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Accident report for Halifax II, 78 Squadron, pilot J Jenkinson. Notes port engine cut - petrol shortage. Captain could have landed earlier. Flt engineer must have misjudged [....], recommends no further action. Note with title and date.

A newspaper cutting with a report on the accidental bombing of Riggisberg and Bouveret in Switzerland.

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Report of inquest into the death in an aircraft crash of Harold Gainsford Dryhurst.


A newspaper cutting announcing the death of Stanley Norton. There is a brief description of his life before and during the war. There are details of his funeral at Lincoln and floral tributes.

A note to the Heliopolis Palace Hotel requesting accommodation for Dick Curnock.

A row of five single storey, pitched grass roofed huts arranged along a tree lined roadway. The entrances have screens and lights above with utility wires passing above. On the reverse 'This snap shot shows an avenue of huts similar to the one I am…

Accompanying note from Rhona Hay with text and silhouettes of three cats.

He and his crew members baled out after running out of fuel in cloud and with navigational equipment failure. He had landed near Montigny, in France and after help from a farmer met up with his crew at Donnemarle. They were flown back to Croydon the…

Account of training for and carrying out a daylight attack or Scharnhorst in Brest France in May of June probably 1941. Tactics were to use cloud cover but cloud dissipated before target and many aircraft lost. On the reverse part of a diagram of an…

Includes photographs of twelve squadron officers, the crashed aircraft, some of the crew, Jack and Mary Newton and Sgt R D Porteous. Recounts the last sortie of the crew to Aachen when they had to jettison their bombs, an engine caught fire and they…

Report describing enemy aircraft flight action. At 0:45 at De Plank a Wellington was shot down. Identification of crew impossible. Reference made to De Plank cemetery. Around 1:45 a Wellington landed at Antwerp-Deurne airfield. At 00:30 a Wellington,…

Draft and final versions. Written by an instructor 20 AFS at RAF Swinderby with account of engine fire after take of in Wellington and successful emergency landing. Draft version had drawing of map of Swinderby on last page.

Written by one of Philip Floyd's (pilot of John Valentine's aircraft) brother Michael's children based on conversations with parents. Recounts a letter to a German newspaper from a Werner Gerlach who as a young 15 year old boy witnessed the shooting…

Lists crew as ' Pilot Officer J E Newton-Clare, 33492, Sergeant C O Clarke, 745257, Sergeant W Thom[..]son, 637247, Sergeant W L Powell, 641379'. Date 6/7 September 1940'. Notes discrepancy in bomber command records and war diaries over whether…

Account of daylight attack, 27 September 1940, on Parnell aircraft factory in Yate, Gloucestershire by bomb-carrying Me 110s of ZG 76. On their return they were engaged by Hurricanes of 504 and 56 Squadron, and one Me 110 force-landed at Iwerne…

Mention action on getting caught in searchlights, effects of altitude on aircrew, avoiding bombs from above, encounters with B-17 while on operations and getting a bottle of Bourbon from the American crew later. Mentions encounter with probable…

Gives account of event when Wellington W5421 of 12 Squadron landed on fire at Antwerp Deurne on 5/6 August 1941. Notes that all crew except Jack Newton became prisoners of war He became the first airman to reach UK using the Comète escape line.…

At the top a postagram congratulating Derrick Allen on his award of Conspicuous Gallantry Medal signed A T Harris. Six newspaper cuttings giving various accounts of actions in releasing rear gunner from jammed turret while Lancaster dives out of…

Lists crew and then provides description of operations to Berlin (first operation), Leipzig and Schweinfurt between the 15 and 25 February 1944. Describes events, bomb load and distances.

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This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

A cartoon of a moustached officer with two dachshunds. He is saying 'How now me proud beauties'.

A large group of marching men on parade. On the reverse '1943. Local Ack Ack battery on church parade, led by ATC band passing West Rd. Spondon'.
Included is a poor quality photocopied image. On the reverse 'Dale Road's Heavy Ack-Ack battery passing…

Acknowledges receipt of commission form.


Letter from the Air Ministry acknowledging receipt of a claim for the payment of war gratuity in respect of Bob Butler.
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