Hamburg operation and aircraft losses



Hamburg operation and aircraft losses


Top - Title note Hamburg 1944 relates 431 squadron lost 48 aircraft between July 1943 and October 1944. Mentions that 5 aircraft were lost out of 17 dispatched to Hamburg om 29 July 1944.
Below - document listing all aircraft lost on squadron with the five failed to return form Hamburg underlined. Gives fate of all the others 1943 to 1947

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Typewritten note and printed document mounted on an album page

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[underlined] HAMBERG JULY 1944 [/underlined]

Whilst operating Halifax aircraft July 1943 – Oct 1944, 431 Squadron lost 46 Aircraft, 38 “failed to return” from operation and 8 were destroyed in accidents. On the 29th July 1944 the Squadron desatched [sic] 17 Aircrft [sic] to Hamberg, of which 5 “failed to return” and 1 was badly damagd [sic] – OURS. A bad night for the Squadron, but a good night for leave roster!

[underlined] MZ859 431 [symbol] FTR, Hamburg, 29.7.44 [/underlined]
MZ860 431/425 FTR, Hannover, 5.1.45
MZ861 431/415/187 SOC 2.5.45
MZ862 158 Damaged beyond repair by bomb blast from LK850 which exploded [obscured text]
LK809 578/1652 HCU SOC 23.6.45
LK810 425 FTR, Le Mans, 23.5.44
LK811 432 FTR, Bourg Leopold, 28.5.44
LK812 51/10/1658/HCU/1663 HCU/1652 HCU SOC 13.7.45

[underlined] Batch LK826 – LK850 delivered between 19.3.44 and 11.4.44 [/underlined]

LK826 158 FTR, Tergnier, 11.4.44
LK827 51/10 FTR, Osnabruck, 6.12.44
LK828 431/1659 HCU Overshot Topcliffe on three-engined landing and ran into ditch, 27.11.44
LK829 78/1658 HCU/1652 HCU/1658 HCU SOC 13.7.45
LK830 578/51 SOC 31.12.46
LK831 76 SOC 20.12.46
LK832 76 SOC 13.7.45
[underlined] LK833 431 FTR, Hamburg, 29.7.44 [/underlined]
LK834 578 Collided with Halifax MZ696 at 2,000’ on return from Bottrop, and crashed nr Balkholme, Yorks, 21.7.44
LK835 51 Abandoned after oil leak discovered; a/c crashed near Blaenavon, Monmouth, 22.5.44
LK836 427 Control lost after take-off; crashed 1 ml. N. of Northallerton, Yorks, 21.2.44
LK837 431 FTR, Sterkrade, 17.6.44
LK838 78 FTR, Bochum, 4.11.44
LK839 158 Crashed at Foston-on-the-Wolds, Yorks, on approach to Lissett. Cause obscure, 17.8.44
LK840 78 FTR, Laon, 23.6.44
LK841 158 FTR, Trappes, 3.6.44; crashed at St. Columbe la Campagne
LK842 431 FTR, Montzen, 28.4.44
LK843 51/578/51 SOC 14.3.47?
LK844 51 Crashed near White Bear Hotel, Thorpe Lane, Tingley, Leeds, after breaking up in high speed dive. Training flight, 14.11.44
[underlined] LK845 51/431 FTR, Hamburg, 29.7.44 [/underlined]
LK846 51/578 Became uncontrollable on outward flight to Nieppe fuel dumps; crew baled out and a/c crashed 2 mls E. of Beccles, Suffolk, 3.8.44
LK847 78 SOC 4.10.45
LK848 78/297 U/c collapsed on landing at Netheravon in cross-wind. Glider ferrying. 16.2.46
LK849 78 SOC 28.8.46
LK850 158 Crashed, caught fire and bombs exploded, following engine failure on take-off from Lissett for ops, Duisburg, 15.10.44

MZ881 431/434/158 SOC 17.10.45
MZ882 431/415 Written off following damage sustained on 2.11.44 NFD
MZ883 433 [obscured text]
LK867 76 Swung on take-off from Holme-on-Spalding, ground looped and u/c collapsed, 11.5.44
LK868 432/431/171 SOC 31.12.46
LK869 A&AEE/4 SofTT To 4819M, then SOC 23.10.47
LK870 No information found
LK871 426/434/1659 HCU Swung on take-off from Topcliffe and ground looped, 15.1.45
LK872 No information found
LK873 76 FTR, Acquet, 19.7.44; crashed between Sailly and Flibeaucourt, France
LK874 192/171 FTR, Lechfeld, 17.4.45
LK875 158 FTR, Trappes, 3.6.44; crashed between Ecquetot and Le Buc.
LK876 158/1652 HCU SOC 1.11.45
LK877 158 FTR, Trappes, 3.6.44; crashed at Koven, Beaumont-le-Roger
LK878 426/434/1659 HCU Crashed at Catecliffe Wood, Felixkirk, Yorks, after S.O. failed on take-off from Topcliffe, 15.1.45
LK879 426 FTR, Sterkrade, 17.6.44
LK880 426 Swung on landing at Linton-on-Ouse and u/c collapsed. Ex ops, 1.6.44
LK883 426 FTR, Louvain, 13.5.44
LK884 420/431 FTR, Haine St. Pierre, 9.5.44
LK885 51 FTR, Aachen, 25.5.44
LK886 426/434/1659 HCU/1664 HCU SOC 9.11.46
LK887 426/434 SOC 19.2.47

[underlined] Batch LK890 – LK932 delivered between 18.7.43 and 30.9.43 [/underlined]

LK890 76/1663 HCU SOC 5.9.45
LK891 76 FTR, Hannover, 27.9.43
LK892 76 FTR, Mannheim, 10.8.43; crashed 7 km N. of Boulogne, France
LK893 434 FTR, Mannheim/Ludwigshaven, 19.11.43
LK894 434 FTR, Moenchen-Gladbach, 31.8.43
LK895 431 U/c sheered off on landing at Tholthorpe, 8.9.43
LK896 431/1664 HCU SOC 14.12.43
LK897 431 SOC 23.10.43
LK898 431/434/431 FTR, Leipzig, 4.12.43
LK899 161 Crashed into mud flats near Bawdsey, Suffolk, on approach to Tempsford, 17.12.43
LK900 427 FTR, Hannover, 9.10.43
LK901 428/1662 HCU Crashed near Glenshee, Angus, and burnt, due to icing while on cross-country, 8.11.44
LK902 76 FTR, Leipzig, 4.12.43; crashed at Achteberg, Germany
LK903 76 FTR, Frankfurt, 26.11.43; crashed at Schorbach, Germany
LK904 76 FTR, Kassel, 4.10.43; crashed at Moorhausen, Germany
LK905 431 FTR, Leipzig, 20.2.44
LK906 428 FTR, Berlin, 23.11.43
LK907 434 Bird hit windscreen injuring [obscured text]

[page break]

MZ590 432/415/1659 HCU Structural failure on landing at Topcliffe, 16.5.45
MZ591 432 FTR, Metz, 29.6.44
MZ592 578 FTR, Amiens, 13.6.44
MZ593 51 FTR, Malines, 1.5.44
MZ594 420 Hit by flak while aborting ops, Anderbelck, 29.8.44; landed at Woodbridge but DBR
MZ595 420/1666 HCU/1664 HCU/1659 HCU SOC 14.3.47
MZ596 420 Missing while on cross-country exercise. Possibly shot down?, 3-4.5.44
[underlined] MZ597 426/431 FTR, Hamburg, 29.7.44 [/underlined]
MZ536 432/431 FTR, Montzen, 28.4.44
MZ537 425/431 FTR, Sterkrade, 17.6.44
MZ538 425 Crashed at Alne, near Tholthorpe, after taking off for ops; hit trees and exploded, 18.12.44
MZ539 78/76 FTR, Blainville, 29.6.44; crashed near Ferme Long Voisin, France
MZ540 420/1664 HCU SOC 15.8.47
MZ541 640 FTR, Trappes, 3.6.44
MZ542 158 FTR, Tergnier, 11.4.44
MZ543 578 SOC 14.9.46
MZ544 640/1658 HCU SOC 8.1.47

[underlined] Batch MZ556 – MZ604 delivered between 1.4.44 and 25.4.44 [/underlined]

MZ556 578 FTR, Bottrop, 21.7.44
MZ557 78/1652 HCU/1663 HCU/1652 HCU SOC 22.6.45
MZ558 578/190 SOC 14.3.47
MZ559 578 Collided with Halifax NR241 on return from ops, Munster, and crashed at Camlesforth, near Selby, Yorks, and burnt, 18.11.44
MZ560 578 SOC 31.12.46
MZ561 640/1652 HCU/1663 HCU Struck by Halifax NR278 while on runway at Rufforth and burnt, 4.3.45
MZ562 640 FTR, Hasselt, 13.5.44
MZ563 51/578 FTR, Dűsseldorf, 23.4.44
MZ564 192/1658 HCU SOC 31.1.47
MZ565 51 FTR, Montzen, 28.4.44
MZ566 51 FTR, Dűsseldorf, 23.4.44
MZ567 158 FTR, Amiens, 13.6.44
MZ568 78 FTR, Juvisy, 8.6.44
MZ569 420/297/21 HGCU SOC 24.1.47
ops, 30.8.44
MZ627 425 Converted to 506 3M on 27.2.45
MZ628 431 FTR, Vaires, 19.7.44
MZ629 431 FTR, Louvain, 13.5.44
MZ630 10 FTR, Trappes, 3.6.44
MZ631 78 FTR, Amiens, 13.6.44
MZ632 432/1665 HCU Tyre burst on landing at Tilstock, swung and u/c collapsed, 17.3.45
MZ633 432 Collided with Halifax NA609 S.W. of Selby, 21.8.44
MZ634 51/1658 HCU Bounced on three-engined landing at Riccall, swung and crashed into wood, 10.10.44
MZ635 51/347/1652 HCU/1659 HCU SOC 1.11.45
MZ636 78 FTR, Juvisy, 8.6.44
MZ637 431/297/21 HGCU/102 SSU SOC 15.8.47

MZ638 192 Overshot on landing at Foulsham with S.O. feathere[missing letter] and u/c collapsed, 12.7.44
MZ639 78 SOC 20.8.46
MZ640 640 Swung on take-off at Leconfield, u/c collapsed S.O. caught fire, 23.9.44
MZ641 425 FTR, Hamburg, 29.7.44
MZ642 102 FTR, Sterkrade, 17.6.44
MZ643 51 Damaged by flak on ops, Amiens, 13.6.44; landed safely but declared DBR
MZ644 102 FTR, Blainville-sur-l’Eau, 29.6.44
MZ645 426/420 FTR, Hamburg, 29.7.44
MZ646 102 FTR, Blainville-sur-l’Eau, [date obscured]
MZ570 192 FTR, special duties flight, Troyes, 3.5.44
MZ571 51/347/1658 HCU/21 HGCU SOC 1.11.46
MZ572 578 FTR, Bottrop, 22.7.44
MZ573 425 Probably FTR, Karlsruhe, 25.4.44
MZ574 10 FTR, Neuss, 24.9.44
MZ575 76 FTR, Hasselt, 13.5.44; crashed 3 km N. of Hadschot, Belgium
MZ576 10 Ditched off Immingham, Lincs, on return from ops, 28.10.44
MZ577 78 FTR, Juvisy, 8.6.44
MZ578 76 FTR, Dűsseldorf, 23.4.44; crashed at Gulpen, Holland
MZ579 640 FTR, Aachen, 25.5.44
MZ580 158/21 HGCU SOC 29.9.47
MZ581 51 Damaged after colliding with another a/c over Bottrop; swung at Woodbridge on return, hit trees and burnt, 21.7.44
MZ582 158/1665 HCU Force-landed at Woodhouse Grange Farm, Yorks, after engine failure at 400’, 17.9.45
MZ583 578 FTR, Dulmen, 15.1.45
MZ584 10 FTR, St. Martin l’Hortier, 2.7.44
MZ585 432/1659 HCU Skidded and swung on landing at Topcliffe and u/c collapsed, 1.5.45
MZ586 432/415/187 SOC 11.5.45
MZ587 420/1666 HCU/1664 HCU U/c collapsed on heavy landing at Dishforth and P.O. caught fire, 13.1.45
MZ588 432 FTR, Montzen, 28.4.44; no confirmation
[underlined] MZ589 426/431 FTR, Hamburg, 29.7.44 [/underlined]
[Obscured text]
MZ680 76 Shot down near Cadney Brigg, Lincs, by intruder, on return from ops, Kamen, 4.3.45
MZ681 434/431/1659 HCU SOC 29.6.45
MZ682 434/426/620 SOC 14.3.47
MZ683 434/425 Hit Halifax LW680 on landing at Croft after ops; burnt, 28.6.44
MZ684 10 FTR, Laval airfield, 10.6.44
MZ685 431 Swung on take-off from Croft and struck parked Halifax, 17.7.44
MZ686 432/415 Engine fire on take-off; swung, burst into flames and bombs exploded. East Moor, 28.8.44
MZ687 420 FTR, Kiel, 17.8.44
MZ688 425/297/296 SOC 15.8.47
MZ689 51/77 FTR, Goch, 8.2.45
MZ690 426/415/1666 HCU/1664 HCU SOC 18.5.45



“Hamburg operation and aircraft losses,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,

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