Browse Items (35367 total)

Letter from King George VI and the Queen, offering their sympathy, together with the envelope.

Letter of sympathy from the King to Mrs K Gill

The note expresses regret that he is unable to present the award personally.

Offers heartfelt sympathy and countries gratitude for life given.

A letter sent to Joan Broderick signed by King George VI offering sympathy for the death of her husband, Kenneth James Broderick.

A cartoon featuring aircrew in their local pub. On a second sheet the names are handwritten and on a third sheet the names are overlaid on a copy of the cartoon.

A cartoon of a Lancaster with only one engine running. A cartoon head is sticking out behind the cockpit saying 'This is no fun with one fan still running'. Two of the boffins [labelled] have parachuted out.

A cloth tag with ' From your American Friends Bundles for Britain' and a New York address.

An advert for Burberry coats and weatherproofs.

Caricature of a man in uniform striding to the left with hands in pocket. Caption 'F/O Johnny North DFC, one of Path Finders Aces, Johnny North goes south - (Crafty 48")'.

A cartoon of Ivor holding a fish which is making musical sounds. It is annotated 'F/Lt Ivor "Joe" Edwards (DFM) One of Pathfinder Aces "All my own WORK!!" ' and signed 'Buster 1945 Ivor H Heroson'.

A diary of the forced march undertaken by prisoners of war 6 February 1945 to 26 April 1945

Writes inviting him to speak at their village’s festivities during the “Wings for Victory” week and, in particular to officially open the week at the garden fete.

Writes thanking him for giving a talk at the “Wings for Victory” opening ceremony in Colsterworth. He states that the funds raised were £11,363/10/11d. He hopes to see Squadron Leader Wareing in the near future.

Required to report for regular service in accordance with instructions. In the meantime would remain on the reserve with no pay or allownaces.

Writes she had had no letter from him since 24 June. Comments on how long war might go on. Wonders how he is and what weather is like. Writes that they were having a nice holiday in Cape Town and catches up with family news and talks about their…

Notes they have had letter from chaplain at Chester to ask after her son and his crew. Unable to give her the names and addresses of relatives of his crew for security reasons while they are missing..

Sates that J F Nolan has been accorded household status and asks that he instructs Nolan to claim lodging allowance with effect from 7th September 1942.

Congratulates him receiving a well deserved award. Writes of passing on the news and talking to his parents.

First page annotated 'Unpublished writing by Charles Cuthill, publication rights please, Matt Nicol'. Continues with account of icing, flashes round the aircraft and static on the intercom. Difficult flying conditions and weather. Reference to…

Requesting views on possible armistice celebrations. Need to cater for 253 officers, 500 N.C.O. and 1382 other ranks. Makes a number of proposals including church service, all ranks dances, sport, open air festival, community singing, interchange…

Note from his niece which gives outline of operation to Berlin on 2 January 1944. Mentions that Missing Research and Enquiry Service contacted his parents with news that his remains had been found and he and rest of crew were buried in the village of…

A personal account of life of an engineer, C E Brennan, who was seconded to A V Roe at Woodford and Ringway who saw Roy Chadwick frequently. He talks of comradeship, playing rugby and listening to singer Hilda Green. Mentions the sporting rivalry…
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