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Five aircrew standing to the rear and two aircrew kneeling either side of an airwoman crew bus driver in front. All are wearing flying helmets. In the background part of a Lancaster fuselage with last squadron letter O and aircraft letter C.

Reconnaissance photograph of a German synthetic oil plant. Within a grid pattern a large number of oil tanks, buildings, pipeline and oil manufacturing installations. A railway runs along the bottom. On the reverse 'R.A.F. destroys German synthetic…

Target photograph showing a very large number of bomb explosions covering most of the image. On the reverse 'Heligoland 18.4.45. The airfield under intense R.A.F. Bomber Command attacks, 27 April 1945'.

Air-to-air view showing the silhouette of two heavy bombers towards the bottom centre, well below going towards the bottom. In the background smoke, bomb explosions and on the right, target indicators. On the reverse '18. R.A.F. Bombers over…

Reconnaissance photograph showing the Mitelland Canal at Gravenhorst running from top right to centre bottom. A large area in the centre is completely covered with craters and the canal has disappeared. To the right bottom a large wooded area and to…

Target photograph showing the Canal running from middle left to bottom right. A road runs from two thirds way up left side and crosses the canal in the bottom right quarter before running to bottom edge. There are minor roads and open country and…

Lists 11 crews and aircraft with standby for special duty on 6 May 1945.

Air to ground photograph showing fields and hedges. There is a target triangle half way up on the right side. There is smoke from a practice bomb below and to its left. At the top, the bottom of a fuselage. On the reverse '1st bomb'. Captioned '102…

At the back a map showing targets for operations in the Ruhr and rest of Germany as well as France and north Italy. There are two indications for German night fighters damaged and shot down. At the top a newspaper cutting headlined 'Huge explosion in…

A newspaper cutting of a Lancaster dropping incendiary bombs over Duisburg. The text describes the event and a handwritten caption reads ' Oct 14th 1944'.

Four newspaper cuttings from 1944 describing four separate operations. Salzburg captioned 'Oct 17 1944', Essen captioned 'Oct 25th 1944', Dunkirk and Vienna captioned 'Nov 4th 1944' and Gelsenkirchen captioned 'Nov 6th 1944'.

An ex-RAF pilot describes a bombing operation to Ulm in Southern Germany, He hadn't flown for three years and he is amazed at the technical improvements in hitting the targets using the Pathfinder force. He mentions the squadron CO, Wing-Comdr J R St…

Three newspaper cuttings describing attacks on Essen, Harburg oil refinery, Spitfire and Typhoon attacks on bridges and Aschaffenburg. They are captioned 'Nov 11th 1944'.

Photograph 1 is of Russ Johnstone in airman's uniform standing by a gate outside a church, it is captioned 'Russ Johnstone (Nav)'. Photograph 2 is a head and shoulders photograph of Syd Marshall. Cutting 1 describes a large operation heading to…

Cutting 1 describes a 1300 bomber operation on Munich and Ulm. Flight Lieutenant W Drinkell describes the lack of fighters. Captioned 'Jan 7th 1945'. Cutting 2 describes attacks on Germany and an oil refinery at Brux in Czechoslovakia. Also a…

Accuses the German soldiers of needlessly prolonging the war because of their obstinacy, then stresses the hopelessness of Germany’s plight: thousands of bombs dropped daily, allied advances from East and West; millions homeless; thousands dying as…

Photograph 1 is Syd Marshall standing beside a Grand Slam bomb at RAF Coningsby.
Photograph 2 is a group of people outside a building.

Article 1 has a photograph of the nose of Lancaster Mike Squared, S for Sugar at Waddington, the dispersal hut at Digby and Barry Halpenny in the cockpit of a Spitfire with his book 'Action Stations'. The cutting mentions Douglas Bader flying from…

Details of nine operations carried out between February and May 1943 from RAF Elvington on 77 Squadron flying Halifax. Targets include Cologne, Berlin and several in the Ruhr.

Oblique aerial photograph of an Gilze Rijen airfield. Runways going from bottom middle to top and left to middle. A large number of bomb explosion visible in the centre of the airfield with one string of bombs offset to the left running bottom to…

The loss of Lancaster Mk 3 of 49 Squadron over Pilsen the 17th April 1943

Newspaper cutting showing a group of airmen in front of three aircrew buses. Captioned ‘Bomber crews about to start by motor-coach for their airfield and the smashing attack on the great Skoda armament works at Pilsen, in…

A group of 12 airmen waving off Lancaster U. They have their backs to the camera. On the reverse 'F/O Roberts F/S Pidding F/S Smale F/S Briggs F/S Rosario. Sgt Bewon Sgt Davies being waved off by members of 576 Sqdn when taking off on 1000 bomber…

Photograph 1 is a low level oblique photograph of the cathedral.
Photograph 2 is a low level oblique photograph of a church, a bridge and the river Rhine.
Photograph 3 and 5 are low level oblique photographs of the main railway station.

Photograph 1 is a street scene of damaged building with a girl cycling. Captioned 'Krefield, [sic] Germany 5 Aug 1945.'
Photograph 2 is a low level oblique photograph of a badly damaged city. In the distance are port cranes.
Photograph 3 and 5 are…
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