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  • Tags: Lancaster

Philip Jackson standing at the front of a Lancaster at East Kirkby. He is wearing his medals and his squadron crest on a blazer.

Navigation calculations and chart for operation to Maintenon.

Newspaper cutting of Lancaster captioned 'Through the clouds the fire bombs fall........ Showers of incendiaries released from the bomb bay of a Lancaster hurtle down through the cloud to the city of Duisburg below. A picture released last night of…

Five Group Newsletter, number 29, December 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and articles on tactics, operations, gardening, signals, navigation, this month's bouquets, radar navigation, air bombing, engineering, training,…

Five Group Newsletter, number 30, January 1945. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and articles on famous last words, operations, navigation, this month's bouquets, radar navigation, tactics, air bombing, signals, gardening, training,…

A memorial plaque, with a propeller blade and stone supports and a gravestone for the seven airmen who died when their Lancaster crashed at Giverny. A handwritten note says 'Qiverny (Giverny) Northern France'.

Five Group Newsletter, number 36, July 1945. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and articles on training, signals, navigation, radar navigation, air bombing, gunnery, tactics, Japanese fighter control, air crew safety, accidents,…

Annotated photograph with numbered parts showing instrument panel and lower portion of cockpit.

Lancaster with man on rear fuselage, another behind cockpit and two by starboard inner engine. In the foreground part of a tree and a bicycle on edge of dispersal. Behind the aircraft miscellaneous equipment. Aircraft letter 'S'.

One hundred plus aircrew sitting and standing in four lines in front of a Lancaster. In the background a hangar.

A homemade circular scale rule for calculating True Horse Power. On one side is a worked example complete with crossing outs and on the other are the different inputs required. The marker needles are missing.


A side view of a Lancaster on the ground. Behind are access stands.

Full length portrait of Bill Radford standing in front of his Lancaster. Handwritten on the reverse is '2of 7 PD330 Squardon Leader Bill Radford taken in front of his Lancaster at the conclusion of his 2nd Tour of Operations. Somewhere in England…

Notes: 'Lancaster III, ED6612, F/O Norton, Sgts Robinson, Palk, Sooter [sic], Wakefield, P/O Bradley'.

Ken Johnson's crew. Captioned ‘LL91 QR-X “Xray” with Harry Watkins crew L-R Doug. Hockin (N) Fred Jowitt (E) Johnny Ware (W/O) Ted Ray (B/A) Front- Harry Watkins (P) Ken Johnson (MUG) Hugh Green (RG)’

Photograph of two airmen fitting bomb carrier below Lancaster bomb bay. on the reverse captioned 'Loading bombs England 1943'. '132 elsders'.

Photograph of Lancaster landing, runway caravan in middle distance, Lancaster parked in far distance.

Formal photograph of Lancaster with five rows of personnel in front and one spread across the wingspan, hangar in the background, on the reverse captioned 'Waddington 463 Squadron 1945', 'X second row eighth from the left'.

Two photographs:
- one of aircrew collecting and putting on their flying clothing and parachutes,
- second of two aircrew in flying clothing: one looking out from entrance door of Lancaster W4964, one standing outside talking to an officer not in…

Two photographs:
- one of aircrew at night, being collected or dropped off at the dispersal.
- second, also at night, is of a crew in flying gear gathered around entrance door of Lancaster (W4964 squadron code WS).

Six men of William's crew, in flying clothing next to the entrance door to Lancaster W4964 with squadron code WS.

An airman in flying clothing in the entrance door of Lancaster W4964, annotated on the reverse 'Sgt John Joseph Zammit probably an American in the RCAF'.

Operational Record ledger created by Pat Falkinder (nee Day). Running log book which includes briefing, targeting, crews and methods of prosecution for various bombing operations. It includes a photographs of Pat Day in uniform and several aircrew.

Seven airmen in uniform stand in front of a Lancaster aircraft. On the far left, an officer wears a cap, pilot's brevet and gloves, with arms at his sides. Dave Davies is pictured second on the left, wearing a sergeant insignia, pilot's brevet and…

Three photographs annotated with individual crew names.
Photo 1 is seven airmen arranged in two rows in front of the tail of a Lancaster.
Photo 2 is one airmen posing in front of the tail turret. He is holding onto two guns.
Photo 3 is one airman…
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