Browse Items (580 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "British Army"

Describes opening of RAF Fairford as part of 38 Group and arrival of Stirlings of 620 and 190 Squadons. Mentions training accident of Horsa glider. Goes on to describe 620 Squadrons operations paratrooper drops on D-Day and events leading up to the…

Two versions of the same strip with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 - no caption. A flight sergeant wearing battledress with half brevet and flying boots standing reading by the window of a brick hut. Slide 2 - no caption. In the foreground a…

Two versions of the same strip with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 - captioned 'Diverted fortress on perimeter at GD "Easton Lodge" seen in background'. Head on view of a B-17 parked on hardstanding. There are four men under the starboard wing…

Two versions of the same strip (b/w and colour) with enlargements of all slides.
Slide 1 - captioned 'Everyone on station (not working) appears in this group 189 flying crews of 620 Squadron, ready for D-Day'. A very large group of airman sitting…

Two versions of the same strip (b/w and colour) with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 captioned 1954 on road to Bishop's Stortford-Colchester, at Blue Gate and Gate House of Easton Lodge'. On the left a brick post on side of a road. A wooden fence…

Three friends meet during the war then Reg relates what happened to them after the war. One dies in mysterious circumstances after a successful musical career. One, formerly a black marketeer work for the BBC. He takes Reg to a recording that he is…


On the left a head and shoulders portrait of a man wearing army battledress and side cap. On the right a 1939-1945 star ribbon, on H M Service badge, British Legion badge, artillery badge and a for loyal service badge all mounted in a frame.

Dates of main events of life of J F Nolan including birth, education, army service 1939-1941, then Air Ministry AID in various locations including Vickers Armstrong and A V Roe.

Margaret was almost 12 years old and living in Romford, Essex at the outbreak of World War Two. She remembers the announcement being made by Neville Chamberlain on the radio on 3 September 1939. Margaret recalls being issued with a gas mask, and how…

Army band in six rows in front of an ornate building with arches in frontage. Captioned 'Dryhurst Harold India 1916 GRY'. Probably refers to Harold Percy, who served in the British Army. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by…

Call up for army service in Royal Engineers for Harold Percy Dryhurst

Asks how she is getting on and mentions that are void of food parcels. Says his letters are boring but they are controlled by emotions.

British Army troops in front of Lancaster bomber with bomb bay open, submitted with caption; “207 Sqdn carried out several flights to Naples and Bari in Italy to bring back home the troops who were still on the continent.”)

Dr Horace Downing, in uniform sitting on a bench. On the reverse 'Dr Horace Downing father of JJ Downing served as a Doctor in WW1 in Egypt +'

Sitting family group with parents at either end and three boys in the middle. Male parent is wearing army uniform with peaked cap, female parent wearing coat and hat. Captioned 'photo is of the whole Tansley family. Dad (EH Tansley) is standing next…

Military guard of honour on left in front of railings. In centre steps leading up to church where a large crown look on. Flags and memorial centre middle and right. In the background part of a church.


Faded image show an honour guard of troops with rifles on the left with other people in the background. Iron railings behind troops

Letter describing Robert's aircraft being shot down, baling out, suffering burns and now a prisoner of war. Yeoman states he was given the letter by a woman when he entered Fecamp.

Typed version of previous letter. From Captain J. M. Yeoman enclosing a letter he was given by a woman when he entered the town of Fecamp a few days earlier. He hopes it will reassure her and also hopes she receives more good news of her husband…

Writes enclosing a letter which was given to him by a woman in Fécamp when he entered the town a few days previously. He hopes it will allay her worries and also hopes she will have good news of her husband soon.

Basil writes he has been promoted to Major and wishes him belated happy birthday.

The head of a soldier in an armoured vehicle. On the reverse '6th Airbourne division'.

She thanks Joan for her letter and gift. She was pleased to hear about Bob. She tells her the latest news and that her boyfriend has been reported missing from Arnhem. Thanks her for photograph and catches up with news of friends, tells of her…

The letter advises that his son is well and 'getting about again'.


Left - messages from Bob Wareing. He was now in Germany and in good health. Mention bailing out, aircraft on fire, after operation to Le Havre. Continues with description of how news of him reached his wife.
Right - Army and RAF pay changes, Table…
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