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Leading aircraftsman Leslie Pearson's daily flying log for May 1943. It records the hours flown, exercises undertaken, Instructor and aircraft flown. Training was at No 4 EFTS.

Royal Canadian Air Force pilots flying log book for Leslie Pearson covering the period from 3 May 1943 to 18 September 1943. Detailing his flying training. He was stationed at Windsor and Boundary Bay. Aircraft flown were DH 82 and Cornell.

In foreground, large bomb on its trolley, standing behind seven aircrew in flying clothing, Lancaster in background.

A route map from England to central Germany. The route crosses Holland in an easterly direction then turns south towards Leipzig before returning to England. On the reverse is the pilot's log recording the coloured flares used at turn points on the…

Seven airmen, four seated and three standing. One photograph has the seven airmen numbered and on the reverse they are identified -
'Mid/Up No 1 John Meadows - Epping Forest
Rear/G No 2 EA McDonald - Hull
Wirless [sic] /Op No 3 HR Martin -…

A group of five airmen and a bride standing outside a church. On the left is pilot Hugh Skilling.

Seven aircrew known as Skilling's Follies standing in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Photo edge Fred Clark, Flt Engineer UK, Dugy Cruckshank, Bomb aimer, New Zealand, Bob Martin Wirless [sic] Opp UK, Hugh Skilling Pilot New Zealand, Len Petford…

Item 1 is a photograph taken during the service.
Item 2 is a photograph of the unveiling of the Union and RAF Flags.
Item 3 is a photograph of the graves of Flying Officer John Grayshan and Sergeant Albert Berry with J Petre, P Andrews and S…

Item 1 is a colour crest of 10 Squadron, captioned '10 Squadron Insignia'.
Item 2 is an order of service to mark the unveiling of the Memorial Stones for Flying Officer John Grayshan and Sergeant Alber Berry.

Photograph 1 is of three German soldiers standing over John Grayshan's body. Behind is another body, marked by an ink arrow. It is captioned 'German Soldiers looking at Johnny'.
Photograph 2 is a close up of Johnny, captioned 'Johnny'.
Photograph 3…

Photograph 1 is a head and shoulders portrait of Roy Maddock-Lyon in his training side cap and uniform, captioned ' Roy at his Enlistment'.
Photograph 2 is a group of trainee airmen arranged in four rows in front of a building, captioned ' The…

Top, interior of RAF Brawdy Officers Mess Bar, 'The Olde Isobar', captioned ' Officers Mess', '1944-45', '517 Squadron', 'RAF Brawdy'.
Second, third and fourth photographs are all of two RAF officers, in uniform standing outside wooden structure…

Top left shows coastline with rocky headlands and individuals seated on the grass looking at the view, captioned 'Steve Hughes', ' Christmas Day 1944', 'Newgale Solva'.
top right shows RAF officer in uniform walking down hill side path, captioned…

Mollie Allen married John during the war. He was a Lancaster pilot and at one time they shared a home with another pilot and his wife. This was a comfort to Mollie to have another woman who understood what it was like to await news of their husband.…

Four airman with two slightly in front wearing tunic and the two slightly behind wearing battledress. Frank Hobbs in on the left with hand in pocket. The left hand three men have half brevet and the right hand man a pilots brevet. In the background a…

Ces Barlow volunteered for training with the RAAF and completed his pilot training in Canada. He was kept on to instruct new pilots and converted to fly Mosquitoes. On one search trip to look for U-boat activity a German aircraft attacked them and…

Keith Boles left school at the age of fourteen and took an apprenticeship in engineering. He was called up to the Air Force at the end of 1941 and was in Singapore when the Japanese invaded. He arrived in UK via Australia and Canada and after a…

James Burchill was in the ATC before he volunteered for aircrew training. He was expected to be deferred but was told he had been chosen for immediate service. On one operation he was injured and by the time he was ready for operational duties again…

John Beeching was born in London and joined the RAF in 1941. His initial training was in Canada. After several escapades John joined 169 Squadron as a night fighter pilot and worked in electronic countermeasures as well as training crews in air…

George Toombs’ crew of N for Nan, 460 Squadron, RAF Binbrook, dated 1944. On the reverse ‘460 Squadron Binbrook
Australian crew of N for Nan
Navigator A K Ward
Pilot P K Lester
Radio/op A S Robb
Bomb/ Aimer T V Ierry
Upper gunner…

Pilots flying log book for Andrew Deytrikh, covering the period from 20 February 1944 to 15 October 1950. Detailing his flying training, operational flying and test flying. He was stationed at RAF Hornchurch, RAF North Weald, RAF Bognor, RAF…

Pilots flying log book for Andrew Deytrikh, covering the period from 20 May 1941 to 1 February 1944. Detailing his flying training and operational flying. He was stationed at RAF Brough, RAF Montrose, RAF Grangemouth, RAF Portreath, RAF Zeals, RAF…

Seven pilots sitting in armchairs in front with fifteen standing behind, wearing a variety of uniform, all in front of a Spitfire. On the reverse '91 Squadron?'.

Seven aircrew in two rows with four standing and two kneeling in front of the rear fuselage of a Stirling. In the background right is another Stirling. Photograph 1 is captioned 'Pilot Warrant Officer D S Brown, Bomb Aimer Flying Officer J Vincent,…

Seven airmen in a row in front of Lancaster ME422 JI-Q.
The crew are: 47225 (549527) Flight Lieutenant Roy Henry 'Marco' Marks, pilot (4th from left)
Sergeant T. Collins flight engineer
164442 (1583325) Flying Officer Robert Arthur Edward…
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