Two letters to Arthur Harris from Eisenhower



Two letters to Arthur Harris from Eisenhower


Two letters written by Dwight Eisenhower to Sir Arthur Harris. The first compliments Harris on his performance at Caen. The second reflects on the Normandy campaign and thanks Harris for his skill and dedication.
On the reverse 'These enclosed with GLIMLAMP March 1997'



Temporal Coverage



Two typewritten sheets


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Supreme Headquarters

Allied Expeditionary Force

Office of the Supreme Commander

13th July, 1944

Dear Harris,

Your recent performance in the CAEN area was an eye opener to me, and emphasises in my mind, again, the magnitude of the debt that this Allied Command owes to you and your Officers and Men. Your long record of pounding vital targets in Germany, of interrupting enemy communications, of preparing the way for our invasion forces, and now, literally, becoming an agent, in proper circumstances, of close battle support, is one to excite praise and admiration.

I am truly proud to have you and your Command in this Allied Team. We could not possibly get along without you.

Good Luck.

Dwight Eisenhower.

Air Chief Marshall Sir Arthur T. Harris, K.C.B., O.B.E., A.F.C..
Air Officer Commanding in Chief,
Bomber Command.

[page break]


June 5th, 1964.

Dear Bert,

On this Sixth June, I suspect that your memory goes back, as mine does, to live over again the gnawing anxieties, the realisation of unavoidable sacrifices, and the bright hopes that filled us on D-Day, 1994.

Never, during the two decades that have since passed, have I ceased to render daily and devout thanks to a kindly Providence for permitting us to achieve in eleven months the complete victory that so many believed would require years.

In the same way, I have always felt a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude to all those who took part in, or who served in a supporting role for, that great Allied venture.

To you, one of my close associates in OVERLORD, I am impelled to send, once more, a special word of thanks. Your professional skill and selfless dedication to the cause in which we all served will be noted by the histories of those dramatic months, but no historian could possibly be aware of the depth of my obligation to you.

With warm regard,

As ever,
President Eisenhower.

Sir Arthur T. Harris.



Dwight Eisenhower, “Two letters to Arthur Harris from Eisenhower,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,

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