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  • Tags: RAF Waddington

Cutting 1 is a small photograph of a Lancaster and for of the crew with the time and day of the airing of the documentary.
Cutting 2 is an explanation of the idea of why the documentary was made and some detail about what inspired it.
Cutting 3 is…

Seven airmen stand behind or sit on a 4000lb MC blockbuster bomb. Another airman is finishing adding words '100 not out' to the bomb. A senior (air commodore) RAF officer stands on the right watching. In the background the front of Lancaster R5868…

Writes of his time on 106 Squadron at RAF Syerston. Mentions operation to the Ruhr and Italy and that they were two thirds of their way through tour. Writes of his last operation at Syerston and squadron's move to RAF Metheringham. Describes his new…

Left page. Three aircrew standing against the port side of a Lancaster rear fuselage. Two characters of the three letter aircraft code are visible either side of the roundel. The person in the centre is wearing battledress and an officer's peaked cap…

Servicing wing of 463 and 467 Squadrons Royal Australian Air Force photographed at RAF Waddington in May 1945. Personnel are photographed in front of a Lancaster.

Extracts from publications giving details of all operations by 467 and 463 Squadrons from 10 September 1944 to 25 April 1945. Details include number of aircraft, target, bombloads and losses. Interspersed are details of operations carried out by…

Formal photograph of Lancaster with five rows of personnel in front and one spread across the wingspan, hangar in the background, on the reverse captioned 'Waddington 463 Squadron 1945', 'X second row eighth from the left'.

A brief story about the crew of 'M for Mother'. It includes details of the crew and a photograph of the crew in flying kit at the nose of their aircraft.

Lists aircraft details and crews for 467 Squadron's A and B flights on 24 April 1945. Derrick Allen is mid-upper gunner on the third crew down in A Flight. Also includes reserve and window crews and other operational details.

Some information about 467 Squadron's history and about Lancaster R5863 'S Sugar' which is currently in the RAF museum at Hendon. Mentions operations on 6 June 1944. Includes colour photograph showing front quarter of a Lancaster inside a museum. In…

Covers 467 Squadron formation at RAF Scampton and move to RAF Waddington. List station and squadron commanders and statistics from operational record books including first and last operational sorties, operational sorties attempted, reasons for…

From information provided by the donor. Posed in two rows, in front of hedge and building.

#1 is a programme for a 50/61 squadron dining in night.
#2 is a programme for a 5-/61 squadron annual reunion dinner.
#3 is a colour photograph of a soldier.
#4 and 5 are tickets for No. 50 squadron Disbandment Ceremony.

100 plus aircrew in five rows in front of a hangar. Titled '61 Squadron (Bomber) at RAF Station Waddington Feb 1946'.

A detailed account of a 467 Squadron Lancaster crew's operation to the Dortmund-Ems canal on 1 January 1945. Crew captain was Flying Officer M G Bache and crew is listed. Book covers crew early training and operations before the subject date. There…

Four aircrew stand by rear fuselage of a Hampden while four ground crew are under port wing and engine.

Twenty-one airmen, some with aircrew brevet standing and squatting down in two rows in front of a Lancaster. Aircraft has nose art of cat outline holding a bomb.

Four aircrew wearing uniform with aircrew brevet sitting in front while five ground crew wearing overalls stand behind. In the background the front of a Hampden with nose art of a monkey holding a bomb.

Eighteen airmen, some with aircrew brevet squatting and standing in a group in front of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster with squadron letters 'JO-T'.

Left page. Seven aircrew at the rear turret of a Lancaster. The three at the back are standing, the middle one is an officer while the four in front are squatting down. All are wearing battledress and two have on Mae Wests. On the reverse is written:…

Left, top. Two aircrew embracing each other beside a Lancaster. On the fuselage the squadron code letters 'KM' are visible. On the reverse is written: '2 of my crew 44 Sqd'.

Left, bottom. Six airmen grouped at the side of a Lancaster. Four are…

Four aircrew wearing flying jackets, seated but holding two large bombs upright. Behind are standing five ground crew wearing tunics. In the background the front of a Hampden.

View of cockpit and fuselage of a Lancaster LM220 WS-Y with Flying Officer Eric Ian Waters (NZ 422455) looking out of the cockpit window. On the nose 'Y' and nose art of a cartoon of a leprechaun-like figure with top hat, holding a glass of beer.…
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