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  • Collection: Rosser, Lewis Victor

Writes that he has been very busy and asks how Rosser is getting on. Comments on girl friends/partners. Mentions how he was on standby for 1000 raids but was not called for which he though was just as well as two of his friends were lost (Cologne and…

Says arriving York 1300 hours Sunday.

Writes about shopping to get kitted out. Mentions that he enjoyed meeting Vic in York. Mentions exhibiting in his new uniform. Asks his love to be passed on and that he was looking forward to an early return to Oxford. Sends best wishes.

Apologises for taking so long to write and asks how things are with Vic. Mentions possible future meetings. Complains about his job and reminisces for old days and comments on returning to ops.

Writes just to let him know he is still in circulation and has little news. Writes about his 'staying in camp business' and how fit he feels as a result. Reminisces over past events and mentions his Flying Officer had come through. Says he is trying…

Writes from RAF El Ballah, Egypt. Mentions letter had been finally been received from Vic. Catches up with news. Envious that Rosser was going back to old job and wished he could have the opportunity to fly with him. Describes a little of life in…

Letter from Ed Perkins at RAF Acklington. Writes that they had been fog bound and unable to fly. Announced one of his squadron had shot down a JU-88 and comments on resulting celebration. Mentions bad news concerning mutual friend. Comments on Rosser…

Wishes that he could fly with him again and encourages him to transfer to coastal command and a course at Blackpool which he recommends. States that he was not doing much flying and writes about getting accommodation. Comments that it was difficult…

Writes that it was not possible or legal for him to get petrol coupons. Comments on Lewis's latest love life and plans for his next leave. Continues with information on his activities.

Explains why he had not written and complains about his current location and course. Expects to be there for another 10 weeks before being sent to a station to act as a wireless operator. Mentions many people on aircrew courses and adds a little…

Writes that he arrived at an awful place after long journey of 14 hours. Mentions making enquiries about a transfer but not holding out much hope. States that he is instructing on wireless and describes activities and thinks he might be able to do…

Writes that it would probably better for him to stay where he was which he was now enjoying. He says was likely to remain there for the duration and the situation was generally good with plenty of leave and good trains. Catches up with news of…

Asks after Lewis's Christmas and writes about his own activities over the holiday. Continues with banter and gossip.

Asks how his course was going and writes that he though Lewis was a dammed fool for sticking his neck out and that he was happy in his comfortable job. Mentions the station might close down and speculates on the future and hope for posting to…

Writes that there would shortly be vacancies in civil aviation for qualified pilots and asks if he would like his name put forward and asks for flying hours.

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Writes about his new station, the local area and places to go. Writes that they had not done much yet due to weather but he had gone solo. Writes a little about his flying, ground school and staff. Continues with description of sports and athletics.…

Writes from RAF Stoney Cross. Starts with banter over letters and states that he suspects he was experiencing all the joys of being on an operational squadron. Catches up with news of colleagues and writes of his own activities. Suggests they might…

Wonders what he was doing now and writes about his own activities, postings, courses and flying. Catches up with news of colleagues. Mentions he is going on embarkation leave but does not know where he is going, probably the Far East.

Speculates on Rosser's current (civil/military) status and therefore addresses him as 'Mr'. Writes that he arrived in India some months ago but after the Japanese surrender and that he was flying transport on Dakotas from Rangoon. Comments on…

Writes complaining about his current location. Mentions the trip he had been promised and that he let him know about his end of the job. Asks that Vic does not mention his Africa Star. Sends regards to Vic's family.

Pilots flying log book one for L V Rosser, covering the period from 4 March 1939 to 19 July 1943. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Kidlington, RAF Woodley, RAF Grantham, RAF Kinloss, RAF…

Witten on page of log book a description of daylight operation to Dortmund marshalling yard on 12 March 1945. Was the largest daylight raid ever carried out by the RAF with over 1000 bombers escorted by squadrons of P-51 and Spitfires. Give some…

Book consist of contents page, blank pages, allocation of flashing beacon characteristics, table for error in the track, sunrise and sunset tables, international signals of distress, armament training signals, ground markings, photographic data,…


Covers spirit of the service, discipline (self and collective).
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