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  • Tags: missing in action

Offering sympathy on news that her husband is missing. Hopes he is safe. Catches up with family and friends news.

Mother writes enclosing family letters and goes on with family chat and saying that she is on holiday with her sister, Nettie, She expressing some concern about the amount her daughter-in-law has to do looking after her granddaughter. Concludes with…

Letter to Kathleen from Fred Hardman who expresses his sympathy on hearing that Ian is missing.

Letter to a fellow crew member's father commenting on the lack of information and promising to share any new information.

Very happy to receive three letters from Doris and one from her mother. Offers opinion on photographs, speculates over Malcolm's fate and relates dreams about him.

Says she was pleased to get her letter, that she got names and addresses of other crew members and had done everything possible to get information. Mentions that her youngest son Gordon had spoken highly of the crew and that she had another two sons…

From J Stott expressing great sorrow over news that Hedley is missing.

Navigator's. air bombers and air gunners log book used as a daily diary from 23 January 1944 until 31 January 1944. Describes daily activities including lectures as well as training and test flights. Mentions social activities, weather, inspections…

Letter from mother of pilot of Ian Wynn's aircraft, Squadron Leader P R Turgel. Hopes that they will share any information that they get about the crew. Writes that the only information they have is that two members of the crew are reported killed,…

Offers sympathy and informs her that her husband's personal effects would be despatched to the standing committee of adjustments at RAF Colnbrook.

Letter from Corporal F W Meredith, Squadron Leader Wilson's batman, expressing sympathy and stating that he had been ask to forward a number of articles and he would do this under separate cover. Offers hope that her husband was taken prisoner.

Page has several articles including one reporting Sergeant J R Luxton missing after operational flight. Describes telegram to father informing him that his wireless operator/air gunner son was missing on his 15th operational flight. Gives some…

The letter regrets to advise that nothing further has been heard about Reg.

The letter expresses sadness that Ron is missing.
[only one page of the letter is present]

From officer detail to look after Hedley's property explaining the process and that a cheque book found has been forwarded to Air Ministry accounts, Worcester.

A letter from Frank Gales (father of Pilot Officer P F W Gales) providing the names and addresses of next kin of other members of his son and Bob Butler's crew: 'Pilot - S/Leader C Raymond, AG - F/O A J Calvert, Bomb Aimer - Sgt Kelly, Wireless…

A letter from Frank Gales (father of Pilot Officer P F W Gales), stating that he has been unable to find a photograph of his son and Bob Butler. The letter also outlines brief details of the operation where his son and Bob Butler were reported…

Letter of sympathy for her missing husband and mentions worries over conditions encountered by soldiers in Normandy.

Letter from the Chaplain at Royal Air Force Oakington to Mrs Wilson expressing his sympathy that her husband and his crew did not return from an operation to Nuremberg the previous evening.

From George Harker & Co Ltd with deepest regret on hearing news that Hedley is missing. All members of staff send sympathy. Hedley was one of the most popular and promising member of staff.

Letter from George Harker & Co Ltd enclosing cheque and offering condolences.

Writes to express sympathy on hearing her husband was reported missing. Mentions his task as flight engineer and hopes better news will reach her but if not she should be proud that his efforts brought nearer the days of victory and peace.

From G S Skipper writing that he was sorry to hear that Hedley had not returned from a operation to Germany. Passes on some laudatory comments on Hedley when he worked for him.
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