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  • Contributor is exactly "Jan Waller"

Informing his that his son was missing as a result of air operations on night 7/8 June 1944 when his Lancaster in which he was flight engineer failed to return.

Alan writes from Torquay during his training. He had just arrived in pitch black then the next day turned up at the receiving unit. There are lectures and physical training. He will then move to an Initial Training Wing in about a week. Then he…

The letter refers to her husband being buried at Daleiden. In time his body will be reinterred at Rheinberg Military Cemetery.

Informs her that one member of his crew was a prisoner of war but asked that she make no effort to contact him. They were continuing to make enquiries about her husband.

Writes that they had been advised by the air ministry not to try and contact two other members of her husband's crew in France to get information about her husband. Contract might jeopardize their position and chances to escape.

Letter from [indecipherable signature] saying how pleased they are to know that she has heard from Bob.

She thanks Joan for her letter and gift. She was pleased to hear about Bob. She tells her the latest news and that her boyfriend has been reported missing from Arnhem. Thanks her for photograph and catches up with news of friends, tells of her…

Tells her how he gave a lift to an airman who knew her husband. The airman said nice things about her husband.

Tells of how pleased they were to hear that Bob is safe, and that a rocket bomb dropped a short distance from school. Also, of the play that is being rehearsed.

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She writes she was sorry to hear that Robert was taken to Germany before Le Havre was liberated and was not rescued by allied forces and sent home like others. Describes sending her a message from her husband shortly after he was shot down and…

She tells of all her travels and how pleased she is that Bob is no longer ‘missing’ but is a prisoner of war, and hopes he soon recovers from his injuries.

Says how pleased that she has heard from Bob and hopes that she will get more news which will be passed on to them.

Writes of her own medical trails and tribulations and other travels and activities. Says Joan must be anxious now Bob is back on operations. Asks how Joan got on at the wedding. Concluded with more gossip.

A letter and inventory of the personal effects of Acting Squadron Leader Wareing.

Thanks him for his letter and hoped he had a good return journey. Comments on being attached to writing box and arrival of lambskin rug and her plans for it. Concludes with comment that there was no sign of tools yet.

Writes about conducting SSAFA business and discusses presents for friends. Continues with more domestic chat.

Writes that she was sorry that she could not speak to him on the telephone, news of her sister and the weather. Continues with account of daughter at a fete and reports information she received from sister at his hospital.

Thanks him for recent letter and comments on his return journey. Continues that she is disgruntled over a number of matters and goes on with more family/friends news. Mentions daughter's dance display and concludes with domestic matters. Asks what…

Writes of journey home and her activities. Notes house is empty without him and hopes VJ day will be soon. Hope that the MO will take account of ailments and comments on other treatments.

Enquires about his return journey and writes of her activities including gardening, working on SSAFA correspondence and arrival of box of eggs. Continues with more chat of her activities and news of friends and family. Concludes with mention of…

Reply to addressee's letter having returned from operation to Stuttgart. Writes about returning from leave and photographs he asked for.

Letter from Jim Cahir to his friend Mary Egan detailing his plane being shot down, his capture and his time in a prisoner of war camp.

Reports that his son Sergeant Ronald Leslie Gard was missing as a result of air operations on the night 14/15 February 1945 when the Lancaster in which he was flying as rear gunner failed to return. Enquiries were being made through the International…

A letter referring to the estate of his son and how it will be dealt with.

Informs her that no further news news concerning him or any member of his crew had been received. Informs her that RAF missing research and enquiry service would be established to pursue enquiries for all RAF personnel reported missing.
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