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  • Tags: pilot

Seven airmen in a line in front of their Halifax. On the reverse -
' A "Hally" 5 at Dishforth (?)
Left to Right
Bernatchez (B)
Brassard (P)
Alarie Tieven [crossed out] (R.G.)
Bourke (N)
Lalond (MU. G)
Self (E)
Tieven (Wop)'
' "C" of…

Seven airmen arranged in two rows at the front of a Lancaster 'G'.

Seven crew, in flying kit, standing in front of a Lancaster. Each man is named on the reverse.

Seven airmen in flying gear at the rear of a 514 Squadron Lancaster.

From left to right, back: Gorton Craig 'Gort' Angus; Donald G. 'Don' Thompson; Henry Charles 'Hank' Snow; Roy A. Moran; Leonard James 'Len' Thatcher.
Front: Bernard Ellwood…

Seven airmen standing under the nose of Lancaster 'NA-I'. Annotated 'S/Ldr Don Lamont & Crew. "I" Ink 428 Sqd. M.S.G.'
On the reverse -
F/Lt Don Lamont & crew by Lanc KB792
Left to Right
F/S Ken Kehl (WOP)
Sgt Tod MacLelland R/gunner
F/Lt Don…

Seven airmen standing at the front of a Stirling. They are all dressed in their flying kit.
On the reverse they are identified and autographed -
'Skipper AG Edgar RAF
Navigator Robert J Brooks RAAF
Air Bomber Allan J. Millard RAAF
Wireless Op…

Seven airmen grouped in front of their aircraft with three ground crew sitting on the wing. A refuelling truck is present.
Information supplied with the collection states 'The crew in the Autumn of 1943, at Tholthorpe; Standing left to right Bomb…

Seven airmen sitting in a Nissen hut. The walls behind have been decorated with paintings or chalk drawings. Two WAAFs are working in the background.

Five airmen are seated at a table and two airmen are looking on. The airman on the right is taking notes and the others are watching.

Seven airmen sharing cigarettes and chocolate in a Nissen hut. There are two torches and a mug on the benches between them. It is annotated 'PL22571'.

Seven airmen in a row. Each airman has been annotated with their role on the aircraft. At the top is annotated 'Bill Chubb 432 Sqdn RCAF.'

A group of seven airmen arranged in two rows, the front row seated, the back standing. Sergeant Joseph Wilson is front row, far left.

A group of seven airmen seated or leaning on the front of a car.
On the reverse each man is identified.

A group of seven airmen with Walter Smith standing at the extreme left at the back. Bill Radford is seated in the centre. Behind are RAF buildings.

A group of seven airmen sitting on top of a Lancaster, JI-N, PB142. One man is sitting on the mid-upper turret. Underneath is 'Rosebud'.

From the left the crew is: wireless operator / air gunner Sergeant Denis Carlos Bradbury 198880 (1811449), mid…

Six men wearing a variety of uniform standing in front of the starboard wing of a Hurricane. Another man sits up on the wing. In the background a hangar. Captioned 'Pilots and Ground Crew - RAF Abu Sueir'.
Additional information about this item was…

Seven officers standing in front of a building with windows. Two are wearing battledress and the rest tunics. The two on the left are wearing Norwegian uniform and identified as Gunnar Halle and Kåre Stenwig. One of the other officers has a pilots's…

Seven aircrew personnel of various ranks stood in front of a Government Air Transport aircraft. Four are wearing side caps and three dress caps. John Tait is the second from the right.

Tags: ;

Seven pilots, three sitting in front and four standing behind in a room. David Donaldson is standing on the left.

Tags: ;

Seven men wearing variety of uniform, four with brevet. Three sitting in front, four standing behind. Donald Baker is back left. Captioned 'Barth, Self, Roxy, Bill [...], George Harvey, Steve, Les Bull, Piotr [...]'.

A newspaper article about Ron after he was shot down over France. A second cutting has a brief note about Ron returning home after being missing in France.
[The details in the article are incorrect. His aircraft was a Wellington, it was shot down on…

14 airmen standing and kneeling in front of a Lancaster with nose art indicating 29 operations completed.

On the reverse: '115 Squadron, RAF Witchford, Sid Bunce' and 'Sid X'.

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an oblique aerial photograph of the Singapore-Malaya causeway.
Photo 2 is eight airmen including Peter in khaki and shorts.
They are captioned ' Causeway Singapore-Malaya
RAF Changi Stn [undecipherable]…

Six aircrew all wearing Mae West and five parachute harnesses. Five stand in line and the sixth kneels in front. Lachie McBean is centre of back row.

Six airmen in battledress, with brevets. Three are sitting in the ground and three behind them, sitting on a bench. Bernard Ross is seated on the left. The airman front centre is a pilot. The one at the rear left is holding a book. In the background…
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