that Reginald William Lingfield Muir was missing and presumed to have lost his life as a result of air operations.

Two labels from a parcel addressed to Victor.

Peter's RAF service with 57 Squadron is detailed. This was his second tour and he lists his new crew:
Flt Lt J B P 'Tuesday' Spencer, 20 years, Pilot from Greenside, Co Durham
Sgt W D E West, 21 years, Mid Upper Gunner, from Barking, Essex
Sgt H…

Writes that he is OK and in camp and well treated. Says Red Cross do them well and asks her to send cigarettes. Mentions friend who is OK.

Writes that he is well and that he had received no letters as yet. Writes that they had a merry Christmas as were allowed some beer. Mentions entertainment and seeing new year in. Says contact Red Cross or post office for most suitable writing paper.

Writes that he is trying to send mail via the Red Cross in Geneva and via Tangiers and suggests they reply through the American consul in Tunis. Suggest they enquire about air mail and cables. Reports he is keeping well.

Reports he is still well but has still not received any news from them. Recommends methods that they might try to reach him through various organisations. Wishes them happy Christmas.

Writes that he is well and wishes them happy Christmas. Reports he is still without news from them and he wonders why as mail is getting through. Suggests sending by air mail as well as cable. .

Reports arrival of two letters from them and an aunt. Hopes they had a happy Christmas and asks them to thank everyone who asked after them. Mentions he has also written a letter to them.

Wishes them happy new year and mentions the weather. Reports he is still well and hopes that they would received several of his letter by then.

Catches up with mail sent and received and urges them to sent him post by air mail. Comments that countryside is much greener after the rain and there were no insects and life would be good as long as they got use to the food.

Reports arrival of three of their letters. Catches up with family news and is glad they had received his letters. Glad that all is well at home and hopes it will not be long before they are together again. Writes he is still keeping well.

Catches up with mail sent and received. Writes he is well and comments on weather. Concludes some of their letters are going astray. Mentions they have new quarters which are better. Suggest that hey do not try to send anything as parcels do not get…

Number 18. Thanks her for efforts to organise food parcels but disappointed with one rich acquaintance. Thrilled to get old photographs of her. Continuing effort with his now own violin. Red Cross food parcel arriving regularly and well as some…

Number 30. Writes that medical comforts parcel (lists contents) and tobacco from father had arrived. Writes of his activities and weather. Christmas Red Cross parcels have arrived. Hopes daughter Frances had good Christmas.

Number 37. Notes received parcel from mother and asks her to send thanks as he has no spare cards. Reports other parcel arriving and thanks her for organising foreign contributions. Red Cross Christmas parcels as well. Notes camp choir and orchestra…

Number 38. Mentions Christmas food and activities but still problems tasting anything. Didn't enjoy himself. Asks after daughter and requests news as only one letter from her received that month. Hoping for big things in 1943.

Number 10. Reports no mail but Red Cross parcels coming in. Recounts his own feelings and activities. Notes his 300th day in captivity while some others have 1300 days.

Number 19. Large quantities of Red Cross food were arriving at the camp. He suggested that Ursula and Frances could live, and help, on a farm until he gets home.
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