Extract from operational record book of 103 Squadron



Extract from operational record book of 103 Squadron
Annex A to 21136/14/DF for service record of FO KI Dexter


Describes an operation for 103 Squadron on night 16/17 June 1943. 22 aircraft to attack Cologne. Details bomb loads for 18 and 4 aircraft. Describes route a details crew of Lancaster ED944 with Pilot Officer K I Dexter as captain. Notes that Dexter and one other crew did not return. Handwritten account of crew parachuting but being machine gunned in the air. Dexter was killed when hit trees after belly landing. On the reverse a campaign stars, clasps and medals table. At bottom a handwritten account form Netherlands Historical stating that German account of crews parachutes not opening was a false claim.



Two sided typewritten and handwritten document


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[inserted] Annex ‘A’ to 21136/14/DF for Service Record of F.O. KI Dexter. [/inserted]
[underlined] No 1 GROUP, BOMBER COMMAND [/underlined]
Extracted from Operations Record Book of
No. 103 Squadron, Elsham Wolds, Lincolnshire.
16/17 June 1943
22 aircraft ordered to attack COLOGNE to cause as much damage as possible.
Bomb load: 18 aircraft to carry 1 X 4000lb H.C.
3 X 500lb H.C.
1 X 500lb G.P.
540 X 4lb incd. (90 X 4 X 6sbc)
48 X 30lb incd. (8 X 30 X 6sbc)
4 new crews to carry 1 X 4000lb H.C.
540 X 4lb incd.
48 X 30lb incd.
All carry cameras and nickels.
Route: BASE – SOUTHWOLD – 50o 40’N 03o 40’E – TARGET – Turn Right – 50o 45’N 06o 50’E – 51o 35’N 03o 35’E – SOUTHWOLD – BASE
Lancaster Mk BIII Serial No ED945 [inserted] Mazkings P M.R. It was brand new. [/inserted]
P/O K.I. Dexter Captain [inserted] Keith Inbel [/inserted]
Sgt W.T. Shepherd Navigator [inserted] W. Thomas [/inserted]
Sgt H.G. Thomas Bomb Aimer [inserted] Harold [/inserted]
Sgt H. Staples Wireless Operator [inserted] Horace [/inserted]
Sgt R.C. Ridgway [inserted] Roy [/inserted] Mid-Upper Gunner [inserted] was killed in his turret by en cannon fire. [/inserted]
Sgt J.M. Carrol Rear Gunner [inserted] James [/inserted]
Sgt R.A. Heslop Flight Engineer [inserted] Robert [/inserted]
Time up: 22.33 Time down –
Failed to return
Weather: 8/10 thundercloud, tops 17 to 20,000ft, bright moon
Defences: Flak was as usual; several enemy a/c seen; no combats
Tactics: One crew reported that PFF 5 1/2 minutes late
[inserted] [underlined] DEXTER and crew were Posted to 103 SQN from 1662 HCU – 11th June 1943 [/underlined] [/inserted]
P/O Dexter and Sgt Winchester failed to return and posted to War Casualties N/E Accounts Depot, Uxbridge.
[inserted] Five of the crew Parachuted to safety to be killed by M/G fire as they descended, by the Nazi We have located the Farm at HAL Near ESCH. and have recovered some remnants left in the ground after the Germans recovered the a/craft to recycle all the metal and contents. DEXTER had belly landed the Lancaster in open ground to prevent it coming down on any Dutch conurbations. He lost his life when the Plane hit some trees at the end of the run in. This was authenticated by Mr Theo Op’t HOOG a farm hand who I met. He rescued a Browning machine Gun and ammo before the Nazis arrived which as Passed on to the resistance People
P.T.O. [symbol]
[page break]
[Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom]
The Under Secretary of State for Air presents his compliments and by Command of the Air Council has the honour to transmit the enclosed Awards granted for service in the war of 1939 – 45.
The Council share your sorrow that Flying Officer K.I. Dexter in respect of whose service these Awards are granted did not live to receive them.
[page break]
Campaign Stars, Clasps and Medals
Instituted in recognition of service
In the war of 1939 – 45
[description of ribbons and order set up – table]
[page break]
[inserted] Annex ‘B’ to 21136/14/DF [/inserted]
[list of awards granted]
127249 Fg. Off.
[inserted] Netherlands Air Historical
Colonel Joop Witle RNAF
Maria Verhoven straat 2
2387 Baazle-Hertogg
He Pointed out against the Germans claim that those crew who took to the silk that their chutes failed to open as they were too close to the Ground is a false claim. Although it is difficult to hit something Just falling out of the sky at night the fact that they were shot at clearly indicates that their Parachutes must have opened. Furthermore hosed by MG 52’s they were hit as they were found dead on the ground by farmers and others in the morning after. The Nazis Paid no heed to the Geneva Convention but were careful in their record keeping so as to avoid recriminations after the war should they be found culpable. [/inserted]



“Extract from operational record book of 103 Squadron,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/9365.

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