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  • Collection: Gill, Kenneth

Writes that he was still OK. Describes operation to Essen on previous night. Mentions a little about life on camp. Comments that they had many new crews and he did not know half the squadron. Mentions another crew took their aircraft to Hamburg so it…

Key and cottage sketch and poem on the front.
Poem on the reverse.

Love letter. Asks her not to worry and was sorry his leave was not as pleasant as it might have been. Continues with endearments and loving statements.

Writes that he was unable to arrange to spend her 21st birthday with her.

An airman wearing tunic with half brevet stands in a garden with his arms round two women either side of him. Captioned 'Ken G/M Gill'. On the reverse 'This is not the picture "Women aren't Angels", what have you done to your mother, your arm must be…


Thanks them for parcel and comments on contents. Includes addresses that he could remember and promised to send others later. Continues with family matters. Says he had no idea when he will move on.

Mentions he recently sent a telegram and it would not be long before he saw them as he had seven days leave coming. Asks for news of friends and asks about food shortages at home. Mentions items he had brought back. Explains what he is doing and his…

Target photograph of Bielefeld Viaduct. Railway runs left to right across centre with Johannisbach river running top to bottom and Gummibahn railway by-pass running from bottom centre and joining the main railway to left of viaduct. One or more bomb…

Top - description of ijmiden operations by 617 Squadron 15 and 30 December 1944.
Middle - reconnaissance photograph showing coast and port with harbour wall and basins in built up area.
Bottom left - b/w photograph of boat pens before…

States that photograph shows. Mentions first abortive attack on 29 October 1944, second cancelled for weather and the final successful attack on 11 November 1944.

Drawing from front quarter of a Lancaster with engines running on runway. Captioned 'Milan 7/8 August, 1943, Squadron Leader Derbyshire, Sergeant Sullivan, Sergeant Gill, Sergeant Oakes, Flight Sergeant Cole, Sergeant Overend, Sergeant Parsons,…

Six decorations, Distinguished Flying Cross, 1939-45 Star with bomber command clasp, Aircrew Europe Star with France and Germany clasp, 1939-45 War Medal, Croix de Guerre.

Gives personal details, lists postings to 9 Squadron Lancaster finishing school, and 617 Squadron. Notes missing believed killed 21 March 1945.

Biography of Arthur Alexander Gill and memories of his cousin Kenneth Gill. Writes of working in the same firm as Kenneth Gill before the war. Too young to join forces, he was employed in Blackburn aircraft stores. Was called up in December 1944.…

Poem about lack of gravestones to mark resting place but memory does not fade. Continues lines about with Runnymede memorial. They would not be forgotten.

Target photograph of Bergen Submarine pen. Coastline runs bottom left to top right with sea to right. Ubåtbunkeren Bruno is the square structure in the centre of the image. The town of Bergen is in the left hand corner, with port facilities and…

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic.

Left - title 'briefing[...] [....]'. Thirteen point list of actions.
Right - hand drawn sketch from front quarter below of a Lancaster.

Left - at top of drawing a shoreline and Tromso, track direction, lower down the location of ship surrounded by 'x'. Bottom of drawing shows cross section of half of ship.
Right - hand drawn map showing route along Norwegian coast to Tromso and…

Top - six aircrew standing in line behind a Lancaster, Captioned 'Crew from left to right, Sid Grimes wireless operator, Ken Gill navigator, Charlie Randon bomb aimer, Jack Penswick gunner, Eddy Barnett engineer, Barney Gumbley pilot'.
Bottom target…

Six airmen standing behind a Lancaster. Captioned '1944, Left to right, all shorties well nearly all, Sid Grimes (Wireless Op), yours truly, Charlie Randon (Bomb dropper of), Jack Penswick (Gunner), Eddy Barnett (Engineer), Barney Gumbley…

Top left - colour photograph of decorations including Distinguished Flying Cross and Croix de Guerre as well as 1939-45 Star, Aircrew Europe Star and 1939-45 War Medal.
Top right - wedding photograph of groom wearing tunic, bride, and another woman…

Gives personal details, dates of service as airman and recommended for commission 26/7/43. Lists postings for training and to 9 Squadron. Mustered as pilot, then observer and navigator.
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