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  • Tags: bombing

Four items, Edward's brief description of the operation, the second his navigation plot, third is a map showing the target and fourth part of an official report of the operation. This includes the number and squadrons of the aircraft that took part,…

Five items, Edward's brief description of the operation, his navigation plot, the expected H2S return over the target, two press cuttings, one with the caption'Paris/Vaires marshalling yard devastation' showing the Vaires rail yard after the attacks,…

Six items, Edward's very brief description of the operation, his navigation plot, the expected H2S return over the target. Two press clipping, captioned 'The result of Bomber Commands 12,000 lb bomb attacks on one of the Enemy's V.2 rocket sites'.…

Gives account of daylight operation with mention of bombload and instrument problem on take off and subsequent trip with no air speed indicator. Formatted on another aircraft in order to bomb. Continues with comment on return trip and landing without…

Describes a very near collision at night between an Halifax and a German Fw 190. Lists crew of Halifax. Notes it was their 31st operation of 34 total.

Four items, Edward's description of the operation, he refers to the target as a P plane base, the operation report refers to it as a storage site, his navigation plot, a map of the area close to the target showing their track and the target. Part of…

Five items, Edward's description of the operation to bomb Panzer concentrations in woods, requested by Field Marshall Montgomery. As the operation was in daylight Edward was able to describe the scene not too long after D Day. There is also Edwards…

Letter to Frederick Thompson's mother describing events
of the aircraft being shot down, the dreadful mutilated condition of the crews bodies and the subsequent funerals of the crew. Describes the village where the incident happened with some…

Four items, Edward's brief description, referring to P planes, reports being attacked by a Lancaster on the way home, his navigation plot, a map of the area near the target, a press cutting describing the days air activities mainly attacking V-1…

Crew brought crippled bomber home from operation to Cologne. Brief description of damage to aircraft and recovery to base. Three members of crew received awards including DFC for pilot Thomas Mahaddie DSO AFC who was awarded his fourth decoration the…

Five items, Edward's brief description of the operation their bomb aimer was sick so took replacement, quiet trip. Edward's navigation plot, and an indication of the H2S plot when over the target. There are two press clippings, the first has a…

Three items, Edward's brief description of the operation, his navigation plot and a press cutting with the caption 'Allies invade France', which describes some of the air activity in support of D Day.

Six items, Edward's description of the operation to the railway centre, commenting on the thunderstorms encountered, his navigation plot, the expected H2S plot of the target with their track marked, a press cutting captioned 'Wrecked locomotives at…

Two items, Edward's description of the operation, and his navigation plot.

Four photographs captioned 'The Luftschiffbau Zepplin works at Friedrichshafen'. They show the same area over a period of time beginning in February 1943 and shows the works being camouflaged and eventually destroyed by bombing. The second page of…

The air to ground photograph shows a smokescreen having drifted away from the area it was intended to protect. It also shows the smoke from over 100 miles away created by a bombing raid on the Erkner ball bearing factory.

Account of George Thomson's aircraft 'NF958 (LS-M) of 15 Squadron being shot down by ME 110 on 12 September 1944. Five crew bailed out and were taken prisoner, the pilot did not escape and one other crew member left aircraft but was never seen again.…

Comments on target (Frankfurt) and odds on being shot down. It was their 19th operation and out of 124 aircrew shot down that night only 10 survived, five from their crew. Mentions evading, capture, initial treatment and journey to camp (Stalag Luft…

Gives brief details of operation to Frankfurt. Describes being attacked and being hit in bomb bay and subsequent fire. Continues with description of bale out and meeting up with flight engineer on the ground. Gives detailed description of evading for…

Shows page with summary for May 1944 with six sorties recorded. Lancaster, 467 Squadron at RAF Waddington rear gunner. Includes two operations to French targets. His pilot on operations was Flying Officer McLauchlan.

This item was sent to the IBCC…

Some information about 467 Squadron's history and about Lancaster R5863 'S Sugar' which is currently in the RAF museum at Hendon. Mentions operations on 6 June 1944. Includes colour photograph showing front quarter of a Lancaster inside a museum. In…

Lists 34 operations between 28 May 1944 and 19 September 1944. 467 Squadron RAAF. On last sortie noted that Wing Commander Gibson VC was master bomber and was killed on return flight. In addition first operation was in Lancaster R5868 which is now in…

Recounts this New Zealand pilots superb handling of his aircraft after it struck high tension cable after take off. Despite damage to main navigation aid he continues with his 1700 mile operation which was completed successfully. After landing damage…

Episode 1: story of bomb aimer with hypoxia on operation to Hamburg on 30 January 1943. Episode 2: account of operations to Friedrichshafen on 20 June 1943 and Spezia on 23 June 1943. On first operation, Pathfinders from 97 Squadron suffered in…
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