Browse Items (131 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Angela Gaffney"

Covers: fuel system, oil system, Dowty hydraulic system (undercarriage, radiator shutters, flap circuit), electrical system (u.c system, detonator circuit, starter and feathering circuit, bomb jettison and main electrical panel switches and lights).…

Chorus and five verse calypso wriiten by H G Dryhurst for 1956 xmastide who is who calypso programme.

A letter, envelope and two-page typed document from Harry to his wife Jessie. He writes about training including two bumpy flights in a Fokker. He encloses a photo taken in the snow and his mathematical paper from the Air Observer School.

From Isabel Q Pead offering sympathy on news of Hedley going missing. Hopes good news will come.

Catches up with family and acquaintance news. Says he is busy and enjoying the course but is not enamoured with the camp life. Second part thanks her for letter and discusses domestic matters.

Written while at home, catches up with family news.

Covers stores, batching, material identification and remarks.


Covers installation of cables, identification of cables, continuity tests, insulation and resistance, bonding and bench work.

Half length portrait of Arthur Thomas' father, Reginald.

Kentish times page with announcement of Distinguished Flying Medal.Notice parents living in Sidcup. Citation states carried out many successful sorties and noted on one operation that some crew lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen and on another…

Received official notice that Sergeant (now Pilot Officer) Hedley Robert Madgett had been awarded Distinguished Flying Medal now reported missing.

Writes that Hedley's bicycle has still not arrived at Sidcup station.

To central depository Colnbrook thanking them for letter and list of son's personal effects.

Notes written by Malcolm Staves during his wireless operators training course.

Margaret Cuthill's account of her time in the WAAF. At the age of 17 she volunteered for the WAAF and was enrolled as a teleprinter operator. She was sent to Wilmslow for training. After four weeks of drill and physical exercise she was posted to…

Two strips of cartoons. The first has six cartoons referring to Easter, in Polish and with an English explanation.The second has six cartoons with the theme 'I have'.

A newspaper cutting of a 1000 bomber attack on Duisburg. The cutting quotes Flying Officer Nopon, a bomb aimer on a Halifax.

From O W Burnard. Writes that her thoughts are with them. Was proud to have known Hedley and encourages her to not give up hope.

From station commander at RAF Syerston stating that a receipt for his son's bicycle had now been received.

The letter to the Estates Branch of National Defence complains of items missing from Sam's personal effects - a watch, pen and pencil set and a bicycle. She expected the bicycle to be sold and the money forwarded to her.

The letter to the Estates Branch at National Defence asks for her husband's personal effects. She asks for his clothing, in particular.

Forty-five airmen sitting and standing in three rows in front of a building. John Valentine is eighth from the right in rear row.

35 airmen arranged in three rows in front of a hut. The front row of 12 airmen are Free French airmen. On the front is 'M.N.O.' and on the reverse signatures of some of the men and a stamp with 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved' and 'G.1727.E'.…

Ten trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. Underneath are their names. On the reverse their names are repeated and there is a stamp 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.
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