Luftwaffe Loses 119 Planes in Battles over Germany



Luftwaffe Loses 119 Planes in Battles over Germany


A newspaper cutting with news about operations over Germany. On the reverse is non-war related news.



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One double sided newspaper cutting


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The Nottingham Journal

No. 36,919 Founded 1710 TUESDAY, 9 MAY, 1944

[underlined] Night Bombers Out After Day Of Heavy Raids [/underlined]


Mightiest Assault on Enemy’s Lines of Communication

By ALBERT E. SHAW, “Journal” Air Correspondent


Berlin, target for 2,000 American bombers and fighters on Sunday, was visited in similar strength yesterday, the second large-scale attack in 24 hours.

The Brunswick area was attacked at the same time, and in these raids yesterday 119 German aircraft were destroyed by U.S. forces; 36 bombers and 13 fighters are missing.

A powerful force of medium bombers crossed the East Coast last night heading south-east in compact formations “in line astern.”


Bucharest, the Rumanian capital and transport centre, was heavily bombed for the third time in thirty-six hours.

Simultaneously the non-stop offensive against targets near the coast was maintained by constant relays of British and American aircraft of all types throughout the day and night.

This is the mightiest assault on enemy communications the world has ever witnessed. The German armies strung out in Russia, Italy and the Atlantic coast are steadily being isolated from their reserves, so that when the final assault does come they will be unable to receive essential support and supplies.

America’s Huge Bomber Strength

At the same time the defensive strength of the Luftwaffe is being stretched far and wide to such an extent that it cannot even hope to give the smallest measure of protection to vital targets within the outer perimeter of the German defence line.

The fact that the U.S.A. 8th Air Force is able to put a force of nearly 2,000 fighters and bombers into the air on two consecutive days is a striking illustration of the strength now assembled in Great Britain. It can be assumed that there is available a reserve of at least 100 per cent., with an additional 25 per cent., undergoing overhaul or repair. That must be apparent to the Germans, therefore, that the heavy bomber strength of the U.S.A. 8th Air Force in Great Britain is in the region of between 4,000 and 5,000.

Six-prong Attack on Big Dump

R.A.F. Bomber Command was out in strength on Sunday night carrying out a six-pronged attack against an ammunition dump near Rennes. Airfields and depots at Rennes, Nantes and Tours, and the chemical works at Leverkusen, near Cologne. From these operations nine aircraft are missing.

It has been demonstrated in recent weeks that Bomber Command is also in a position to operate forces of more than 1,000 bombers with regularity when weather conditions permit, and here again if a reserve of 100 per cent. is assumed, the total strength is more than 2,000 day bombers.

Invasion Area Bombing Plan

Heavy bombers employed on strategic operations are worked according to a determined standard of casualties in proportion to replacements, but in tactical operations extra pressure may be incurred to achieve decisive results in connection with ground operations.

It is possible, therefore, that if the ground situation warrants and the strategic plans require, something like 5,000 heavy bombers might be employed against the Germans over the invasion area within a period of 24 hours.

Intense Flak Over Brunswick

The communique on the Berlin and Brunswick area raids stated that the planes found heavy cloud over Germany. Bombing was done by means of instruments and results were unobserved. Many air battles took place, the most intense being over the Brunswick area.

“Our fighter pilots claim 59 German fighters destroyed, while our bomber crews claim destruction of 60 enemy aircraft. From these operations 36 of our bombers and 13 of our fighters are missing,” says the announcement.

German night fighters in considerable strength met the R.A.F. bombers which hit Bucharest on Sunday, showing the importance which the Nazis attach to the Rumanian capital.

[page break]

[underlined] LONDON DIARY [/underlined]

Is Gandhi’s Release Wavell’s New Bid For Indian Co-operation?

By Our Own Correspondent

167, FLEET STREET, Monday Night.

THE improvement in Mr. Gandhi’s condition, reported to-day, has reinforced the speculation on the reason for his release. A friend of mine who has known Viscount Wavell for a long time, is convinced that, though doubtless the official explanation of the release as being on medical grounds was technically ac- [missing words] Viceroy hopes for [missing words]

Of the two reasons, I expect that it is French proper pride which is the more important to Algiers, for code is not essential to a successful inter-change of views upon details. But considering the matter from the aspect of amour propre, can it be justified that the French should be in a privileged position above, say, the Norwegians and the Dutch who have Ambassadors in the [missing words] one conductor to Russia, and although no approaches have yet been made, the names of Mr. William Walton and Dame Myra Hess are being suggested. Russophils here believe that these two artistes would go down very well in Russia.

It is felt that while the British public knows at least something of contemporary Russian composers, such as Shostakovitch, the Russian public knows less of such [missing words]



Sir, - The White Paper on a “National Water Policy” (H.M. Stationery Office, 6d.), issued a few days ago, is both short and readable.

Three or four main proposals stand out in this report. Central control is to be strengthened and, to enable a sound policy to be followed, it is urged that more attention should be paid to the need for information as to sources, uses, problems and the need of water supply, under rapidly changing circumstances. The paper makes it clear that there are too many bodies supplying water (1,000) and that fewer but larger authorities are needed (say 100).

“Sectional interests must be subordinate to the national interest,” says the report, but appeal against Government decisions must also be possible.

Perhaps the main feature of the report lies in the declared intention of spending £15 million on providing piped water supplies to rural areas where there is an adequate concentration of users. What is also important is that the payment for this great improvement, although partly to be borne by the Exchequer, is to fall more fairly than previously on the district rather than on the parish. This is a step in the right direction, but is the district large enough?

Finally, one of the less publicised features of the proposals, is that “industry and agriculture are to have the right to be supplied with water on reasonable terms and conditions by water undertakers.”

This suggested change has long been needed, but the public must be protected against excessive use of water supplies by large concerns, and must see that they pay their full share for this supply. “Reasonable” terms for industry too often come to mean “special” terms, viv-a-vis [sic] the domestic consumer. It appears, however, that the Ministers of Health and Agriculture are bearing this point in mind.

The implementation of this policy would be a definitely progressive step and would be of great importance to the development of agriculture and the prosperity of rural citizens.

21 Springfield-road,
Hucknall, Notts.


Sir, - Rarely has a political party been in such a state of confusion as the present Labour party. Its sharpest opponents could never wish them in a more unsatisfactory position. Bevan fighting Bevin reminds one of two armoured tanks clashing in battle, spouting fire and shot. Both men have a goodly amount of steel in their composition and sparks are bound to fly. Then the astute Herbert Morrison pouring out eloquence every week-end, leaving his hearers in the air, wondering which way he will turn next – courting Big Business one week, telling Labour he “will never leave them” the next; swearing fidelity to Socialism and, strangely enough, always earning the approbation of “The Times.” In spite of earthquakes, explosions and eruptions, the chances are that Herbert will always come out on top.

Emanual Shinwell, whom some consider to be Labour’s Man of Destiny, is now throwing spanners into the Nationalisation machine disturbing the quidnuncs of the party, who for many years have chattered noisily concerning the national ownership “of all means of industry.” Well might leader Greenwood wear a worried look. The mildest-mannered man of all, whom none could ever imagine to be a revolutionary, who “spoke for England” when Chamberlain was painfully hesitating, is now at the heart of the most autocratic caucus that ever ruled a party. Liberty and freedom of opinion have no place there. The terrible fat head expulsion hangs over the [missing word] of any Labour official, however eminent, if he dares to differ on any point of policy held by the chiefs of the executive. Even Sir Stafford Cripps is on the black list!

What a conception of free democracy! It is a new type of Fascism, which should be noted by the electorate. The City [missing words]

[underlined] DAY T [missing words]

Should M.P.s on [missing words] be “Excused” f [missing words]

IN these historic days being a Member of Parliament is by way of being a full-time occupation. At any rate those members who have either a business or a trade union post which has to be looked after in the intervals when they are not in attendance at the House, are finding it very difficult to pull in any additional engagements.

This fact was reflected in a minute placed before the Notts. County Council at their recent meeting by their clerk, Mr. K.T. Meaby, calling attention to the fact that two members, namely, Sir Jesse Hind and Mr. S. Shephard, M.P., had been absent from all meetings of the Council its committees and sub-committees for a period of six months.

Two Decisions

IN the case of Sir Jesse Hind illness was the reason for absence, and the Finance Committee, who were responsible for presenting the minute to the Council, recommended that this reason for absence should be approved, a course that was unanimously adopted.

“Councillor S. Shephard,” the committee went on to remark, “has intimated that his Parliamentary duties have been such that he was unable to attend meetings for the time being, and whilst the committee were not prepared to accept the principle that a Member of Parliament should be excepted from the relevant provisions of the Local Government Act 1933, they recommended that in the special circumstances Mr. Shephard’s reason for absence should be approved on this occasion.” This was done.

It was also mentioned at the annual meeting of the Nottingham Co-ordinating Council for Refugee Work that Mr. Shephard had had to give up the position of chairman of that body but that he had consented to accept the office of president which did not entail attendance at so many meetings.

Personal Contacts

WHEN the former Fuel Controller for the North Midland Region (Mr. Raymond Evershed, K.C.) took up the post, meetings of Notts. miners were held in a number of convenient centres with the object of providing the Controller with an opportunity of forming personal contacts.

The same excellent idea is to be carried into effect in the case of the new Fuel Controller, Mr. T.F. Turner, K.C., and the first of such meetings, under the aegis of the Notts. and District Miners’ Federated Union, is to be held to-night at Forest Town, Mansfield. Another will be held at Sutton on Thursday, and a third takes place on Saturday at the Miners’ Offices in Nottingham-road, Nottingham.

Services Appreciated

CONGRATULATIONS are extended to Mr. William Collings, who has recently been elected a Honorary Life Member of the Reform Club. Mr. Stanley Blythen, in his letter on behalf of the directors, says:

“Please rest assured that your election is a token of the affectionate regard in which you are held by all members and on their behalf I express to you the wish that you may long be spared in good health to share with your many friends the atmosphere of goodwill you have done so much to create in the club.”

Mr. Collings, who is the steward, has been a loyal member of the staff for 35 years, and was with the club in the old premises in Wheeler-gate before moving to the fine building in Victoria-street in 1913.

Mr. Collings has seen many changes in the fortunes of the club and says there are now only about a dozen members of the old club left. To-day the present membership is over 500 and is enjoying some of its old-time prosperity.

Mr. Collings is a Nottingham [missing words]



The Nottingham Journal, “Luftwaffe Loses 119 Planes in Battles over Germany,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024,

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