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  • Tags: escaping

The letter was written 12 days before his last flight over Germany. He expresses his feelings if he is captured or dies serving his country.

A badge of the Comet Line escape group maintained by the French during the War.

Two small buttons that can be used as a compass.

A girl with a bag brings supplies to a man in uniform who is walking toward her with outstretched hands. In a sparse wood, other servicemen are visible, dispersed amongst the trees under makeshift tents. A second girl is on the right. Meat on a spit…

Britain has demanded through the protecting power a full and immediate report on the shooting after a mass escape of 47 British, Dominion and allied air officers in prison camp Stalag Luft 3. 76 officers escaped on March 22. 15 had been recaptured…

The story of how aircrew were supplied with clothing and material to help them escape and evade capture. It is written by the major that designed the items.

Draft of memoir with contents page - giving service history. Followed by pages with reference to photographs for name and rank, deferred service, ground training dates and places, training in Canada, back home for service flying, 5 Group, 51 base,…

Side face image of a man wearing civilian clothes. Two versions of the same image. Submitted with caption 'Bob Burns- escape photograph provided by squadron to be used in documents if an evcader [sic]- date unknown- likely early 1944'.

A biography of Alan Green with personal photographs and headlines. It covers his training in Canada and UK. First squadron was 218 at Marham flying Wellingtons as a navigator, then Stirlings. He flew 22 operations and was shot down by friendly fire.…

A wreath from the Luftwaffe on the grave of Sergeant J C Shaw. It contains the words 'Die Deutsche Luftwaffe'.

A group of airmen at the internment of Sergeant J C Shaw. Two, on the left are saluting. Other airmen are holding wreaths for the grave. Light snow on the ground and trees bare of leaves in the background.

Four airmen stand at the grave of Sergeant J C Shaw. On the right German soldiers fire their rifles in salute.

A German officer and two airmen in greatcoats saluting at the internment of Sergeant J C Shaw. Other airmen are holding wreaths to be laid on the grave. In the background the graveyard is lightly covered in snow, with the trees bare of leaves.

The grave of Sergeant J C Shaw covered in wreaths. In the background are more graves and bare trees.

The coffin of Sergeant J C Shaw is laid to rest by his fellow airmen. A group of German soldiers with rifles stands guard. The trees are bare of leaves.

A German officer leads the hearse containing the body of Sergeant J C Shaw. Behind the hearse are rows of British airmen wearing greatcoats. In the background is the graveyard and trees.

Group of airmen in greatcoats standing to attention at the funeral of Sergeant J C Shaw. They are arranged in three rows. Behind are woods and the graveyard.

Horse drawn hearse with the coffin of Sergeant J C Shaw. There is a large group of airmen in greatcoats marching behind the hearse. The graveyard can be seen on the right of the photograph.

The coffin of Sergeant J C Shaw flanked by wreaths, flowers and two airmen. In the chapel at the camp. One wreath has 'RAF' and the other 'Die Deutsche Luftwaffe'.

Sergeant J C Shaw lying in state in his coffin, guarded by two airmen. They are in the chapel.

Two evaders and the Authphene family who helped them escape. Information supplied with the collection identifies the family as Authphene with Jim Moffat (2nd from left).

Recalls shooting down of James Lee's aircraft where he was the only survivor. Subsequently rescued by French people and medically treated then became a prisoner of war. Notes he returned to the place and people who rescued him had no idea what had…

Official pamphlet stating action that service departments carry out to try and trace personnel reported missing. As soon as any reliable news was obtained it would be passed to relatives.

Includes photographs of twelve squadron officers, the crashed aircraft, some of the crew, Jack and Mary Newton and Sgt R D Porteous. Recounts the last sortie of the crew to Aachen when they had to jettison their bombs, an engine caught fire and they…
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