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  • Tags: Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945)

Printed leaflet in German discusses the partnership between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.

Cartoon of the aftermath of an operation with a Lancaster flying overhead. It shows Hitler and Goering holding a candle in a holder lighting up a ruined building on which has been inscribed 'This stone was unlaid at Dusseldorf by 61 sqn F/sgt Turner,…

A copy of The Star two days after D-Day. It contains war news, adverts, cartoons, local news and intimations.

Article regards German claims of any victory over Moscow and the Russian army to be false. It points to a number of German spokespersons from Hitler himself to German press or radio making false reports of victory. Six examples of false claims are…

Describes how German army’s progression around Moscow is not as rapid or complete as indicated by propaganda from Berlin. They are meeting tenacious defence from Russia, preventing the German infantry from joining the Panzer Divisions. Suggests…

Describes the effects of sowing hatred. Hitler had talked about war for 20 years, prepared for 7 years and started it on 1st September 1939. The people whose land he has occupied and attacked are said to hate him. An ever increasing hatred is…

The leaflet contrasts Hitler’s repeated declaration on 16th March 1941 that Germany would achieve the final victory with that of Roosevelt on 16th [15th] March 1941, announcing America’s total commitment until total victory.

A quotation is…

A copy of a map showing the crash site of the Halifax, LW 337 and their target of Hitler's Chancery.

German propaganda news from Berlin. The lead article refers to the plot to assassinate Hitler. Home news in brief is a collection of negative stories about Britain.

A report on RAF operations over France. The tank depot at Mailly was attacked as were railways, aircraft stores and an ammunition dump.

Leaflet describing threat from Hitler with items; don't be fooled, why does Hitler want Czechoslovakia destroyed, would Britain be safe, why do we accuse Hitler thus, annihilation of France, will giving way to Hitler give us peace, if we stand firm.

Seven items from a scrapbook. Items 1 and 2 are newspaper cuttings about operations that Ernest was involved in. They are captioned 'Cuttings from daily papers of raids on which my crew were engaged'. Item 3 is a London Transport ticket, captioned…

Spoof last will and testament of Adolf Hitler

Cartoon with two men standing in front of a stone inscribed with names. In the background bombed buildings. Above a four engine bomber. Submitted with description 'Photo of a cartoon of Hitler and Goering standing in front of bomb damaged stone with…

A book written as the war was ending. It is full of advice on how Allied forces should behave towards German civilians. It explains the logic of Nazi behaviour in detail. There is a section on useful phrases.

Capitulation near Stalingrad of Field Marshall Von Paulus on 30 January 1943 and General Streicher on 2 February 1943. Defeated Sixth Army comprised 330,000 men. General Giraud, High Commissioner in North Africa, working closely with General De…

Seven Airmen and Halifax MZ282'Sweet Adeline' AL-A'. On the bomb is written '1000th Sortie. Don't give up Adolph there's more coming. The Bison Squadron'.
On the nose is 16 bombs and 'Sweet Adeline'.
It is annotated 'PL-29631'.

An 8000 pound bomb on a trolley with 16 airmen arranged behind it. Further behind is a Lancaster. The bomb has written on it 'Merry Christmas from the RCAF. An 8000lb present for Adolph. But if he can read this, he's lucky'. There are christmas…

Photo 1 is a flying view from above.
Photo 2 is an aircraft on the ground, looking down from the rear.
Photo 3 is a starboard flying view.
Photo 4 is a view from above and the front of a flying aircraft.
Photo 5 is a flying aircraft viewed from…

Two close ups of the nose of a Lancaster. Depicted is an Australian flag, a Kookaburra sitting on a branch, with a snake in its beak. The snake's head is a cartoon depiction of Hitler. Twenty three bombs mark operations. Underneath are two people…
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