Letter to Joan Wareing from Alice



Letter to Joan Wareing from Alice


She thanks Joan for her letter and gift. She was pleased to hear about Bob. She tells her the latest news and that her boyfriend has been reported missing from Arnhem. Thanks her for photograph and catches up with news of friends, tells of her activities and gossip.



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Six page handwritten letter


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1 Nov.
My Dear Joan,
Received your nice letter & gift this morning. Thank you very much dear. Especially for the cigarettes, yes I do remember our “flush” moments.
I’m so awfully pleased about Bob, it’s rather a wonder I didn’t hear it because I’ve been listening to the German Radio quite a lot of late.
You remember me telling you about the paratroop officer, the one I’ve been going around with for about 6 months. Well he’s been reported missing. All the boys from around here went to Arnhem, very few of them have returned. Some of the other officers have been reported [deleted] miss [/deleted] P.O.W. but nothing has been heard of Hugh. I feel convinced
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he is safe though. He was awfully sweet & we were very good friends, I miss him very much. In fact the village seems dead without the boys. Funny thing Joan, Hugh was a parson’s son too what is there about me that attracts them!!! Must be my air of sweet innocence!!!!
Thanks awfully for the photograph I/m thrilled with it. I shall show it to C.B. when I see him. He’s a very good boss, I never see him from one week end to another hardly. He was asking the other day about Bob. His own son Peter was wounded in the eye & also had to have one of his fingers off. At the moment Peter is working here he still wears his uniform and is in the R.A.F but its this rehabilitation [deleted] scheme [/deleted] scheme. The boss has just gone to Scunthorpe, wish I could have come along with him.
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At the moment I’m felling rather rotten, I’ve got a bad cold, and have got a fit of the blues.
Tonight and tomorrow we’ve got a concert in the Village Hall in aid of the Red Cross (a few more parcels for Bobbie). I’m helping to organise it, shall be glad when it’s over though because they are a worry. I think we shall get about £80, not a bad effort really for a small village.
Excuse my scribble as usual but I’ve so much to tell you.
I’m afraid I’ve been a very bad girl I owe Kitty, Olive & Irene letters, have done for weeks but really I don’t seem to have time to do anything.
I’ve been very busy sewing have made quite a lot of undies since I came down here. [underlined] All by hand. [/underlined] Have quite enjoyed it too. Am just going
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to set about a green silk nightie. I thing you would approve of my sewing Joan dear, I’ve turned very neat (not slapdash) all of a sudden.
Talking of Len :- the other Monday, I had a phone call from him saying he was in Grantham & could I meet him that night. I got off work early and went along into town. We did a “flick” and then went for a drink at the Angel. Left on the last bus at 8.10!!! Quite enjoyed myself, Len seems to have improved for the better.
Fancy Marjorie, she would be in a “flap”. Poor Irene she will be getting worried. I do wish she could get a boy friend because she really is a sweet kid.
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Mrs Mac who works in the Drawing office here, her husband was reported missing on Monday, he’s a Dr. in the R.A.M.C.
I saw Jessie & Spanner last time I was home, I was only there for the Saturday. I did ring you up but someone or other said you weren’t there.
I’m going to London next weekend I hope. It will be a change and I want to see Pop Jolley if possible. I may also go along & see Hugh’s mother if I’ve time. I’ve had some nice letters from her.
Well my dear I think that’s all the “gen” for this trip. Thanks again for the “fags” also the photograph. I’ve put it in my
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bedroom, my room in fact is full of photos’. I’ve got the big one of you & Bo, a big one of Grace & Johnny, your studio one also Graces, Mummies & Pop’s also Jacks of course. Yes your right it does look like a picture show.
Do hope I hear some news of Hugh soon, I expect when he does turn up I’ll find he’s been hiding in a girl’s convent!!! or somewhere like that.
I’ve written this at the office. We are very happy in our small dept. & have lots of fun.
Take care of yourself.
Love Alice.



“Letter to Joan Wareing from Alice,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 25, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/28093.

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