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  • Tags: bombing

Aerial vertical photograph of two long rows of destroyed buildings around a central space with two destroyed individual buildings and a damaged roadway system. The area is surrounded by fields but at the left hand side of the photograph two main…

An industrial building has been severely damaged. The metal frame of the ceiling has fallen in and rubble consists of a mixture of metal, wood and stone debris. Two gun barrels are lying prominently on the floor in the middle of the photograph.…


Vertical aerial photograph of an area of industrial buildings with a network of roads throughout and a main railway station on the left, where marshalling yards and train tracks are clearly visible. Many buildings of varying size and a wall is going…

Two letters written by Dwight Eisenhower to Sir Arthur Harris. The first compliments Harris on his performance at Caen. The second reflects on the Normandy campaign and thanks Harris for his skill and dedication.
On the reverse 'These enclosed with…

Shows the effects of an operation that destroyed the synthetic oil plant at Zeitz. Captioned 'My last operation 16 Jan. 45'.

Three photographs arranged in an album.

On the left page is a formal photograph of of 47 trainee airmen and one officer, arranged in 4 rows.
The righthand page is entitled '3rd DEC 1943 "9" SQUADRON 22ND MAY 1944'. It holds two…

Royal Air Force flying log book for Sergeant Kenneth Pope, flight engineer, covering the period 25 September 1944 to 17 May 1945, detailing training, and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Winthorpe, RAF Syerston, RAF Waddington. Aircraft…

Hugh Parry was a member of his local ATC and was awaiting the time when he would be able to volunteer for the RAF. His slightly older friends had qualified to train as pilots, navigators or bomb aimers, but because of a backlog of trades they were…

Royal Australian Air Force flying log book for Laurence Larmer covering the period from 7 April 1943 to 3 August 1945. Detailing flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAAF Benalla, RCAF Dauphin, RAF Fair Oaks, RAF Banff, RAF…

Covers events in 1941 and 1942 describes allied successes as the month of the great turnaround. Includes Russian front, El Alamein, Operation Torch, naval operations, Japanese setbacks and allied war leaders.

Contents include Dutch royal birth, bombing of the Philips factory in Eindhoven, messages from royal family and commanders, and an overview of the war situation in Europe.

Account of daylight attack, 27 September 1940, on Parnell aircraft factory in Yate, Gloucestershire by bomb-carrying Me 110s of ZG 76. On their return they were engaged by Hurricanes of 504 and 56 Squadron, and one Me 110 force-landed at Iwerne…

Target photograph of Helgoland. Explosions cover almost the whole frame, with some port facilities visible top right.

Reconnaissance photograph of Heligoland after bombing, with most buildings and port facilities destroyed and large plumes of smoke from fires.

Additional information about these items was kindly provided by the donor.

Front quarter view of starboard side of Lancaster on concrete surface with grass in foreground. On the reverse 'Waddington 1945, adapted for grand slam bomb 22000 lb, AVC'.

Navigator's, air bomber's and air gunner's flying log book for Jack Warner, flight engineer. Covering the period from 2 July 1943 to 28 January 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Topcliffe, RAF Leeming,…

Head and shoulders portrait of Leslie Thomas Manser wearing tunic and peaked cap. Captioned 'F/O Leslie Thomas Manser, V.C. RAFVR (Deceased), No 50 Sqdn. - Avro Manchester --- Cologne (mass raid) --- May 30, 1942'.

Map (Newcastle to Prague) with five photographs overlaid with lines leading to their locations on map. Top left - a town with destroyed buildings below a wide river with a bridge. Aircraft port outer engine and wingtip visible. Captioned 'Emmerich'.…

Starts with domestic matters. Writes about recent operation to Heligoland which was unopposed. The attack involved 1000 Lancasters dropping 5000 tons of bombs on submarine pens and enemy troops. Mentions that he was on operation to Bremen the…

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 13 January 1945. The date was later corrected to read 14 January 1945.

Target photograph of Essen partly obscured by clouds and explosions. Streets and buildings are partly visible. There are two Halifaxes flying at a lower level. It is annotated 'Essen 25 Oct'. Captioned '1578 MEL. 25-10-44//8” 18500 004T. 1535ESSEN…

Extracts cover thirteen wartime bombing operations and four Operation Manna supply drops as well as three post war prisoner of war repatriation flights. Details include number of aircraft involved, weather, bomb load, marking seen, operational…

Flying log book for J T Brittain, air gunner, covering the period from 20 may 1944 to 14 July 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Morpeth, RAF Silverstone, RAF Turweston, RAF Chedburgh, RAF North…
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