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  • Tags: aerial photograph

Target photograph showing a small built up area with road running bottom centre right to top right. Numerous tracer lines and flares. Caption 'UYB 594, Z35, NT, 5/6.8.41, F8'.

Target photograph showing glare and explosion.

LH page target photograph caption ' 4231. EWS. 29/30.8.44//nr?8" 12000 230(degrees) 0200 Stettin U 1 X 4000 7 X 4 6 X 30 28secs F/L Josey U 103'. Handwritten caption 'Taken right at the start of a night attack on Baltic port of STETTIN.
TIs can…

Image shows multiple explosions/fires in the Sudstadt district of Hannover and a Lancaster silhouetted well below bottom left.

Target photograph showing bomb explosions and smoke. Just below the centre a Halifax flying below from right to left. Parts of town are visible on the left. Two versions of the same image. This is a reverse image of related item.

This item was…

Top - indistinct coastline from left to right centre. Buildings at right end. Bottom - sea at bottom with coastline in the distance, left to right at top. Possible explosions on coastline at left.

Top land juts out from right to centre left, Bomb explosions visible left centre on coast. Bottom coastline runs from left to right centre, sea at bottom. Bomb explosions visible left side on coast.

Top - coast runs top right to bottom left with sea to the left. Bomb explosion visible in sea at centre image. Bottom - enlarged version of top picture.

Photo 1 is Alghero, Italy taken at 3000'. It shows a rectangular compound, fields and roads. Caption: '4.Y2.F-CHAUD.17-18.5.43.NT.F8". P4.SGT.RUTHERFORD.ALGERO.3000'.190→180MPH.7x500.2xSBCS.2x250. F.150.'
Photo 2 is Pantelleria taken from 7000'…

A card with an aerial photograph taken during an operation. The target was Emden and the crew members are listed.
‘F/O Potter
F/O Rutherford
F/O Mjolsness
F/O Reid
Sgt Taylor
Sgt Tuer
Sgt Searle’

A card with a target photograph of an operation at Osnabruck. The crew is listed.
‘F/O Potter
F/O Rutherford
F/O Mjolnese
F/O Reid
Sgt Taylor
Sgt Tuer
Sgt Searle’

Left page: top, two flying Whitley aircraft passing over the Dutch coast.
Middle left, aerial view of Hamburg docks.
Middle right, bombing targets and fires in Gelsenkirchen.
Bottom left, bombing of Boulogne harbour.
Bottom right, a woman…

Left page title 'Targets'

Top left - a note 'got to here'. Top right - an aerial oblique view of a city-scape with some large buildings and some damage visible. Captioned 'Essen' on the reverse 'Essen'.

Middle - an aerial oblique view of a…

A target photograph taken during an operation to Tatoi Aerodrome, near Athens, Greece. The lower half of the image is obscured by light but hangars and buildings can be seen at the top. The photograph is annotated 'A4' in the top left corner and is…

Vertical aerial photograph of Tatoi aerodrome. No detail is visible. The image is dark with explosions in the bottom left corner and ant-aircraft tracer. Captioned 'A4 1945. FOG.13/14 Sept 44//NT. F8. 9100' [arrow] 160°. 0013. Tatoi A/D. 6x500lbs,…

Target photograph showing some buildings top left and flares across the bottom. Captioned '1846.Fog, 13/14 Sep 44, NT 8", 6400ft,→ 090 degrees. 0007'. Annotated 'Tatoi A/D 6 x TI flares'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. Underneath is written "Top Notcher".
It is captioned '1331.Fog. 9/10 June 44. // NY. 8" 7,400' -> 040° 0243. Terni. Y. 5x500. P7. Sgt. Bird/ E. 104.'

A vertical aerial photograph of the Western Desert. It is captioned 'BA.40.NT.29/30-10-42. F8" --> 6000' Battle Area' and annotated 'The 15th Panzer division at El Alamein'.

A vertical aerial photograph of the battle of Alamein. A road is visible and low hills. It is captioned 'FA.40.NT/ 3/4/11/42 f 8" --> 5800' Battle Area' and annotated 'Burning transport', 'Coast Road' and 'More Burning Transport'.

An award made by 104 Squadron to JH Bird and crew.
Sgt Bird, Sgt Boulton, Sgt Bentley, Sgt Dean, Sgt Beckett.

An oblique aerial photograph of the hotel looking out to sea.
it is annotated 'P/O Craig Crew 4 C19 26/2/44'.

An oblique aerial photograph of the centre of Nassau with the British Colonial Hotel in the centre. It is captioned 'F/S Stuart Crew 9 . C21 . 30/3/44'

Oblique aerial of a damaged city. In the centre is a river and a low hill. In the distance are undamaged buildings. Captioned 'The city of Kleve in February 1945'.

A vertical aerial photograph of the coast at El Alamein. Two tracer lights cross the photo. It is captioned 'BA. 40. NT 1/2 /11/42 8" --> 6000. Battle Area' and annotated 'The Beach' and 'The Mediterranean', identifying bands of light and dark.
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