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  • Tags: 617 Squadron

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields bottom left and an open area on the right. Roads run top left to bottom right. Caption '155, WS, 19.6.44, 18400, 020 degrees, J., L., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/10'.

Target photograph showing open countryside. Caption '186, W.S., 19.6.44, 8", 18500, 200 dsegrees, H., H., 617', On the reverse '51:95/9'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields on the left and an open area on the right. Caption ' 162. WS, 19.6.44, 8", 17500, 030 degrees, C., C., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/8'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. Road runs top left top bottom right. Cap[tion '161, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 17500, 030 degrees, C., C., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/7'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields on the left. Caption '170, W.S., 19.6.44, 8", 18500, 200 degrees, B., B., 617'. On the reverse '51;95/6'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. Road runs top left to bottom right. Caption '196, W.S., 19.6.44, 8", 16500, 035 degrees, A., A., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/5'.

RAF Form with WF Martin's service record.

White poodle sitting on a square pedestal. In the background a large two story Tudor building. Simon the poodle (Cheshire's dog), taken at the rear of Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa. Taken between 25/10/1943-12/07/1944. Additional information about this…

After completing his tour Bert Adams was posted to RAF Wigsley as an instructor. Describes training crews for Tiger force. Mentions a little about his work in the air and on the ground.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Four officers holding drinks, identified underneath as 'Holland, W/Cdr Guy Gibson VC DSO DFC After the "Dams" on 617 Sqdn G/Cap Evans-Evans'.

On the left a three-quarter length view of Wing Commander Tait wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons, standing with hands in pockets. He is giving a press conference in London following the successful sinking of the Tirpitz. To the…

The two officers are standing outside the Officers' Mess of 617 Sqdn. The caption reads 'W/Cdr Cheshire VC DSO +2 bars DFC (sic), AVM Sir Ralph Cochrane After the "Tirpitz" on 617 Sqn'. [The officer on the left is in fact Wing Commander Willie Tait]

Sequence of six target photographs taken from the same aircraft at intervals during drop of tallboy. In the first image the bomb is visible in the bottom left quadrant, slightly further to the right in the second and in the third. The town bottom…

Sequence of two target photographs taken at intervals from the same aircraft. Shows open countryside with fields. In the centre of first image is an area with a large number of craters. This area is on the left in the second image. Caption 'sequence…

Sequence of two target photographs taken at intervals from the same aircraft. Showing open countryside with fields. The is an area with large number of craters just left of centre of first image which moves to upper left in the second. Caption…

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields and roads. In the centre an area with a large number of craters. Caption '213, W.S, 24.6.44, 8", 16500, 136 degrees, A., A., 617'. On the reverse '51:96/14'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields and roads. In the top left an are with large number of craters. Caption '216, W.S., 24.6.44, 8", 17000, 136 degrees, H., H., 617'. On the reverse '51:06/15'.

Sequence of two target photographs taken at intervals from the same aircraft. Show open countryside with fields and roads. Large area with many craters top left in first image moving to centre in second. Caption 'sequence number, W.S., 24.6.44, 8",…

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields and roads. Bottom right quadrant is a large area with many craters. Caption '221, W.S., 24.6.44, 8", 16500, 115 degrees, D., D., 617'. On the reverse '51:96/18'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields and roads. Bottom right quadrant is a large area with many craters. Caption '221, W.S., 24.6.44, 8", 16500, 115 degrees, D., D., 617'. On the reverse '51:96/18'.

Sequence of five target photographs taken at intervals from the same aircraft. All show open countryside with fields and roads. The nose of the bomb is visible on left edge centre in first image and further right in the second. A large area with many…

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields and roads. Centre right is a large area with many craters. Caption '230, WS, 24.6.44, 8", 16300, 140 degrees, T., T., 617'. On the reverse '51:96/24'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields and roads. In the centre a large area with many craters. Caption '238, W.S., 24.6.44, 8", 17000, 124 degrees, Y., Y., 617'. On the reverse '51:96/25'.
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