Letter to Joan Wareing from Mary and Denney



Letter to Joan Wareing from Mary and Denney


They write that they were shocked to hear the news but are hoping and praying for Bob’s safety and relate experiences of friends who also know of prisoners of war.



Two page handwritten letter


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[inserted] Wishing you the Best of Luck & try & Keep up. Much love to you & your Mum & Dad.
Love from Mary & Denney.
XXXX [/inserted]
[underlined] Monday. [/underlined]
22 Sefton Avenue
Malton Rd,
My dear Joan.
You can’t realize the shock I had on Saturday night when arriving home at 7 pm & finding your Mum’s letter waiting for me, along with 5 more. Well, I really don’t know what to say, only we both are extremely sorry to hear the sad news, but hope & pray for his safety, you must not give up hope yet, I have a cousin who was missing a long time & she heard (his wife) that he was a Prisoner-of-War in Japs hands, she still thinks he will return safely home to her, & I hope they are right. I think to be a P.O.W. in Japs hands, is the worse of the lot. I felt too worn out during the weekend to write you, anyhow, I shall look for better news from you. So [indecipherable word]
[page break]
did you receive my letter last week from Guiseley?
So glad to hear the good news of Esme’s husband, what a load off her mind.



“Letter to Joan Wareing from Mary and Denney,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 27, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/27793.

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