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  • Tags: bombing

Shows two bomb loads each for a single aircraft. Details preselection settings and includes window, route and marking method. On the reverse marking and bombing instructions.

Table with tare, petrol, extra Window actual and take off weights for six configurations. Three configurations are H2S and two are backers up.

Shows two bomb loads for operation for three and six aircraft respectively. Details preselection, delay and false height settings and other information. Includes weights and two routes. On the reverse some calculations.

Covers marking method, route markers, Pathfinders and bombing instructions. Shows five waves with aircraft allocated to each. Details Window and effort level. Annotated 'Schweinfurt' at the bottom left.

Shows several bomb loads. Details preselection and delay settings. Includes weights and timings.

Table with Tare, petrol, bomb and all up weight for two configurations for nine aircraft each.

Table with tare, petrol, WE&D, spare, take off and actual bomb weights. Columns for main, main spare, H2S, wind finder H2S and wind finder.

Shows four bomb loads for operation. Details preselection, delay and false height settings and other information. Mentions MINOL filled and H2S. Page is struck through and annotated 'Scrubbed' in large red letters. On the reverse two routes, marking…

Time based navigators log of operation to Bochum on 13 May 1943 completed by navigator Sergeant Bush.

Four documents. First a title page. Second a newspaper article summarising Hull's bombing experience in number of raids, people killed, houses destroyed or damaged, damage incidents, people rendered homeless and number of alerts. Notes that only 5938…


Brief notes on history of 35 aircraft (Manchester, Lancaster and Lincoln) including those lost, crashed (one that at Bardney), or scrapped. Includes prototype Lincoln as well as Lancaster aircraft sent to Canada, India and for Tiger Force.

Two pictures of Wellington 'HA-A', parked on grass. Left image from rear quarter with two wheeled equipment in foreground and two men under the starboard wing. Right image from the front quarter with a man crouching by boarding ladder under the…

Commemorative picture of Lancaster for attack on Turin. In a circle at the top a Lancaster on the ground with engines running. Underneath a box with caption 'Turin, 9 Squadron, 18/19 November 1942'. At the bottom a box with crew names 'S/Ldr…

Cartoon with two figures, both German officers. One is holding a candle, looking at an inscribed stone in ruined landscape. At the top in a dark sky a four engines bomber flying away in the distance. On the stone are the names of Denis Clyde-Smith's…

Describes in detail air raid shelters, rationing, shopping,the absence of traffic and school life. There is a description of the Gorton extended family complete with a family tree. Harold Gorton met Lilian Carmen Mary Morgan, at Oxford university.…

Target photograph of Merseburg. Captioned '3F', '5B', 7549 Wed. 14/15.1.45//NT 8"/O.18400 118 2100 MERSEBURG. S. 1x4000(Min) 9x500 GP (DT. 30secs. F/O CROSS. S. 467'.

Three photographs, one shows a loaded bomb trolley with two ground personnel with four dispersed Lancasters in background. Second shows Lancaster PO-Y on it's dispersal, row of bombs on grass, two dispersed Lancasters in background. Third is a target…

Lancaster PO-Y captioned 'Brand new PO-Y' is parked on taxiway on edge of airfield, wheel covers on, chocks in. Second item is a target photograph with identifying information removed.

Two photographs, one showing starboard side of Lancaster PO-Y, on it's dispersal undergoing servicing. The second showing three aircrew, in uniform smoking with runway caravan and another vehicle in the background.

Lancaster PO-Y on end of runway mistakenly captioned '6-10-45' (should be 6-10-44), 'First operation', '4hrs 30mins', 'BREMEN'. Personnel visible in the background.

Bernabè Angelo bombing survivor card issued after the 15 August 1943 Milan bombing. ' Angelo and his dependents have been evacuated to Sant'Angelo Lodigiano and have received 75 lire as cash benefit.

Describes an operation for 103 Squadron on night 16/17 June 1943. 22 aircraft to attack Cologne. Details bomb loads for 18 and 4 aircraft. Describes route a details crew of Lancaster ED944 with Pilot Officer K I Dexter as captain. Notes that Dexter…

Handwritten notes giving brief details of the operations and two relevant short newspaper cuttings, one titled 'Eight breaches both sides of flushing'.


Handwritten notes giving brief details of the operations and two short newspaper cuttings, one titled '1000-raid. On Stuttgart and Nuremberg'.


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