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A vertical aerial photograph of an attack on Ludwigshaven. The central part of the image is obscured by light, however the Rhine and tributaries are clearly visible. The caption reads '2762 LCF 2/3-1-45//NT (C) 7" [deleted] 018 1844 Ludwigshaven Z.…

A target map used for the bombing of Ludwigshaven.

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Navigational computations and a chart for an operation to Ludwigshaven.

300 more American warships are now protecting shipping routes following President Roosevelt’s order on 12 September. Numbers of vessels in American navy at the outbreak of war are listed and the number will steadily increase.

William Sebold, a…

The special edition covers Winston Churchill’s statement of 21st September 1943 to parliament on the war.

Churchill describes the war’s progress in North-West Africa, a springboard to further offensive action, following conferences with…

Allied advances in Holland and France are discussed, including breaches of the Siegfried Line, involving allied armies and paratroopers. The German border has been crossed in four places. Germany still holds the channel ports and those in Brittany.…

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Despite earlier army reports being reliable, it is claimed that there is now German disinformation concerning the Russian campaign and the high number of casualties and prisoners.

After spotting a battle cruiser on 22nd July, an RAF…

On 7th June Sir Robert Peirse, Commander in Chief of Bomber Command, reported on the British success against German vessels since 12th March. For land-based operations, they are mass producing larger aircraft with larger bombing capacity to have…

A newspaper cutting with news about operations over Germany. On the reverse is non-war related news.

Luise G's account of the events at Wildemannsgasse 28, Schule am Wall.

Luise M's account of the events at Packhofstraße 18.

A vertical aerial photograph of the synthetic oil plant at Lutzkendorf, near Leipzig. The Geiseltalsee is the body of water at the top of the image. A railway line with sidings runs through the image from left to right. Possibly more sidings to top…

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Lyon.

M A Niman’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 6th August 1941 to 2nd May 1945, detailing operations and instructional duties in the UK, Middle East and East Africa as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner and “Special…

Top - photograph of grave with white cross with name 'P.O M Adder RAF, 15.3.44'. Surrounded by similar crosses with trees in the background.
Bottom - telegram to Mervyn Adder's father informing him that his son was missing as a result of air…

A reconnaissance photograph of Mönchengladbach, showing this part of the town completely destroyed by bombing. All buildings are without roofs, several destroyed to ground level. Roads are cleared. At the top of the photograph is the Hauptbahnhof…

Reconnaissance photograph of Münster railway station and marshalling yard. Entire area extensively damaged, with tracks destroyed and at odd angles, goods and passenger carriages blown over. Majority of buildings seen are without roofs. The main…

Aerial vertical photograph of a town with dock basin. The river Maas runs down the left side. A canal runs from the river on left to the centre where it turns left into a doack basin surrounded by a town. A narrow canal leads from the top right…

Target photograph showing open countryside with a bomb explosion centre bottom in a valley. Captioned '2294, 104/35, 16/Dec/44, F8, 5500 ft,→14.12, A.F. Macasvo'.

Target photograph of Mailly-le-Camp. Rural area, centre obscured by smoke, dust and light streaks, field patterns and roads visible. Captioned '7B', '691 SKELL.3/4.5.44//NT.8" 8000' [arrow] 165° 0010 MAILLEY le…

Aerial photograph of large military camp, showing it before and after bombing. A railway line runs in from the right centre of the photograph and terminates in upper centre, having split into three lines. There is a train in situ on the main line.…

Target photograph of Mailly le Camp. Partially obscured by smoke and dust, no clear detail visible. Captioned '7B', '694 SKELL.3/4.5.44//NT.8" 7000' [arrow] 179° 0033 MAILLY le CAMP.RD.N.1X4000.16X500.17secs.P/O CREED.O.50.'. On the reverse…

Vertical aerial photograph of Mailly-le-Camp. Street patterns are visible but most of the image is obscured. Captioned ‘4B 4B’ and ‘831 WKY 3/4.5.44 // NT 8” 9000’ [arrow] 208° 0030 Mailly-le-Camp P 1 x 4000 16 x 500 17secs P/O…

Vertical aerial photograph of Mailly-le-Camp. Most of the image is obscured by clouds and smoke. Captioned ‘4B 4B’ and '841 WKY 3/4.5.44 // NT 8” 7000’ [arrow] 220° 0030 1/2 Mailly-le-Camp Y 1 x 4000 16 x 500 17secs P/O Rollin …
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