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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Letter from French girl to Douglas Hudson while he was interned in Le Kef. Thanks him for his letter and hopes war will be over in 1941 and he can return to England. She writes she will keep the button he gave her and asks if he will send her his RAF…

The letter addressed to Geoff's father is from the Air MInistry (Casualty Branch). It advises him that his son has been captured and a copied letter was read out by Lord Haw Haw on the radio. He asks for lots of letters and reports he is well.

A letter referring to the night of the crash and George's subsequent escape via Switzerland. He was caught while trying to get to Spain and sent to Paris. After the war he worked for the post office in Calgary.

Fred was a prisoner of war at Bushey Park. He thanks him for the gift of a pipe and describes his return to Germany.

She discusses Ron Edwards who was a communal friend. JA Taplin had met Ron in their Stalag.

References the other five members of his crew and gives information on the prisoner of war locations of Roy Langlois, Sgt Copely both at Stalag Luft 3 and the other three at Camp de Chambaran, Istres France.

References the other five members of his crew and gives information on the prisoner of war locations of Roy Langlois and Flt Sgt Copely who are both at Stalag Luft 3. Sergeants Burrell, McLarnon and Porteous were at camps in Italy

Confirms information in their previous telegram that her husband is now reported interned from air attaché Madrid. He had arrived in Madrid.

Informs her that one member of his crew was a prisoner of war but asked that she make no effort to contact him. They were continuing to make enquiries about her husband.

Writes they are sorry that there was no news of her husband. Other aircrew that she had enquired of were reported as killed in action and another as prisoner of war.

A reply to Jim for an order for a Rolex watch whilst he was in POW camp. A handwritten annotation describes the order as tongue in cheek and he never followed it up. Included is a blank prisoner of war envelope.

Describes events during an operation to support the Normandy troops when Robert Wareing's aircraft was attached by fighters and set on fire. Four crew members were killed and four baled out. Author and one other evaded with help of French resistance,…

She thanks Joan for her letter and gift. She was pleased to hear about Bob. She tells her the latest news and that her boyfriend has been reported missing from Arnhem. Thanks her for photograph and catches up with news of friends, tells of her…

Writes that saying they are pleased to hear that Bob is alive although a prisoner of war. They continue with general social news and gossip.

He sends his sympathy to Mrs Wareing on her husband’s capture. He mentions that his brother was the wireless operator in her husbands crew and was killed in action. He would appreciate if anything her husband could tell them about his brother was…

The author writes expressing her delight at the good news she has received from the recipient. She further mentions two women with RAF connections and family missing in action or prisoners of war who the recipient might visit.

She writes she was sorry to hear that Robert was taken to Germany before Le Havre was liberated and was not rescued by allied forces and sent home like others. Describes sending her a message from her husband shortly after he was shot down and…

Glad to hear Joan's husband is comparatively comfortable and safe in prisoner of war camp and that she was hoping to send clothes parcels. Mentions receiving letters from families of crew members who were killed. Goes on to thank Joan for telling her…

She writes expressing how glad she was to hear of Robert’s liberation and homecoming. Continues with comments on how Robert was treated by the Germans and how awful prisoner of war camps were. She asks some other questions and talks a little about…

She tells of all her travels and how pleased she is that Bob is no longer ‘missing’ but is a prisoner of war, and hopes he soon recovers from his injuries.

Letter from Margaret to her friend Joan. She writes that Joan must be pleased to have found out where her husband, Bob, is and that her very good friend’s son is also at the same prisoner of war camp and has been there for over a year. She also…

They write that they were shocked to hear the news but are hoping and praying for Bob’s safety and relate experiences of friends who also know of prisoners of war.

Writes that she heard on the German news information regarding Mrs Wareing’s husband Bob and that he can be contacted at prisoner of war camp Stalag Luft 1.

She writes that now that Bob is in German hands Joan can write to him. She suggests that Joan write to him via Switzerland. She is going to get a form for her at the Post Office and will enclose it with the letter. She also mentions that she has some…

Letter from Muriel to her friend Joan. She writes that she has been in hospital but if feeling much better now. She says that she has been very worried during the past few weeks having heard that fighting had broken out in Saarbrucken causing…
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