Browse Items (56 total)

  • Collection: Sparkes, Ned

Extract from "But Not in Anger". Story of a Hastings of 53 Squadron on route from El Adam to Castel Benito Tripoli which shed a propeller blade which struck the fuselage injuring the co-pilot and cutting the tail control rods. Relates story of crew…

Left - extract from "Raider" by Allen Jones [sic]. Extract from book gives account of Ned Sparkes aircraft during operation including description of attack by Junker 188 which hit a fuel tank which exploded and subsequent spin, regain control and…

Black and white copy of 431 Royal Canadian Air Force Squadron with moto 'The Hatiten Ronteriios'

Explaining that it was not possible to provide replacement of warrants or commendation certificates.

On the occasion of HM presenting a new colour to the Royal Air Force and providing some complimentary remarks.

Made out to William Sparkes on No 219 Sutton Cheam Squadron qualified as "Flt/Mech E".


Train ticket on Berlin military train from Berlin to Hanover for two soldiers.

Caricature drawing of a flight lieutenant wearing battledress standing side on with hand in pocket and smoking a cigarette. Aircraft and a hangar in the background. Captioned 'Ned'.

Letter defending his ideas about German nuclear weapon capability during the war. Writes of attacks on Norsk Hydro Plant, describes V-weapons and draws conclusions.

Four verse poem about life as aircrew and setting his aircraft on fire.

Report by Ned Sparkes on the wreckage of a Lancaster which had been packed in crates which was inspected at RAF Gatow, Berlin on 26 August 1976. Lists identifiable parts of aircraft and crew equipment. Aircraft was Lancaster "JB640" ot 156 Squadron,…

Blue cover. Both sides of cover.

Left - head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic and side cap. Captioned 'Aircraft hand general duties u/t flight engineer, August 1942'.
Right - three airmen wearing tunics, two sitting in front and one standing behind. Captioned 'No 3…

Top - squadron photograph of a large number of airmen sitting and standing in three rows in front of, and on top of the wings, engines and cockpit of a Halifax, Captioned 'No 431 Squadron RCAF March 1944, C.O. Wing Commander W Newsum DFC "Big Bill",…

Top left - looking up at an airman wearing flying helmet sitting in cockpit of a bomber. Captioned 'Me at the flight engineer's panel of a Halifax Mk V, November 1943, looking as though I know what I'm doing'.
Top right - seven aircrew wearing Mae…

Top - extract from Ned Sparkes's log book dates from 2 November 1943 to 29 December1943 showing operations to Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Frankfurt and Berlin.
Below left - descriptions of the four operations giving numbers and types of aircraft used,…

Top - extract from Ned Sparkes log book for 5 January 1944 to 15 February 1944 showing two operations to Berlin.
Below - two documents giving accounts of these two operations with types of aircraft used, losses, enemy fighter operations, weather,…

Top - a note explaining the railway plan in preparation for Operation Overlord, attacks on French railway system.
Top left - extract from Ned Sparkes's logbook from 1 March 1944 to 29 March 1944 with operations to Trappes, Le Mans (twice), Brest,…

Article about the Bomber Command Association plan to mark the contribution Bomber Command made to the final victory in the war. Planned to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the end of the war. Both sides of cutting.

Left - copy of book page 82 (Headed: the Nurenburg raid) with details of American operations, 617 Squadron operation to Lyons as well as attack on Brunswick and railway junction at Vaires. Noted one Halifax missing from a Canadian Squadron on latter…

Top - extract from Ned Sparkes's log book from 22 April 1944 to 11 May 1944 with operations to Düsseldorf, Karlsruhe, Essen, Somain. St Ghislane and St-Valery and Boulogne.
Underneath - six short documents with accounts of these six operations…

Top - explanatory note explaining that our crews contributed to D-Day.
Top left - newspaper cutting providing account of plan for attack on Merville battery including saturation bombing by Lancasters and ground attack. Goes on with account of actual…

Top left - extract from ned Sparkes's log book from 1 July 1944 to 28 July 1944 with operations to Bienhais, Bremont, Vaires, Dognes St Nazaire and Hamburg.
Right - three short documents one partially obscured two relating to flying bomb sites, and…

Top - Title note Hamburg 1944 relates 431 squadron lost 48 aircraft between July 1943 and October 1944. Mentions that 5 aircraft were lost out of 17 dispatched to Hamburg om 29 July 1944.
Below - document listing all aircraft lost on squadron with…
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