Browse Items (758 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Steve Baldwin "

On Blackpool and District Branch of Aircrew Association paper. A few RAF songs remembered (& modified!) by Peter Perry.
The flying Fortress, the navigators lament, the bomb-aimers ballad. Shaibah blues, No flak at all, the airman lament, the winco's…

Noted that kind friends had sent gifts of food at the time of her wedding. Asks recipient to accept distributed gift parcel.

Records his sortie against the bomber force attacking Heilbron on the night of 4/5 December 1944. Eric Pick flew on that operation. The graphic account of the raid describes his succesful attack on a Lancaster, his failed attacks on others and in…

A photograph of a Lancaster mid-upper turret and a summary of food drops undertaken by that aircraft. Also a list of the type of food dropped and a total number of missions flown and tonnage of food dropped.

An article written by ED Leaviss about the formation of the association.

A letter accompanying a Caterpillar Club badge awarded to Jack.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Seven airmen arranged in two rows. Each individual has signed the photograph.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Note in Polish with translation accompanying.

Details procedures for aircraft requesting information on position or any other assistance or urgent information. Continues with some general R/T (radio) procedures.

A newspaper cutting with a photograph and report on Frank Heath, who is missing. On the reverse are adverts.

16 members of a rugby team. Underneath each man is named. Bill is second from the right in the second row. Information supplied with the collection states '1929-30 RAF Halton Rugby'.

Samual Guyan's last operation of his second tour, Lancaster NG236 to Huls.

Two postcards written by John to his parents. He explains he has been in hospital with a broken ankle.

A brief biography of Dennis featuring photographs described in the collection. It covers his training and service as a fitter in the UK and Canada. He maintained a Lancaster that completed 124 ops and the aircraft was, unusually, awarded a DSO.

A newspaper cutting with a description of how Jack was awarded a DFM. This was awarded because he assisted an unconscious colleague to bale out of their damaged aircraft.

Drawing of a Lancaster with names of crew (including Sgt Townsley) on bombs falling from bomb bay. Clouds in background and signatures on bottom. Annotated 'Lorient 13/14/2/43, 97 Squadron'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already…

5 Group operation order No B.976. Provides explanation for attack on Ruhr Dams, enemy defences, 20 special Lancaster from 617 Squadron, routes to be flown by all three waves. Goes on with detailed plan of attack, method and timing. Continues with…

The group of six airmen are standing beside a blackboard pointing to a comment stating 'All Back'. Herbert Davy and Tommy Birch are annotated on the photograph with their names and function.

The French are informed of a signed memorandum of understanding between the British Government and General de Gaulle. The document includes an exchange of letters between Winston Churchill and General de Gaulle on 7th August 1940, as well as the text…
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