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Describes events during an operation to support the Normandy troops when Robert Wareing's aircraft was attached by fighters and set on fire. Four crew members were killed and four baled out. Author and one other evaded with help of French resistance,…

Letter to Frederick Thompson's mother describing events
of the aircraft being shot down, the dreadful mutilated condition of the crews bodies and the subsequent funerals of the crew. Describes the village where the incident happened with some…

Reply to addressee's letter having returned from operation to Stuttgart. Writes about returning from leave and photographs he asked for.

Apologises for taking so long to answer letter. Mentions Cologne and Essen operations and fighter engagement on the former which resulted in damage and belly landing at RAF Manston. Catches up with news of families and colleagues as well as some oh…

Mentions lucky trip to Cologne and subsequent DFC. Mentions seeing Rosser in a bus queue in Oxford but missed meeting up. Writes a little about his operation to Cologne (flown as an Operational Training Unit crew) where he was engaged by fighter…

Writes that he has been very busy and asks how Rosser is getting on. Comments on girl friends/partners. Mentions how he was on standby for 1000 raids but was not called for which he though was just as well as two of his friends were lost (Cologne and…

Is sending 80 prints of operation on Gnome Rhone works, as requested

Classified Secret on Vickers-Armstrong headed paper. Thanks Cheshire for lending him distribution chart for 617 squadron. Looking at revised probability data. Graphs sent to Director Bombing Ops.

Letter from Jim Cahir to his friend Mary Egan detailing his plane being shot down, his capture and his time in a prisoner of war camp.

Informs him that his son Sergeant Mervyn Adder was missing as a result of air operations on night 15/16 March 1944. The Lancaster in which he was flying as navigator failed to return from operation to Stuttgart.

A letter of sympathy from the Air Ministry to David Geach's father expressing regret that his son is missing during operations.

The letter refers to Les Arrowsmith being reported missing following an operation in a Lancaster to bomb Duisburg on the night of 21-22 May 1944.

Letter of condolence over Hedley going missing so soon after award of Distinguished Flying Medal.

Letter from Warrant Officer Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes about his capture in Germany after his aircraft was shot down on December 20th 1943 and subsequent capture. He goes on to describe the conditions he was kept in at Stalag IVB…

The letter refers to Jim Cahir being reported missing. It explains events on the night he went missing and explains that his personal effects will be carefully stored.

Sends congratulations to her husband for his recent honour. Mentions listening to Roy Chadwick's broadcast. Asks after family. States they stayed in London for Blitz but sent children up north for a few months. Enquires after other acquaintances.

A letter to the mother of Alex Peadon informing her that her son is missing after an operation to Munchen-Gladbach. The letter includes a list of six fellow crew members.

Informs her that her husband was missing in action from operations on night 21 Oct 1944. Gives assessment of character and mentioned he had just recommended him for commission. Gives some account of operation to marshalling yards in northern…

Confirms that her husband Flight Sergeant Eric William Scott was missing as a result of air operations. Notes he was bomb aimer on a Wellington which set off to attack marshalling yards at Maribor, Yugoslavia which failed to return. Enquiries were…

Transcription of a letter. Writes of events on night 3/4 September 1943. Mentioned 'Charlie had done four ops before they copped it on the fifth. First op was Peenemunde, gives description of target. Mentions targets of other operations and that…

A letter from Air Officer Commanding Alec Coryton to Patch. He compliments 50 Squadron on their bombing successes. He mentions Oxley who was the Commanding Officer of 50 squadron.

Expresses regret that his son was reported as missing in action as result of operations 6/7 September 1943 to Munich.

A document sent by Channel 4 after a request from Marie Laydon. The document quotes Hamish Mahaddie's comments on bombing during the war.
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