Browse Items (35 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1961"

RAF Form 4216 signed by Don Sparkes.

Fourteen photographs taken when Frank was in Singapore as a navigator on No 141 Squadron, flying the Javelin in 1961 - 62. Many of them are of Patti, some are in colour, some have hand written descriptions on the reverse.
One photograph is a man in…

Photographs taken when Frank was posted to Singapore as a navigator on 141 Squadron flying Javelins. Most of them are of Patti, some are dated and some have descriptions on the reverse.

Full face portrait of a man wearing civilian jacket and ties with pipe. Captioned 'Sq/Ldr Thomas Sidley Blyth, 51 Squadron pilot, 1961'.

Frank was a Squadron Leader Navigator and Navigator Radar Leader on 60 Squadron flying the Javelin in Singapore. He was assessed as 'Will become fit for promotion.'

Right page:
Top left - woman sitting in chair in garden.
Top right - woman and a man sitting alongside each other on chairs in garden with trellis behind them.
Bottom left - a man wearing suit and tie and woman wearing dress standing side by side…

Left page:
Top - view through wrought iron gate of a stone church/chapel.
Bottom - several graveyard monumental tombs with stone building in the background.
Right page:
Captions on spine from top to bottom: '1984'. 'Winson 1984'.
Top left - top…

Left page:
Top - view of church yard with church on left and houses on right.
Bottom - view of several stone houses in hamlet.
Captions down spine from top to bottom: '1984, 'School', 'Winson'.
Right page:
Captions down spine from top to bottom:…

Top page:
Top left - view up of wooden roof beams.
Top right - view across lawn of a large three storey house with hedge in front. Other buildings off to the left,
Bottom left - b/w image of a large three storey house with small stone outbuilding…

Top left - close up of stone pavement.
Top right - tall stone wall by side of road.
Bottom left - stone pathway.
Bottom right - enclosure with stone wall and wooden gate.
Captions on spine: '1984' and 'Winson'.
Right page; photographs mounted…

Top page:
Top left - view across rolling farmland.
Top right - view across harvested field with copse in distance.
Bottom left - view across open countryside.
Bottom right - hillsides with stone wall and small copse of trees.
Caption bottom…

Pilot's log book for Paul Wilson from 1 March 1951 to 19 August 1961 covering his civilian flying in Australia. Aircraft flown were DC-3 (C-47), DC-4. DC-6, Bristol Freighter, Viscount, Super Constellation, Comet 4, Electra and Boeing 707.This item…


Made out to Charles William Eyles for principles of electricity.

Two documents, the first captioned 'Photostat copy of original. Reduced size', appoints Ernest as a Pilot Officer in the Volunteer Reserve and originates from Elizabeth II. The second is an extract from the London Gazette and Queen's List and is a…

Covers the period 1959 to December 1963.

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British gliding association pilots flying log book for E D Leaviss, covering the period from 10 June 1961 to 18 October 1963. Detailing his flying training and solo flying from Northampton Gliding Club. Aircraft flown were Slingsby T21, Cadet Mk 1…

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an oblique aerial photograph of the Singapore-Malaya causeway.
Photo 2 is eight airmen including Peter in khaki and shorts.
They are captioned ' Causeway Singapore-Malaya
RAF Changi Stn [undecipherable]…

Flying log book for R O J Searle, Flight Engineer, covering the period from 25 June 1944 to13 July 1945 and from 17 August 1951 to 14 September 1964. Detailing his training as a flight engineer and a full tour of operations flown with Bomber Command…

A white painted Vulcan in a slightly climbing turn to its right flying over a town. In the background below the aircraft is a gasometer and there is a tall building on the right. Dated 1961. Additional information about this item was kindly provided…

A discharge letter from RAF Reserve.


A history of the Avro repair organisation at RAF Langar and a record of the aircraft that passed through it between 1942 and 1968.

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book 3 from 18th September 1956 until 21st December 1961. Flew with 213 Squadron as a navigator. In November 1958 posted to Ferry Training Unit followed by 242 Operational Conversion Unit in March 1959. Posted to 70 Squadron…

Aircrew flying log book 4, for F S W Jolliffe, navigator/radar, covering the period from 4 December 1956 to 20 July 1961. Detailing his flying duties with 46, 141, 41, 60 squadrons and headquarters number 11 group. He was stationed at RAF Odiham, RAF…
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